Do Raccoon Hibernate

by | Sep 13, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

There are animals that hibernate and go on to sleep that lasts nearly the whole of winter. In this hibernation period, their body temperature drops and their breathing slows down along with their heart rate.

The animals that hibernate help conserve energy. The main reason behind the animals hibernating is the unavailability of food, and these animals hibernate until food becomes available again. The amount of time an animal hibernates depends on the specific animal, climate, and many other factors.


Raccoons don’t actually hibernate. They do hunker down, however, when it gets cold. But before the winter sets in, they eat as much as they can to accumulate fat and their coats get thicker to withstand the cold weather.

Raccoons can be especially pestiferous as they hunt for food. They tend to turn over garbage cans and dig up lawns looking for grubs. This can be a good time to track down raccoons in your yard, before they settle into their dens and before young are born.


In the extent to the seriousness of the winter raccoons in colder atmospheres develop thicker layers. The mix of physical adjustments and behavioral changes help raccoons flourish. Raccoons fill out for the winter on oak seeds throughout the fall. Raccoons lose around 50% of their weight before the end of hibernation. Raccoons have clumps of peculiar trees where they like to rest and they go to an alternate one consistently. Once in awhile, they take advantage of the ground tunnels of different creatures to rest in winter. They don’t generally rest alone, however, have others with them.


Raccoons’ sleeping habits are paradoxical to that of humans’. Raccoons are nocturnal and are active at night when we are sleeping tight. So our chances of tracking their movements are not that great. But if there is a forest or a bush near your house, that is most likely where raccoons go before sunrise to find a suitable place to sleep.

To capture the exact location where a raccoon sleeps is not an easy task. When it comes to making a den, raccoons are a real slouch. These brutes are not in the habit of building their own dens. They find it more conducive to use dens made by other animals or any kind of hole or shelter they may find in nature. They are quite opportunistic and can quickly adapt to any environment.

Raccoons may be found snoozing in arched trees, caves, cloven rock, burrows of other animals, abandoned nests, piles of wood, shaft underneath houses or decks, shed, relinquished cars, abandoned buildings and so on. When the weather is milder they may sleep in large forks in trees or even on the ground. And it’s not unconventional for a raccoon to switch their dwelling almost every night.

Behavioral Adaptations

During the winter when food is sparse, the raccoon does not hibernate but slumber for extended periods when the weather is unfavorable. The animals live on fat reserves and lose up to half their body weight during this period. Raccoons are adaptable when it comes to finding a home and will live anywhere such as tree stump hollows, caves, woodchuck burrows, deserted buildings or attics of deserted buildings.

Dietary Adaptations

The key reason for the animal’s success in burgeoning is the flexibility of their diet. Using their dexterous paws, the raccoon is an adroit fisherman, snatching small fish and crayfish from rivers and streams. It is an opportunistic eater and will eat whatever is bountiful in its spectrum. In some areas, fruit and plant material makes up the bulk of the animal’s diet. In others, small mammals, amphibians, and insects are more common food. In downtown areas, where wild food is less trivial, the animals turn to humans for food, often raiding trash cans. Size of the animal and its adroit fingers mean it can pull over the cans and even pull off the lids in search of food.

Predator Defense

Raccoons can hold against some meat eaters and are able enough to fight off animals almost twice their size with brutal grit. The main defense the animal has in avoiding most predators is its nocturnal lifestyle. The ability to climb quickly also helps to escape ground-dwelling carnivores. The animals do fall prey to a range of predators.

Increase In Activity

Mating season begins January through February for raccoons. Homeowners often complain that they hear animals fighting in their attic, and while that is a possibility, it is much more likely this pandemonium is caused by breeding raccoons. Kits usually take about 9 months to mature to adulthood, so come November or December, litters born early in the year are ready to venture out to look for den sites and start families of their own. This means that there is a rise in the number of adult raccoons seeking shelter just as the cold season begins.  If you know there are raccoon in your attic please do not remove them yourself, there are strict laws by the city of Toronto against you removing baby raccoons from your home.  If you do find raccoons during baby season call your local raccoon removal professionals for assistance and advice.

Raccoon Removal

If you notice any bizarre activity on your property, notably footprints in the snow on your roof, catastrophe to the exterior of your house, or thumping noises on the ceiling, there’s a possibility your attic has become home to raccoons. Between tearing holes in your roof, destroying insulation, urinating and defecating, and carrying any number of diseases, these animals are capable of causing a great deal of bereavement. While it’s understandable that raccoons are just trying to make it through until the spring, they pose a danger to your home. Your health and safety are far too prized to ignore. Contact a licensed raccoon removal company right away if you experience any of the above gauges.

Overall – Do Raccoons Hibernate?

So, when the question asked “Do raccoons hibernate?” the quick answer is No. However, their behavior is tremendously inveigled by outside temperatures so depending on where you live you may or may not spot them in the winters.