by Sos Wildlife Control | Feb 12, 2017 | Raccoon Removal
Raccoons Have High IQ Levels
When considering the mammal IQ scale, raccoons rank closer to humans than most people would normally think. In general, monkeys are ranked right below humans and great apes, and with raccoons scoring average IQ levels below monkeys, they are considerably close to human IQ levels as well. In addition to their high IQ scores, raccoons are known to have evolving intelligence and methods of thinking. They are able to learn from past experiences and engage in critical and problem-solving thinking when obstacles arise. Moreover, as a result of their notable intelligence, raccoons were once candidates for lab testing alongside rats and monkeys but were discarded for being too smart, adaptive and strong-willed.
Raccoons Can Make Over 50 Different Noises
Raccoons have a large array of vocalizations. In fact, studies have determined that these animals can make over 51 different sounds that communicate different things! They hiss, purr and growl when competing for food. Younger raccoons often chirp and squeal and raccoons with rabies often exhibit extremely high-pitched squeals.
Raccoons Have Special Paws

Similar to human hands, raccoons embody five dexterous toes on each of their front paws that essentially function as human fingers. This gives them the ability to easily grasp things, scavenge for food and lift the lids off of trashcans -something they are notorious for doing. Another interesting feature of raccoon paws includes the abundance of nerves that allow them to become extra sensitive and send messages to the brain – when underwater, raccoons use this sensitivity to examine objects. Raccoons also have special feet that are able to rotate 180 degrees which allows them to climb up and down trees head first.
It was planned to conduct laboratory studies of such drugs as Levitra.
Raccoons Can Move At High Speeds
Raccoons are scavengers and are consequently always on the move searching for their food. In addition to walking, these animals are fast runners as well. In fact, raccoons can run at speeds as fast as 15 miles per hour, not only on solid ground but also while climbing up and down trees, and if dropped from a height of 35 to 40 meters, they can still remain unharmed. In addition to running with agility, raccoons are also able to swim to escape from predators and catch prey to meet their dietary needs.
Raccoons Are Nocturnal
Raccoons are nocturnal and are therefore asleep for majority of the day and are most active at night. Moreover, there are many myths claiming that seeing a raccoon up during daylight hours indicates that it is rabid. This is not true as there are many reasons as to why a raccoon may be awake, such as the availability of food during the daytime.
Raccoons Are Extremely Skillful
Raccoons are commonly associated with wild, violent and vicious behaviour; however, this is not always the case and are actually quite skillful. As a result of their notable intelligence, people have been able to train raccoons to mirror the same basic skills that the average human toddler possesses, such as clapping and dancing.
Raccoons Can Survive Almost Anywhere
Raccoons were originally found in natural tropical areas but overtime, especially throughout the twentieth-century, they have managed to migrate and were then introduced to a wider array of habitats ranging from mountainous terrains to crowded cities; this is because of their noteworthy and uncommon ability to adapt to foreign environments. When considering their survivability, the average life expectancy of raccoons is typically between two to three years in the wild. The reasoning behind this low expectancy rate is simply cars and the expansion of roads and highways – raccoon death rates have increased because of countless roadkill incidents. However, they can live up to 20 years in captivity where they remain safe from road-related accidents.
Raccoons Do Not Have Life-Partners
Unlike wolves, beavers and other animals that mate for life, raccoons often have more than one mating partner. In fact, male raccoons attempt to mate with multiple females each season while female raccoons generally mate with one partner. Unlike other animals, male raccoons have nothing to do with raising their offspring and all of the responsibility falls on the mother as she raises her newborns alone.
Raccoons Have A Special Name
The scientific name for raccoons is Procyon lotor which is neo-Latin for ‘before-dog washer’. In 1780, scientist Gottlieb Congrad created a separate genus for the species Procyon which translates to dog-like, however raccoons and dogs are not related while raccoons surprisingly remain a close relative of the bear family. In addition to the latin name, the English word raccoon was derived from the Proto-Algonquian language and means “one who rubs, scrubs, and scratches with its hands”, which accurately describes this species.
