by Sos Wildlife Control | Jul 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
If having a raccoon on your property or in your home wasn’t bad enough, raccoons leaving their feces around your property can lead to a potentially deadly disease called “raccoon roundworm”. If you live in an urban area or a place where you see raccoons fairly often we suggest you get a pest control technician and talk to your health care provider to see how they can help you in the event of a racoon roundworm infection.
Raccoon Roundworm
Also known as “Baylisascaris procyonis” , is the common large roundworm found in the small intestinal tract of raccoons. Raccoon roundworm becomes a producer of dangerous diseases when the raccoon feces is exposed to air and a warm warmer temperature, making the roundworm eggs infected.
The egg ridden, infected feces can be ingested by other wild animals or even your own cats and dogs, making them a source of infection. Fecal matter can also travel though air, making the disease airborne.
Raccoons tend to use establish latrines on rooftops, in attics and around chimneys to defecate in. This becomes dangerous when these places accumulate in roundworm eggs which become a long term source of infections for both wild animals and humans.
Once the eggs get into your system , they hatch and turn into larvae. The larvae then travel through the brain and spine through the cerebrospinal fluid found in the spine and brain.
Who is most at risk?
Wild animals are most at risk for picking up raccoon roundworm, as mentioned earlier they tend to ingest the infect feces unknowingly and become hosts of roundworm infections themselves.
Children who play in the dirt, or outside in general, and like to get their hands dirty and put things in their mouths are at high risk as they may not be able to see the difference between dirt and feces and fecal matter.
The developmentally disabled need special attentions as well as they tend to behave the same as young children.
What are the symptoms of raccoon roundworm?
Racoon roundworm (Baylisascaris infection) symptoms can vary. It depends on how many eggs are ingested and where in the body the larvae travel to.
Eggs hatch into larvae once ingested and travel through the liver, brain and spinal cord.
A small amount of eggs being ingested may lead to no issues ,but a larger amount can lead too:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Liver Enlargement
- Lack of Coordination
- Lack of attention
- Loss of muscle control
- Coma
- Blindness
Some cases of infection have even led to death. Its easy to confuse these symptoms for something less serious so it’s especially important that children and the developmentally disabled are checked as soon as possible for potential roundworm infection.
Diseases that can develop from racoon roundworm
Encephalitis is a swelling of the brain hat results from a viral infection. It usually starts abruptly and develops fast so it does require urgent care. It usually starts with a fever and headache and becomes as serious as seizures, confusion, drowsiness and loss of consciousness and even coma.
Feline panleukopenia
Feline panleukopenia is a disease that affects cats. Feline panleukopenia attacks growing cells like those in the bone marrow, intestines and any developing fetus. Its common in cats ages 3-5 and happens more often in warmer times of the year. Older cats are more immune than younger ones, so its important to be aware of symptoms of the younger ones. There is no cure for FP , only treatments to support the cats care.
Canine distemper
Canine distemper is a disease that impacts dogs and has no known cure yet. Its spread through the air and through direct contact with other infected animals. It attacks the tonsils and lymph nodes where it replicates itself for about one week. After that in attacks the urogenital , gastrointestinal and nervous system. Symptoms of canine distemper include high fever, reddened eyes and a watery discharge from the nose and eyes. Abnormal enlargements of the pads of the dogs feet is common with canine distemper as well.
Herpes simplex
Herpes simplex is a common virus is mostly seen as a cold sore or a fever blister. It can be nuisance. Some symptoms include blistering sores, pain during urination and itching. Some symptoms can be similar to a flu like fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, tiredness and lack of appetite. It’s usually spread through kissing, and sharing anything used around the mouth. There is no cure for the disease, but treatments are available to prevent further spread.
Parasitic disease
Also known as parasitosis, Parasitic disease affects any living organism. Its symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, increase appetite, bowel obstructions, diarrhea and vomiting which can lead to dehydration, sleeping problems, worms present in the vomit or stools, anomia, aching muscles or joints, general malaise, allergies, fatigue, nervousness. Parasitic disease is spread through feces or the inadequate disposal of feces. Parasitic disease is usually treated with antiparasitic drugs.
