by SOS Wildlife Control | Mar 15, 2016 | Pest Control
Last Updated: June 2016
Ants are social insects that is why they like to live in large colonies. Ants are insects that come from the same family along as bees and wasps. Ants have a narrow waist between the abdomen and the thorax and have very strong jaws that allow them to export and import foods easily. Ants are very smart and strong insects, they are capable of picking up things that is three times their own weight! Ants are usually lead by a “queen or queens”. The function of the queens are to reproduce and lay hundreds of eggs to keep their generation going. Since ants lay thousands of eggs you will have to do an ant removal before they take over your entire house. Other female ants are to follow the “queen” and find food. Whereas the male ant’s job is to only mate with the queens and after they have mated they die. The three most common ants you will find in your home are Carpenter Ants, Pavement Ants and Pharaoh Ants. Ants love to come in our home because of the warmth, food, water and, shelter. You will usually see them close to your kitchen or around your pet’s bowls. You will have to do an ant removal as soon as you spot them in your home.
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are usually 0.76 to 2.54 cm and are a brown reddish colour, or a black colour. They usually have lot’s of worker in their colony, however they only have one queen. Carpenter ants are able to live in both outdoor and indoor environments as long as the environment, or wood is moist. However they make there way in our house for shelter, food, warmth, etc. Carpenter ants make hollow tunnels in the wood to easily access to their nests, Carpenter ants will be extremely damaging to your home because they can ruin your wood, therefore you will need to get and ant removal done by a professional pest control.
Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh ants are small 2 mm insects, they are yellow or light brown. These ants are known to be a major indoor pest insect, they come in for food, shelter, and warmth. Therefore you will have to do an ant removal once you spot them in your home. It’s highly recommended that you do an ant removal done by pest control technician because it’s quite hard to remove, and you will want them gone forever! Unlike carpenter ants, pharaoh ants have several queens, Pharaoh ants don’t show any aggression towards each other and always work as a team. It’s harder to destroy these types of ants because they will always have each others back, you will need to seek help from a pest control technician to do an ant removal for you. Pharaoh ants are capable of biting, their bite is not poisonous but will cause pain and transmit diseases.
Pavement Ants
Pavement ants are dark brown to blackish insects, they are usually 2.4 to 4 mm in size. the pavement ants colony consists of drones, queens, and workers. Pavement ants only have one queen in their colony. Pavement ant queens, and drones have wings and are twice as large as the worker ants. Queens will lay thousands of eggs especially during spring time, because of this you will have to do an ant removal as soon as you spot one of these ants in your home before they take over your home. The ants will make holes in the sands and cracks of the pavements to make nests, if these insects come inside your wall they will make nests in parts of your home. Pavement ants nest inside wall voids, insulation and slabs of concrete.
Fire Ants
The only thing you may have to worry about are fire ants. Fire Ants are not common in Toronto GTA but unfortunately they got introduced recently. Fire ants bite and their bite stings and gets very itchy. This could cause secondary skin injuries from scratching. Also some may have an allergic reaction to the bite of the ants which could be irritating. However Fire ants usually stay outdoors and not in your home, but if they do enter as a property owner, it is your responsibility to control insects and pests on your property. Check out Toronto city page about Fire Ants for more information.
Damages from Ants
Some types of ants such as carpenter ants could cause great damage and expenses to your home. There are lots of different types of ants, but the one that is well known for damaging your home is the carpenter ants. Carpenter ants nest in wood that is what’s so disastrous about them. Carpenter ants eat their way through the wood and damage your home. Most houses in Canada are built up of mostly wood; now imagine if these tiny little creatures are damaging your home.
*This post is informational. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated does not provide Ant Control Services
by SOS Wildlife Control | Mar 2, 2016 | Squirrel Control
Last Updated: June 2016
Brown little furry, bushy tailed mammal. Faced paced, and great climbers, squirrels have been a common resident to all over the GTA for many years and this season, is squirrel baby season! Congratulations to the expectant mothers out there who are about to be giving birth to a litter of adorable baby squirrels. From time to time, squirrels find their way into homes and business places and they use these spaces for a place to live, sleep and take care of their young. While the idea of baby squirrels seems sweet, having a family of squirrels living in your attic or garage isn’t as pleasant as it seems. Hearing both the mother and the babies crawling around upstairs, making messes, leaving droppings and potentially damaging the property will soon be a problem. This is why, during this baby squirrel season that you keep an ear out and an eyes peeled for evidence of squirrels in your home.
About Squirrels
Squirrels are part of the family of mammals called Sciuridae which also include chipmunks, prairie dogs, woodchucks and more! There are over 265 different species of squirrels worldwide. The species that reside the most in Ontario is called the Eastern Grey Squirrel. They have small bodies with a bushy tail and large eyes. They are great climbers with a unique ability to climb down trees head first. Squirrels usually live in wood areas in trees with hollowed out spaces, but in some cases, they find shelter in a house attic or in the walls. Squirrels feed on nuts, seeds, fungi and more and sometimes exhibit behavior where they store or hide food in different locations for later use.