Raccoons Love The City
Although they originated from earthly and natural habitats, raccoons love the city life! In fact, Toronto is one of the most raccoon populated cities in the world; approximately fifty times more raccoons live there than in neighboring suburban areas. Consequently, not only do crowded cities provide them with lots of space to scavenge around, but they also provide raccoons with easily accessible food resources. You guessed it – trash bins. With this being said you might want to keep in mind some raccoon proofing knowledge and a phone number of a reliable wildlife removal company!
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Inc., we provide raccoon removal service, squirrel control services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year for emergency services, and can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait, call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection, removal and prevention to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife 1-800-981-0330!
by Sos Wildlife Control | Jan 9, 2017 | About Wildlife, Helpful Tips
Mississauga located just west of the city of Toronto is a great place to be during a nice day, seated at the patio in your favorite restaurant in Streetsville, or getting your competition on during a go-karting race at Playdium. The city is easily recognized for its’ ‘Marilyn Monroe’ building just off the side from iconic shopping center Square One and for its wonderful neighbourhoods. Unfortunately, like the many other cities surrounding Toronto, Mississauga is faced with an unfortunate wildlife problem.
Not alone in this situation, Mississauga neighbourhoods and other properties have been facing wildlife problems for many years. Raccoons appear in people’s attics making noises below them, or squirrels climbing on your rooftop finding their way behind walls, is not a pleasant situation to have to deal with. Wildlife in the wild or off your property is a pleasant sight to see, admiring these animals from afar as they go about their daily lives is always captivating. But when these animals make their way onto your property where you’re at risk of facing property damage, unwanted noises, baby wildlife or more, it’s clear to see how the situation can quickly turn sour.
Humans and wildlife have long shared this planet, living side-by-side and going about our own routine. It has only become more frequent in the later years that we are faced with wildlife issues and problems and it’s due partially from issues like deforestation. Deforestation forces wildlife out of their natural habitat, in search for a new place to live, survive and raise their young. The result is, wildlife on our property in cities like Mississauga. Because their shelter is no longer standing, wildlife must adapt to a new way of life where raccoons find our attic, walls or other easy places for shelter with nearby sources of food.
Although we understand wildlife’s reasons for what they do and their movement from more forested areas to our Mississauga neighborhoods, we prefer that they do not rummage through our trash bins or make a mess in the attic. If you are a Mississauga resident, here are some tips for you to help discourage wildlife from going onto your property.
Mississauga Wildlife Proofing Tips
- Ensure that your trash bins and storage bins have a lid, and that they are shut.
- If your trash bins do not have a lid, consider putting them out in the morning rather than leaving them out the whole night before
- Keep pet food stored away and hidden
- If you go on vacation, ask the neighbors to keep an eye out on your home for any wildlife intrusions
- Do not leave food out for wildlife, do not feed wildlife
- Ensure that children are aware of what to do when they encounter wildlife
- Inspect your home for any weak areas or potential entry points wildlife can get through regularly
- Trim branches that are too close to your home to prevent wildlife from using it as a route to your rooftop
Visit the Mississauga website for more information on Mississauga city wildlife
Regularly practicing these tips can help keep wildlife off your property. For more secure and long term methods, another option is wildlife prevention processes done by a professional wildlife removal technician. Wildlife proofing involves identifying all of the weak spots, entry-points and potential entry-points for wildlife to come through from. Once located, these areas are covered with a galvanized steel mesh, a material strong enough to prevent wildlife from entering.
In the event where wildlife is already on your property and you need to have it removed, call a professional wildlife control company to help you. You do not want to risk injury on yourself or those around you, nor do you want to harm the animal in the process. It’s also important to keep in mind not to take any actions that may trap the animal inside. Doing this is much more problematic as the wildlife animal is trapped and will cause more damages inside. If not taken care of soon enough, the animal might die on the property which although is extremely unfortunate, will also be another task to take care of.