Raccoons can cause serious issues and even though some may appear cute and friendly and your kids want to keep a raccoon as a pet, its what they leave behind as they scavenge and squat that can cause major issues caused by raccoon roundworm . Click here for an in-depth article on raccoons on your property.
Don’t wait for the worst to happen, have your raccoon situation assessed!
After doing a situational analysis and discussing some of your concerns with the removal of the raccoons we begin our investigation on how the raccoon(s) have been entering your property. In many cases, their entry points will be either in the house, on the roof, underneath the house or under your deck/patio. We will also point out potential entry points that other raccoons may use in the future so we can address that immediately as well. We know that you would like to have the raccoon or raccoons nuisance removed as quickly as possible, but also in a way that is humane and ethical. We make sure that we discuss removal options with consideration to your preferences, your property and your time.
The usual process is called the “one-way door” method in which the raccoon’s entry/exit point is covered by the installation of a screen which allows the raccoon to leave the through the door but not re-enter. Eventually, for common reasons like gathering food from food sources outside of the property the raccoon will leave its dwelling as part of its regular routine. At that point the one way door is used and the raccoon is prevented from re-entering.
If the raccoon has babies, an alternative method is conducted for the safety of the animals. The one way method is not used as this would cause the babies to be separated from their mother leaving them abandoned. Instead the babies will be safely moved to an insulated box outside of their nesting area where they will remain until the mother comes and picks them up and relocates them to a new den.
While uncommon, if trapping is involved in the raccoon removal process, it is done so in a humane method where the raccoon is uninjured and are moved to a location at least 1 kilometer away, in accordance to Ontario law.
For future prevention our technicians can do a thorough inspection of possible entry points and weak spots in your home.. After finding some major entry points and others areas that have the potential to become entry points, we give you options that take these problems, your property and the safety of the animal into account. We then seal off these entry points with galvanized steel mesh to prevent any re-entry.
To avoid encountering these issues and more, call a professional wildlife control technician at SOS Wildlife Control. For residential, commercial and industrial solutions, SOS Wildlife Control Inc. can be there to help you with your wildlife removal problem.
Call 1-800-981-0330 today!
General FAQs
What Diseases Can Humans Get from Raccoons?
Baylisascaris procyonis, commonly known as raccoon roundworm, is a worm found in raccoons. It can infect people and other animals such as dogs. It can lead to a deadly disease.
Can Humans Get Raccoon Roundworm?
Raccoon roundworm can infect humans without symptoms, causing severe neurological problems. Although human infections are rare, individuals or children who are more likely to ingest mud or dirt have a higher risk of acquiring the disease.
Who is at Risk of Raccoon Roundworm?
Wild animals have the highest chances of picking up raccoon roundworm. Also, children, hunters, taxidermists, and wildlife rehabilitators may also be at risk if they handle raccoons or raccoon feces.
What are the Symptoms of Raccoon Roundworm?
The indications of raccoon roundworm include fatigue, nausea, lack of coordination, enlargement of the liver, lack of attention to surroundings and people, loss of muscle control, blindness, and coma. Some cases may also result in death.
by Sos Wildlife Control | Jul 3, 2017 | Skunk Control
Skunks have a bad reputation of being animals that will spray without warning, or if you grew up with Looney Toons you may be afraid that they will try and profess their love for you. Neither are true, skunks are not as dangerous as you think and only spray in self-defense. A skunk living under your shed or deck can become an nuisance especially if you cross it unknowingly.
Where do skunks usually reside inside homes?
- Crawl spaces
- Dens
- Under concrete slabs
- In your yard
- Your shed
- Under your deck

How can you tell if you have a skunk in or around your property?:
To the right is a picture of skunk tracks, which you can find in mud or softer ground.
The sounds of scrambling feet or scratching in your den, attic, or walls are also a good sign that a skunk has found a entry found into your home or onto your property.
When you think of the dangers a skunk you probably jump to one thought.