Interesting Facts about Squirrels
- Sometimes squirrels pretend to bury their food to trick thieves from taking it
- Squirrels can find their food even if its buried in the snow
- Squirrel don’t hibernate
- Squirrels will eat more during the winter to keep themselves warm
Now that it is quickly approaching squirrel baby season, as previously mentioned, it is important to be aware of the possibility of hosting a family of squirrels in your home! Female squirrel reach sexual maturity at around 1 year and 1-2 years in male squirrels. Squirrel baby season occurs 1-2 times a year, giving birth to a litter of kits after a gestation period of 33-46 weeks. Baby squirrels are born as small as 1 inch. They are born toothless, with no fur, blind and dependent on only their mother for the first two to three months of their life and weaned off. The times vary depending on environmental factors but squirrels generally give birth as early as March. The litter consists of about 2-8 offspring but with a low chance of survival the first year. Once they reach adulthood, their life span ranges about 5-10 years.
Baby Squirrel Removal
In the event where you find yourself faced with a family of squirrels on your property (squirrel baby season or not), call for a professional to help you remove it. Trying to manage the situation yourself puts the babies, the mother and yourself at risk of injury. Baby squirrels, like all babies are very fragile and extremely dependent on their mother. In some cases, people only remove the adult squirrel, leaving the babies alone with no support. Professional wildlife removal companies evaluate the entire situation before taking any action. When a company like SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated conducts baby squirrel removal, the technicians take precautions that minimize the chance of injury. This is why calling for a professional is the best solution for baby squirrel removal. Avoid using ‘DIY’ methods and contact a licensed wildlife removal company like SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated who can take care of it humanely, effectively and professionally. If you do find an injured squirrel, call for a rehabilitation center like Procyon Wildlife or Toronto Wildlife Center for instructions on what to do.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior squirrel baby season services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 !
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
Last Updated: June 2016
Spring time is the season for colorful and brighter flowers, leaves growing back onto branches, the sound of birds becoming more and more noticeable in the morning and of course, spring time is raccoon baby season. Spring is recognized by nature leaving its state of cold, winter hibernation state, and awakening into a more lively state which includes newborn raccoons. Baby raccoons are born without the ability to see and fully depending on its mother for food, shelter and protection. Like all babies, baby raccoons require special care due to his or her inability to care for themselves as a young animal. Their delicate features and lack of exposure to the wild makes them fully dependent for care. This is why specific precautions are taken when handling a situation that involves baby raccoons. If you happen to be in a problem faced with needing to remove baby raccoons from your property, call for a professional. To minimize the risk of harming the baby raccoon and being faced with a mother raccoon, a licensed and trained wildlife removal technician is the person most suitable to get the job done rather than trying to do it yourself.
Raccoon Baby Season occurs early spring to early summer. Female raccoons usually give birth to 1 litter a year consisting of about 3 to 7 kits (baby raccoons). Females begin mating once they have reached sexual maturity at 1 year, and male raccoons once they are about 2 years old. Factors such as climate and weather are conditions that affect the mating and season of baby raccoons which is due to the varying times. Usually, mating occurs in January and after a gestation period of about 65-65 days, baby raccoons can be born as early as March.
Baby Raccoon

Baby raccoons, also known as kits are born weighing almost 2 oz. at birth. They are adorable little mammals who are born with their eyes shut, and are not able to fully see until they are about 21 days. In raccoon baby season, after the kits are born, they have a very light fur but their trademark physical characteristics are still present. The dark mask across the eyes is faint but visible, along with the rings around the tail. If not, the features present themselves as early as a week after. At about 4 weeks after the baby raccoons are born, they are able to stand and once they are walking, it appears to be a crawl with their arm and legs outstretched. At about 6 weeks, baby raccoons are actively walking, running and climbing. Although they have the ability to become independent soon after, many young raccoons will stay their mother for about a year.