SOS Wildlife Control Inc. provides wildlife prevention and wildlife removal services for the city of Mississauga. We ensure that in our humane methods, we provide efficient wildlife removal services and wildlife prevention. If you are looking to remove wildlife from your property, call a technician today. If you want avoid handling wildlife removal problems in the future, call us for Wildlife Prevention and we’ll be happy to take care of that for you.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife, we provide superior Mississauga wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year for EMERGENCY wildlife nuisances, and can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife 1-800-981-0330 for Mississauga Wildlife Removal!
by Sos Wildlife Control | Jan 9, 2017 | Animal Control, Helpful Tips, Pest Control
Cold winter weather often sends rodents scrambling towards warm shelter and your house could be next. Read more to learn about the various ways that you can prevent these pests from entering your home this winter.
As the cold weather begins to quickly approach, the streets become emptier while we take shelter in our homes to avoid the cool winter chill. Similarly, rodents mimic this behaviour and are unfortunately notorious for invading approximately 21 million homes each year with roughly 45% of these intrusions occurring during the fall and winter. Consequently, pests in houses have created an ongoing series of mouse problems across the GTA, but don’t panic – we have a few tips and tricks that you can follow this winter!
Evaluate the Exterior
Rodents vary in size and have a unique body structure that gives them the physical ability to fit in and between confined spaces. Rats can squeeze through pathways the size of a quarter and mice can successfully pass through spaces the size of a dime, while a raccoon-sized creature can enter through an opening as wide as 6-inches. As a result, when examining your home’s exterior walls, SOS Wildlife Control recommends you to look for light coming through cracks. Pay special attention to areas where utility pipes are present; any form of damage can act as an entryway for pests, as they may enter your home through sink and bathtub drains. Another tip is to feel for air movement between crevices which may ultimately point you to a crack that may have been missed and to replace loose mortar and weather stripping.
Rodents are scavengers and generally have sharp teeth to complement their lifestyles. Rats and mice have sharp teeth known as incisors, which are highly specialized for gnawing on and through tough material. With this in mind, SOS Wildlife Control highly suggests homeowners to fill larger gaps on exterior walls with thick material including pieces of steel wool. The roughness of the steel fibres makes it difficult for rodents to gnaw through the material.
Focus on Windows and Doors
These are the most likely entry points for pests. If you plan on ever leaving your windows or doors open, you should fit them with screens, or check any existing screens for tears. Inspect the doors and windows for any cracks and seal any with inexpensive caulk or foam, if present. Once again, feel for air movement that may be a result of a present draft from your windows and doors.
Put Screens on Vents
Not every hole should be plugged up. Some are there for a reason, such as air vents in the kitchen or under cupboards. Installing screens allows air ventilation to take place while ensuring your home’s security against unwanted pests. Rodents (mice in particular) are both scavengers and mobile animals so be sure to replace or mend damaged screens immediately to prevent them from traveling in and around pathways throughout your home.
Control Your Garden
Plants close to the house provide a haven for insects and rodents as they await their chance to dart through an open door. More importantly, the presence of fresh food is a key factor that causes pests to continually visit homes. Rats and mice feed on a variety of fruits and vegetables; popular garden fruits and vegetables that these animals take a liking to include carrots, cabbage, blueberries blackberries. To reduce the likelihood of rodents invading your home, keep garden plants about 1 to 2 feet away from the house. Like raccoons, rats and mice are known to scavenge through garbage bins while seeking for food. To reduce the likelihood of rodents loitering around your home, secure your garbage bins shut and place them an agreeable distance from home entry points. If you have any pets, it is also advised that you feed them away from doors and windows as well, due to the fact that numerous pet foods such as bird seeds have been known to attract these scavengers.
Monitor, monitor and monitor
Vigilance is key. Pests mount their primary attacks on our homes twice a year – president of Green Earth Pest Control, Josh Alpert says. It often happens once the temperature drops at the beginning of winter, and once when it goes up again as summer starts. Therefore, being aware and taking proactive action towards home safety is important this time of year.
If Your House is Invaded by Pests:
You need to know what you’re dealing with so you can better prepare yourself to get the job done. It can sometimes be difficult to catch a glimpse of the intruder but there are a few indicators that may point you in the right direction. For instance, fecal droppings, chewed wires and gnawed baseboards may indicate the presence of a mouse or rat. A quick Internet search may also help you identify your intruder.