Skunk spray
A skunk’s natural form of self-defense to help them survive in the wild and fend off predators is their spray. It’s a mix sulphurous oil and contains a compound known as thiol which is usual present in rotting flesh and feces. The odor gets worse once it comes into contact with water.
So if you get sprayed, DO NOT USE WATER, it will make the smell stronger and last longer.
First thing you’ll want to do is NOT go inside, the odor will follow you and make your ordeal much worse.
For a step-by-step guide to what you should do when you get sprayed, click here
Skunks are a danger to any household pets too
It’s common for skunks to spray cats too especially when searching for a food source or if it wants cat food. If you come home your pet, or your pet comes to you with the scent of skunk spray on it there a few options to deal with it:
- Use Paul Krebaum’s “Baking Soda and peroxide” formula
- 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
- ¼ cup of baking soda
- 1 to 2 teaspoons liquid soap (not detergent)
Wash your pet thoroughly and massage the mix into the fur, allow the solution to set for roughly 5 minutes until the oder is gone. Allowing the solution to set allows for the solution to really lift the smell off and lets oxygen molecules bond to the oder-causing thoils, neutralizing the smell.
It’s recommended that you wash your pet outdoors as soon as the solution is mixed.
As a precaution the solution can bring a stinging sensation to your eyes so your will want to wear protective gear like gloves and eye mask. Use lukewarm water for larger pets.
2) There are numerous over-the-counter products available for sale such as skunk shampoos, deodorants and sprays that can get rid of the skunk stench (but not to make your local skunk look fabulous unfortunately) and help get your cat, dog , or any pet the protection it needs.
Keep in mind the odor of skunk spray can even be spread by squirrels and skunks in the area that have been sprayed.
If you think your pets or the wildlife in your area are at risk of being sprayed by a skunk your best option is to get a trained technician that can provide effective, humane sunk control out there immediately to contain the situation before it gets bad.
Health risks of a skunk spray
Beyond the awful oder of a skunk spray, the spray can also cause serious health problems to you and any pets in the house:
- A skunk spray which is fairly close to the face can cause extreme discomfort and in some cases, temporary blindness. The first thing you should do if this happens is to flush the eyes and the mouth out immediately with water.
- Skunk sprays to the face can also lead to vomiting, drool, squinting, sneezing and seizures amongst pets.
- Thiol in skunk spray also leads to damage to red blood cells resulting in anemia (a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.).
Skunks and baby skunks
Once a skunk gets comfortable somewhere it will want to start raising a family, which means your skunk problem has expanded exponentially. Baby skunks ,like most animals that are new to the world, are easy to scare and this means that they are very trigger happy with their spray.
When can you expect a baby skunk issue?
Early spring is usually birthing season for baby skunks. They stay in their dens for the first 6 to 8 weeks of life. Mother skunks tend to give birth to 4-6 babies at once.
Baby Skunk Removal
When faced with a baby skunk issue its best to call a technician to help you remove them, here’s why:
- It’s illegal to kill these animals
- Skunks are extremely protective of their young
- Baby skunks will spray at anything that moves
- There are specific regulations around how baby skunks and skunks can be relocated
During baby season, the technician will have to dig and find the babies to remove them from the property. Once the technician has all the babies they will put them in a safe insulated box near the one-way door for the mother to find. Eventually the mother will come relocate the babies to a new den. We provide humane, effective and ethical removal of all nuisance animals.
What can you do to prevent skunks from entering your property or taking up residence under your deck or shed?
Skunks tend to do most of their scavenging for food sources at night and tend to avoid light so a good preventative measure is to install lights with motion sensors in your yard. Keeping your back or front yard light on will also work.
Lawn motion detector sprinklers are also an effective method to keep skunks out as well.
What do skunks eat?
- Garbage
- Plants
- Any food left outside
Skunks tend to go right after gardens, garbage bins and any food left outside. Make sure you throw away any food left outside and that you secure your garbage bins with something heavy or a securing mechanism.
Use a wire mesh fence or chicken wire to keep the vegetables in your garden safe and install a motion sensor light as an extra precaution.