Raccoon Baby Season
Homeowners and property owners of any kind should be aware when it is raccoon baby season. During this time, as early as March, raccoons will be on the lookout for a suitable shelter for herself and her young. Once a comfortable setting has been established, the mother raccoon will give birth to about 3-7 kits. If you have baby raccoons in your home, you will probably hear the mother raccoon more actively, as she is tending to the needs of her babies. The baby raccoons will make noises that sound like chirping noises. If you happen to be faced with a litter of kits on your property during this raccoon baby season, call for a professional to help you remove them. Raccoons are not very aggressive mammals unless they are threatened, and a mother raccoon will definitely defend if necessary. This is why a professional animal/wildlife removal company is the best solution to handle this. Special precautions are taken to not harm the wildlife and so there is minimal risk involved. During this process, the mother raccoon is first removed. Once she is away, and it is safe to do so, the babies are placed in a comfortable heated box to stay. The box is then moved to a place easily found and easily accessible for the mother raccoon to find where she will then take each kit one by one to another established shelter for her to raise them. When people try to attempt this with no training or education on the matter, they risk harming the mother raccoon, her young and themselves. It is a delicate process that should be handled by a professional. If a baby raccoon is found with no signs of a mother, the best option is to call a wildlife rehabilitator company like the Toronto Wildlife Centre. Although it may seem easy and safe because the raccoons are so small and easy to care for, please do not take them in to be domesticated. A raccoon’s mother is the best care a young raccoon can receive and a professional is the next best.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior raccoon baby season services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1-800-981-0330 today!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
Last Updated: June 2016
Raccoons have long been inhabiting the great city of Toronto, a concern for homeowners and business owners alike. Hearing the rummaging through their trash and the sound of scratching or crawling noises around upstairs isn’t exactly how you wanted to spend your evening, but from time to time, it happens and you’re in need of raccoon removal. Fortunately, there are many companies out there that provide Toronto raccoon removal services, but be on the lookout when selecting the right wildlife control company for you. There are several factors you should be cautious of when researching for this service. Ensure the company you are looking at is professional, has experience, conducts humane methods and more. Raccoons, although can be a nuisance to deal with when indoors and uninvited, are very interesting mammals. They are incredibly intelligent and possess skills that allows them to be able to walk through Toronto, between buildings, scavenging, and finding shelter. If you’re living in Toronto and are faced with the need for raccoon removal, keep in mind the well-being of the raccoon and call for a professional to help you with wildlife problems. This eliminates the risk of injuring yourself, others, and the raccoon. A professional will be able to help you deal with Toronto raccoon removal effectively and humanely.
Raccoons are part of the family of mammals called Procyonidae. This group of mammals also includes animals called coatis and olingos, and are characterized by their body size and long tails. Raccoons are easily recognizable by their unique physical appearance. They are small to medium sized mammals that are measured at about 25-35 inches. Raccoon fur is a brown-grey color, that lighter around their face but is covered by their signature mask. The dark area around the raccoon eyes and their long striped tail are the more distinguishing features of the raccoon, making them easily identifiable. Raccoons have a lifespan of about 2-3 years but can live to about 20 years in captivity. Raccoons are very adaptable. They can live under varying situations which is why they have become so accustomed to the city. A raccoon habitat originally are grassy, forested areas, often by riverbanks as they would seek out trees to climb to avoid predators. They find shelter in tree cavities for themselves and their young.
More facts about raccoons
- Raccoons have very agile fingers that allow them to unlatch cages
- Female raccoons give birth to about 3-4 young (kits) in the spring
- Raccoons are very intelligent. The rank just below monkeys on the mammal IQ test
- Raccoons can run at speeds of 15 mph
- Baby raccoons are born blind and cannot see up until about 3-4 weeks after
- Not all raccoons have rabies, but they have a risk of contracting it
- Raccoons are omnivorous, they eat berries and plans but they also eat frogs, insects eggs and more
- Raccoons can adapt to many environments which is why they do so well in the city, and are scavenging human food
Raccoons in the City
As previously mentioned, raccoons have been found to be extremely adaptable to many different living environments which is why they’ve succeeded in making a habitat out of more urban areas. A part of the reason why raccoons have been in the city is due to deforestation. According to The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals Canada is one of the leading countries in deforestation. This process drives fur-bearing animals like raccoons out of their natural habitat into more urban areas which is partially to blame for the need of Toronto raccoon removal services. Toronto raccoons have been doing well in the city because of how well the city supports the basic needs of a raccoon. There are many places for a raccoon to find shelter and take care of their young, they are free from their natural predators in the wild, and they have access to human food. Our waste often becomes food sources for raccoons which is one of the main contributing factors as to why the city needs Toronto raccoon removal.
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated: Toronto Raccoon Removal
When conducting Toronto raccoon removal, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated understands the importance of conducting humane, safe, proper methods that don’t pose risk to both the raccoon, the customer and the technician. Our technicians have the right experience, know the proper methods and are effective when conducting Toronto raccoon removal. Once our technicians arrive to the site, they make sure to ask all the right questions to best analyze the situation. Each case is unique, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and devise a plan of action to accomplish your Toronto raccoon removal situation promptly and effectively.