Eliminating unwanted pests isn’t as scary as you may think it is. Once you have identified the intruder, plan and take a course of action to get the intruder out of your home once and for all. A series of over-the-counter products can be used to help treat these pests.
- Leave it to the professionals of SOS Wildlife
Getting rid of unwanted house pests may sometimes cause you a hard time and may become dangerous, so it is important to know where to draw the line and when to call the professionals at SOS Wildlife. For your safety and the animal’s, contact us at (647) 994-9453!
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife, we provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year for EMERGENCY wildlife nuisances, and can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife 1.800.981.0330 for Pest and Wildlife Removal!
by Sos Wildlife Control | Dec 6, 2016 | Squirrel Control
During one time or another, what can be found in your attic, walls, garage or wherever it might be are baby squirrels. This time of year, the appearances of baby squirrels are on the rise due to it being baby season. Mother squirrels look for a place most suitable according to their standards but when they select a homeowner’s property, or a place of business like a restaurant or office, this can often be a problem.
Squirrels are born into a litter of about 2-8. They are cared for by their mother for the first 2-3 months of their lives until they are able to fend for themselves in the wild independently. Dealing with a single squirrel on your property can be an issue, but if you find yourself hosting a place to stay for a family of squirrels, that’s another issue.
There are a couple reasons why it is important to recognize if you have squirrels on your property,
especially around this time of year. If you don’t prevent it in time, you may be host to a litter of them
which could end up being a bigger nuisance with more damages. Recognizing and preventing these
issues means avoiding having to deal with squirrels on your property as they grow up and their mother
takes care of them.
Here are a couple signs to look out for if you think you might be having a squirrel problem on your
property and some of the damage you might have to look after
- You might notice holes or rips from the outside structure of the property
- Hearing noises in the attic is not uncommon for people facing a squirrel problem
- Seeing squirrels on your property more frequently can be an indicator that they live very
- close by
- Chewing wires and ripping insulation in the attic are behavior that squirrels often
- conduct
- Droppings and urine left behind by squirrels leaving a unpleasant sight and odor
- Holes torn in soffits or anywhere to gain entry to attic can also attract other wildlife animals like raccoons or birds
- Possible negative interaction with pets
- Squirrels bringing in disease
If you notice any of these signs, it’s possible that you may be hosting a family of squirrels on your
property. Fortunately, there are solutions to these issues. If you have noticed these, but you’d like to
take measures to avoid experiencing any of it, there are things you can do for this as well.
In the event where you are already hosting a family of wildlife, we recommend calling for a professional
wildlife removal company to solve the issue for you. There are specific methods that are created to
minimize risking the well-being of the squirrel, yourself and your loved ones as well as the property.
Squirrel removal, or other types of wildlife management conducted by reputable wildlife control
companies understand the importance of minimizing as much human-wildlife interaction as possible,
unless it is absolutely necessary. The companies who understand this, practice solutions that will not
interrupt a wildlife animal’s natural behaviour.
As for prevention methods, trying to keep wildlife away before they cause any sizeable damage is the
recommended approach that can result in saving you time and money in the long run. There are many
options available in books or online that suggest several types of squirrel prevention, however, for long-
lasting effective solutions calling a professional is the best option. Our technicians conduct thorough
inspections which allow them to identify weak area points in the structure and potential points of entry
for squirrels as well as devising a personalized plan of action custom to the structure of your property
and nature of the situation.