If you see any openings into dens, crawl spaces or the attic you’ll want to cover that with a steel mesh screen, one that can withstand a chewing and will secure tightly to the opening. If you arnt sure of any openings you can always call us for an assessment.
For future prevention our technicians can do a thorough inspection of possible entry points and weak spots in your home to prevent future racoon problems from plaguing your home. After finding some major entry points and others that have the potential to become entry points ,we give you options that take these problems and your property into account. We then seal off these entry points with galvanized steel mesh to prevent any entry whatsoever.
Give is a call if you have any concerns, questions or problems involving skunk removal or control at
by Sos Wildlife Control | Jun 25, 2017 | Bird Control, Helpful Tips
How to get rid of birds in your backyard
Problems caused by birds
Birds end up inside homes by flying, or walking, in through windows or doors, or more commonly through attics, rooftop eves, a crack in your siding, ceiling, or roof. Ending up in a home is as terrifying for the bird as it may be for you. It can be even more chaotic if you have a cat in the house as they will chase the bird around and most likely cause some property damage, or at the minimum leave you with a mess to clean up. Bird removal needs to be done quickly and humanely for your property and for your safety. Birds in or around your home can cause damages that may not be as superficial as well:
- Droppings can clog stain, corrode and damage building materials
Droppings can become a safety hazard as well, as they could cause slip and falls.
- A bird’s nest can become a fire hazard if it’s close to any lighting or any electrical equipment.
- Birds nested in or around food production or warehouse infrastructure may contaminate equipment or even worse, the products going to customers.
- Large bird population, birds roosted in trees and birds inside chimney’s, drop ceilings, vents, or flues can become a nuisance because of all the noise they make
Birds especially become a problem if they start to build nests (which they can do very quickly), because they will return frequently and the noise created by the offspring will become a nuisance. We at SOS Wildlife Control bird removal services make sure to take great care to ensure that birds and their offspring are relocated somewhere where they have the best odds of survival and can adjust quickly.
Easy ways to get rid of birds
Bird removal can be done with various do it yourself techniques. If you feel the bird is small enough and is fairly calm, there are some techniques to get birds out of your home. Remember that killing the bird or birds is never the right answer. In most cases the bird(s) are just looking for shelter for themselves or their offspring or are lost and confused because they were recently taken out of their normal territory. Having said that here are some steps you can take to remove the bird or birds yourself:
Identify the type of bird
- Some birds are easy to identify because they may be common in your area, or you really know your birds. It’s important to identify the bird first because some species are protected by law and have special regulations as to how they can be treated
- To find out the species take note of its color, shape, and behaviors.
Determine if you can remove the bird
- Check your local laws and regulations if you can legally remove the bird or birds
- If it is legal to remove the bird or birds check if there are any laws around the limits on how far out you can release the bird
- If you see a nest, don’t do anything until 2 weeks after the eggs have hatched.
Remove any nests
- If legally allowed ,you can remove the nest signalling that the habitat is hostile to the bird.
- Clean the area with disinfectant after removing the nest
- If you catch the bird trying to rebuild the nest, knock it off as soon as possible
If the bird is violent, large or returns frequently, you’ll want to call a technician. Birds can do serious damage if provoked and especially when protecting its eggs.
What is Bird Control and why is important
Our bird removal service is done by the best technicians with humane, ethical techniques. As mentioned above certain birds are protected by law and have regulations around them. You don’t want to deal with a city fine on top of the cost of removing your bird problem.
Effective bird removal by a professional
We provide fast, effective and, most importantly, humane animal control services with your needs and concerns at the forefront of all our decisions. We first to a thorough inspection and based off our situation analysis we explain where that main entry points are, as well as other vulnerable spots and potential future entry points. Based off this information we lay out the nest options to tackle the issue head on with you and your property and the structure of your property as our first priority as well as the safety of animals.
There are four different methods we use to get birds off and away from your property
The most common method of removal is called the “one way door method” in which a one way door is installed and when the bird or birds leave as part of their regular routine, the door becomes sealed and they will not be able to re-enter.