If baby raccoons (kits) are involved, the raccoon removal process must be done even more carefully as to not put the baby raccoon and mother at risk. The mother raccoon is first deterred from her babies temporarily while the technicians place the babies in a comfortable, heated box. The box is kept in a location that is easily found and accessible for the mother raccoon to find. The mother then will then take her young away to another location carrying them one by one from the box. Baby raccoon removal must be handled very carefully due to the delicate babies and the protective mother. For this reason and more, it is always a better solution to call for a professional wildlife removal service company to handle your Toronto raccoon removal problem rather than trying to conduct it yourself.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior Toronto raccoon removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 for Toronto Raccoon Removal!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 24, 2016 | Skunk Control
Last Updated: June 2016
Let’s just say it. You’ve accepted the facts, you know you have to deal with it, you don’t want to but you know you need to, so you might as well get Toronto Skunk Removal. This can be a chore, for some, to feel like their day is interrupted by the need to call for a Toronto Skunk Removal service and wait until someone comes around to help get rid of the skunk. The alternative? You’re going to need to continue to have to deal with the nuisance of having wildlife indoors. The noises in the house, damage costs you’ll need to face, potential health risks you can get. You can conduct Toronto Skunk Removal yourself, though, right? Technically, you can try – but you probably don’t want to. The number of hazards you put yourself at risk of, potentially harming the animal, yourself or others isn’t the best deal. Perhaps opting for Toronto skunk removal isn’t so bad! It might actually be a great idea, to let a professional wildlife removal service take care of this business for you. Someone trust worthy, an expert with years of experience and conducts a humane practice. We think this is a great idea.
Skunk Removal
Toronto is a great large city, with opportunity at every corner, events to experience, different foods to try and people to meet. The variety of options you have in Toronto is countless, which makes it a fantastic place to live in. Unfortunately, the city also faces the need for wildlife control, specifically, Toronto skunk removal. The concrete jungle, downtown is filled with a whole bunch of nooks and crannies for skunks to hide in and get in through. They’re looking for shelter, food and water for themselves or their young, and if you’re a skunk, the city is a great place to find this. Not only does the core of the city host a population of skunks, but so does the rest of the GTA. More suburban areas, especially places near forestry or grassy areas with water sources as well as older homes or homes that require some maintenance work have their fair share of needing Toronto Skunk Removal.
Skunks are interesting animals that are easy to spot. Well, stripe actually. Identifying a skunk is easy, but trying to deal with Toronto skunk removal yourself is not. Skunks come from the family of Mephitidae. They are smaller-medium sized mammals that are most easily identified by their black fur and the thick white stripe that goes along their back. Some skunks also grow fur that is grey, brown or beige in color (although the white stripe doesn’t change!) Another feature of skunks that is well known is the foul odor spray they omit in threatening situations. The spray comes from their anal scent glands and occurs when a skunk is being defensive.
Skunks breed late winter to early spring, from the month of February to march and give birth about 8 weeks later. Usually skunks product a batch of 5-6 young and care for them until they are independent. Skunks are omnivorous mammals. They will eat a variety of things from plants, roots and nuts, to smaller birds, rodents, eggs and more. Another thing you should know about skunks are that they are territorial. So coming up to close to a skunk, in her shelter or especially when her young is around, expect her to get defensive. This is one of the main reasons why we do not recommend people to conduct their own “do it yourself” method of Toronto Skunk Removal and recommend them to call for help instead.
Here are a couple interesting facts about skunks!
- Skunks will not use their spray immediately when threatened. They will show warning signs first
- Their spray takes time to ‘refill’, which is why they don’t use it sparingly
- Skunks are extremely adaptable which is why they are found in all sorts of places. They can make a habitat out different types of environments
- In Ontario, skunks are often one of the main carriers of the rabies virus
- Skunks are often thought to be nocturnal, when technically they are crepuscular ( they come out during dawn or night)
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, Toronto Skunk Removal
When being faced for deal with Toronto skunk removal, you don’t need to be concerned with SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated taking care of it. Our technicians are licensed, trained, have years of experience when dealing with all sorts of wildlife control whether you need skunk removal to squirrel removal. In some cases, we have found situations where people have tried but were unsuccessful in evicting the skunk from their home themselves. Skunk removal requires professional service. Do it yourself methods have the potential to hurt somebody, hurt the skunk, damage your property further and it makes people at risk to more health concerns and disease. Skunks are one of the main carriers of the rabies virus in Canada. With skunks also being very territorial, they will put on an aggressive side and protect their family/shelter if they need to. If it is absolutely necessary to conduct skunk removal yourself, the City of Toronto has guidelines on how to do it. Another thing to be aware of are baby skunks. When baby skunks are involved the process of Toronto skunk removal requires the need of more care and gentle precautions as to not harm the baby skunk and to keep them with their mother. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated has the proper knowledge and technique required to keep everybody safe, including the skunks, while being effective.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior skunk removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Skunk Removal!