While the best results come from hiring a professional, there are several things you can do to keep an
eye out
- Maintain a neat and tidy property
- Dispose of all trash (especially compost) in the appropriate manner. Ensure bins are secured to
not attract any wildlife animals
- Consider taking the trash out in the morning rather than the night before to avoid giving wildlife
the evening to an uninterrupted dumpster dive
- Regularly inspect and monitor the property for any damages like ripped soffit, scratch mark etc.
that might indicate wildlife habitat nearby
- Look out for noises or droppings left behind if you suspect squirrels or any other wildlife on your
In some cases during these seasons either on or off your property, you might encounter baby wildlife
alone. While it’s almost automatic to assume that the baby wildlife animal is helpless, inspect the
situation a little further before you intervene, and for the sake of the animal, call a professional for
If you happen to find a baby squirrel or a litter of baby squirrels on your property check to see if
their mother is around. Baby squirrels are highly dependent on their mother for food, protection
and guidance. If the mother has not made an appearance for a significant amount of time, call a
wildlife rehabilitation center. Wildlife rehabilitation professionals will be able to assist the
orphaned or injured squirrel back to health before they are released back into the wild.
Do not attempt to feed the wildlife animal. Like human babies are sensitive to certain types of
food or drink, so are baby wildlife animals. Consult a professional wildlife rehabilitator before
taking action.
In the event where there is a family of squirrels living on your property, call a wildlife removal service company like SOS Wildlife Control Inc. SOS Wildlife Control ensures that the squirrels are
removed from your property in an efficient and humane way.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Inc., we provide
squirrel control services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective
results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it's too
late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year for
emergency services, and can easily be reached at 1-800- 981-0330. Don’t wait, call us to schedule an
appointment for a thorough inspection, removal and prevention to help evacuate all your unwanted
wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control at 1.800.981.0330 for Squirrel Control!
by Sos Wildlife Control | Nov 8, 2016 | Mice Control, Rat Control

Rats, mice. Mice, rats. Little squeaky noised rodents that are all the same. Right?
While although mice and rats have many similarities in both physical appearance and behaviour, they are not the same. Both rodents? Yes. Both small? Yes. Both possible problems for the average homeowner/property owner? Yes. Same rodent? Nope!
The names mice and rat have always been used interchangeably to describe these rodents running around the property, but should they? Mice and rats have some significant differences when it comes down to it, but what is important to know are the different types of damages they can cause.
There’s a reason as to why rats and mice are often mixed up, so let’s start with the similarities: The main reason why these two are regarded as the same is because of how they look. Both mice and rats are small rodents, with rounded bodies, a pointed snout with ears that stick up and a long tail. They both scurry through the city, finding their ways into basement, kitchens and hiding between walls, looking for shelter and a reliable food source.
What’s the difference between a rat and mice?
Let’s break it down and identify some of the different characteristics mice and rats have from each other.
- Mice have larger ears than rats
- Smaller in size (3-10cm)
- Weighs up to 19g
- Long hairy tail
- Lifespan avg. 2 years
- Smaller droppings
- Mostly herbivore
- Larger than mice (can grow up to 40cm)
- Smaller pointed ears
- Hairless tails
- Rats can weigh over 100g
- Larger droppings
- Known as omnivorous/opportunistic eaters
- Stronger and therefore can cause more damage than mice
- Lifespan avg. 2.5 years
Knowing some of these key identifying factors can be helpful for you when determining whether you have a mice or rat living on your property.
What are the dangers of having these critters in your house?
Whether you’re hosting either mice on your property, or rats, regardless of the rodent, you’re going to want to have it removed. While they do have many differences as mentioned above, another thing they do have in common (although not always to the same degree) are some of the risks.
Here are some things to be aware of and take precautions for if you’re experiencing any rodent problem
- Rodents catching and transferring different bacteria, germs
- Droppings from rodents can potentially be a health risk
- Possible carriers of parasites
- Getting bitten or scratched
- Chewing through your wires
- Growing population on your property
- Nuisance for your pets
- Chewing through structure of property or through personal belongings
- Leaving droppings and making a mess
And more
Why you should get professional help
Although there are many rat and mice control solutions out there on the market or DIY methods online, they may not always be the most effective nor safest solution.
Getting professional wildlife and pest control services is recommended especially if you have had no previous experience dealing with these sorts of problems. Hiring a professional ensures that the safety precautions are taken, that proper methods are instilled, that effective measures are put in to place and that you will get the results you want.
The sooner you call, the faster you can eliminate the chance of an increasing rodent infestation! If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS wildlife control, we provide superior pest control services for residential, commercial and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.