Bird Spikes
Bird spikes are installed upon flat services where the birds nest, for example ledges and signs. Spikes are the most common tactic used for bird removal as they are durable and effective. The spikes don’t hurt the bird but make it impossible for them to land. They may be an eye sore, but they are better than unsightly and unsanitary bird feces. Bird spikes are attached using a very strong adhesive so they are durable. Each spike strip can range from 3 inches to 7 inches depending on the area to be covered.
Bird Netting
Bird netting is used to block birds from much larger areas such as balconies or parking garages. Bird netting is extremely durable and can be expected to last many years. A stainless steel cable is attached around the perimeter of the area to be excluded and the net is attached using small steel rings. It is a permanent solution providing excellent bird control.
Shock Track
Shock track is a discreet bird control deterrent system that has the advantage of deterring all species of birds. It employees an intermittent electric pulse which while unpleasant, does not injure birds in any way. The track is less than an inch in height so it is excellent in areas where aesthetics are important.
In the event where the birds had babies in the house the one way door method is not used, rather our technician will physically remove the babies from the house and place them into an insulated box where they will stay until the mother comes and picks them up. The mother then relocates each baby one by one.
Call today toll-free 1-866-526-6329 to schedule humane bird removal
by Sos Wildlife Control | Jun 19, 2017 | Squirrel Control
Squirrels and raccoons in your yard
Squirrels and raccoons, like any of us, want a place to call home, to come back to after a long day and to raise their family in. Unfortunately these furry tenants can cause problems for you, your home and your family. Squirrels and raccoons can become extremely protective especially if they have kids to protect, making it likely that they attack you or anyone that, unintentionally, comes close to them and do serious damage to your property. There are a few techniques to get them out from under your deck or shed or your yard, but we need to be sure that we use humane techniques to give the squirrels or raccoons a chance to live in the wild. If you’re strapped for time or don’t want to deal with them yourself, it’s always best to have animal removal problems dealt with by an animal removal specialist who can humanely take care of your problem.
How can you humanely keep wildlife from homes under your deck and your yard
Animals like squirrels and raccoons just want a place to call home ,just live most of us, having animals under your deck or your yard can become quite a nuisance, especially if they start to bred! So what can you do to make sure squirrels and racoons don’t take up residence under you deck on in your yard? Think about buying a home. You wouldn’t live somewhere they you found to be inhospitable. It’s the same basic idea here. Create an environment that no animal would like.
Here are some ways to make the space under your deck inhospitable:
- Noise: Place a battery powered, water-proof radio tuned to a talk radio show under your deck to have the constant chatter keep squirrels and raccoons away. If you live somewhere where there is a fair breeze at all times, a wind chime can work too! This may take some experimentation.
- Light: You can also have a flashlight, trouble light or sensor light under the deck or in your yard to keep squirrels and raccoons away. Something reflective can help during the day too, such as cds, tin foil, pie plates or glass.
- Odors: Sprinkle some ammonia ,which you can pick up at a grocery store, on some rags. Tie up the rags into tennis ball size balls or place them into a container with holes in the lid. Place the balls or container close to where the squirrels and raccoons are taking residence. Do not use moth balls as they are not humane and can do serious damage.
To insure that the animals have already left you place a newspaper or board at the entry point, and when you see that it has been moved you can get to work. To seal the entry point completely you use rocks, a board or you can call us and we can seal up that entry point for you, as well as alert you of any other possible entry points.
Why live trapping is not humane
Squirrels ,raccoons and skunks live to take up residence in places like chimneys, underneath sheds and decks because they want a safe, quiet and dark space to look after their children. As urban life takes over more and more green space, it’s understandable why they choose these areas. As mentioned above they can also be a potentially dangerous nuisance when the mothers are protecting their young. Live trapping, followed by release somewhere far away, is the usual animal removal solution most people jump to, but there are some deadly consequences to this solution for the invading squirrel / raccoon /skunk and its offspring.
When you trap a mother and release her into the wild somewhere far away, you may accidentally be orphaning her children who have no one to look after them and eventually die of starvation. This can be a whole other issue for a home owner as its never pleasant having to get rid of the bodies of dead animals.
Being relocated isn’t beneficial for the mother either, as most of them do not settle into their new surroundings well. A 2004 study of grey squirrels that were live-trapped and released into suburban areas showed that 97 percent of the squirrels soon died or disappeared. To put this in perspective let’s look at this from the animal’s point of view when released into a new area:
- The mother is in a new strange place with no knowledge on where to get food, water or shelter.
- She may be in another animals’ territory and becomes prone to attack or being chased out into yet another unfamiliar area.
- She is unaware of where to go to be safe from predators
- And are most likely desperately searching for her babies that she was separated from
Meanwhile her children starve and, if they are lucky they are discovered, taken to a rehabilitator to be reared. It’s not an optimal solution for either party and can be easily avoided.
Why calling for a professional wildlife removal service is a good idea
We’ve covered the dangers of live trapping and the dangers of letting squirrels ,raccoons or skunks take up residence under your shed, deck or inside your chimney, so now what can you do to keep your home safe and ensure that the animals have the best chances for survival in the wild? Professional animal removal service technicians are well versed in animal removal and know all that dangers animals face when being relocated. We know that you want to keep your home in good shape without hurting animals or endangering your immediate environment.
We go through a thorough inspection process when assessing any removal job taking into consideration your needs, the needs of your property and then needs of any wildlife as well.
After an inspection is conducted, SOS Wildlife Control Inc. technicians will be able to provide you with a thorough description of what the problem is. Based on the inspection, our technicians will explain to you what the main entry points are, other entry points and potential entry points. Multiple options will be given to you tailor-made to your specific situation and structure of the property. The main method for animal removal is a one-way door. Once a one-way door is installed, when the animal leaves as part of their regular routine, they will not be able to re-enter. If babies are involved, a one-way door is not used and the technician will physically remove them from the property and place them in an insulated box. They will remain here until their mother picks them and relocates one-by-one. If a situation requires trapping the animal(s), they must then be relocated a maximum of 1 kilometer away in accordance with Ontario Law.
To ensure that the animals will not enter through any other weak-points or potential entry-points, a prevention method can be conducted. This ensures that the weak-points, entry-points, potential entry-points and main entry-points are protected by galvanized steel mesh, a material strong enough to prevent animals from chewing through. If you have any questions about squirrel removal, baby squirrel removal or squirrel prevention, or raccoon and baby raccoon removal you can call SOS Wildlife Control at 647-559-3720
Call SOS Wildlife control at 647-559-3720 removal for squirrel and racoon removal!
by Sos Wildlife Control | Mar 27, 2017 | Skunk Control
Skunks are often cute and harmless animals from afar but once they spray, that is never the case; skunks are not the greatest choice of company to have wandering outside of your home and can easily become a nuisance to you, your family, pets and property.
Skunk Spray
Skunks are notorious for their rancid skunk smell. As a means of survival, animals develop defense mechanisms that help them survive in the wild and fend off predators. These methods include camouflaging, poison and the emission of foul odors -including skunk spray.
Skunk odor is a common problem that can be detected far from the targeted area due to its very distinguishable and foul smell. Skunk spray is a blend of sulphurous oils that are released when a skunk feels threatened, in order to fend away any predators. Skunks often spray this as their last defensive resort, because their bodies produce and withhold a limited amount of the skunk oil.
Skunk spray contains the compound known as thiol which is also present in rotting flesh and feces, giving it its strong and putrid scent. The odor is bad enough on its own but can only get worse once combined and reacted with water. This chemical reaction makes all attempts to wash the odor away backfire on a skunk’s threat. It also contains the compound thioacetate, which makes the smell last longer and harder to get rid off.
Skunk Spray and Domestic Pets
In addition to wild animals being sprayed, it is also quite common for skunks to spray domestic house pets as well, so it is important to take precautions for the safety of your pet. If your pet comes home with their fur smelling like skunk, there are a number of odor eliminating methods that you can try at home.
- Option 1: It can be difficult to remove the pungent skunk odor from thick dog coats but Paul Krebaum’s “baking soda and peroxide” formula can get the job done.
Mix the following ingredients in a bucket:
- 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
- 1/4 cup of baking soda
- 1 to 2 teaspoons liquid soap (not detergent)
Wash your pet thoroughly and massage the solution into the fur, letting the solution set for roughly 5 minutes or until the odor is gone. Repeat if necessary. Allowing it to set in the fur gives way for the chemical reactions between the solution and skunk oil compounds to take place; the oxygen molecules from the soapy solution bond to the odor-causing thiols, resulting in a neutralization reaction and the skunk odor finally eliminated!
It is recommended to wash your pet outdoors as soon as the solution is mixed. Moreover, the solution can bring a stinging sensation to the eyes and open cuts, so it is important to be mindful while washing your pet near the eye area and to do so while wearing gloves. Note: for bigger pets, add lukewarm water as needed to obtain full coverage.
- Option 2: There are numerous skunk odor removal products that you can purchase over the counter. Skunk shampoos, deodorants and sprays can be used to rid your pet of the skunk stench and will provide the odor control your pet needs.
Skunks And Pet Health Risks
Skunk smell is horrid and the pungent spray is not only harmful on the nose – it also poses multiple health risks. When a skunk sprays relatively close to an animal’s face, it can bring serious discomfort and in many cases, temporary blindness. If your pet has been sprayed in the face, make sure to flush the eyes and mouth with water immediately. Skunk spray can also cause animals to vomit, squint, drool, sneeze and have seizures.
The thiol component in skunk oil leads to the destruction of red blood cells, resulting in anemia. As a consequence of skunk spray, there have been a few cases of anemia among house pets. A dog was reportedly able to recover through a mild case of anemia. Another dog suffered from a severe case of anemia, and passed away after undergoing a seizure.
If your pet has been a victim of skunk spray, take the extra step forward and inspect the animal’s skin for any possible bite marks, seeing as skunks are one of the most common carriers of rabies. If your pet has been sprayed, the encounter with a rabid skunk is very unlikely. Although healthy skunks are most likely to spray other animals while rabies carrying skunks are more likely to exhibit extremely aggressive or fearless behaviour, it doesn’t hurt to check your pet for any bite marks.
Skunks and Rabies
Rabies is a viral disease among mammals that not only poses a threat to animals but to humans as well. It is transmitted through the spread of saliva, from bites or exposure to open wounds, and affects the central nervous system.
Some rabies symptoms include behavioural changes, loss of appetite, excessive drooling and becoming partially or completely paralyzed. Rabies is quite often fatal at the appearance of clinical signs; the infected can die within 7-10 days after showing symptoms.
In order to reduce the risk of obtaining rabies, have your pet under supervision while wandering outside; do not leave them unattended. Also, common rabies carriers (skunks, raccoons and foxes) are most active at night so try to let your pets out during the day as much as possible.
Skunks And Property Damage
From their rancid skunk spray to the possible transmissions of rabies, it is clear to see how skunks can pose a threat to you, your family and pets, but these creatures can be problematic towards your property as well. Skunks have a nasty habit of destroying home gardens by eating their way through fresh fruits and vegetables. They sometimes like to scavenge through human trash as well.
Another issue that skunks bring forward to homeowners is physical lawn destruction. Skunks like to dig 3-4 inch deep holes in the ground while on the search for small insects to eat. They also like to dig burrows under buildings and porches.
How To Avoid Skunks
Despite the many problems that skunks may cause, there are a number of ways to avoid these nuisances and to keep these creatures away from you, your home, your family and your pets.
Skunks are most active at night so to avoid them from sneaking around your property in the dark, consider installing lights in your yard and keep existing lights on to ward these rodents away. Investing in lawn motion detector sprinklers is also an open option to ward off unwanted pests.
Skunks are problematic because of their dietary habits. They dig holes in the ground and eat homegrown gardens, so installing fences and securing trash bins shut can discourage skunks from wandering onto your property!
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Inc., we provide wildlife control services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year for emergency services, and can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait, call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection, removal and prevention to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife 1.800.981.0330