by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 22, 2016 | Bat Control
Last Updated: June 2016
Creatures of the night, vampires, flying rats. These are just a couple of the names bats are referred to as. Popular culture over the years have led people to associate bats as dark menacing flying supernatural animals, a common decor cut-out for Halloween. In reality, bats are like any other wildlife animal who simply goes about its routine, looking for food, finding shelter, raising its young. Bats are incredible creatures with interesting abilities and skills that aid them in their everyday life. Regardless of their skill set, though, you probably wouldn’t want to be faced one-on-one with a bat without the necessary equipment, experience and training needed. Whether it is in your workplace, or your home, bats indoors can be a difficult thing for people to deal with that occurs more often than expected and if it does happen, be sure to call for bat control from a professional Toronto bat removal service company to help you out.
About Toronto Bats
As previously mentioned, bats are interesting creatures. Not only are the interesting, but on a more serious note, bats are an endangered species. The most common bat found in Toronto is the Little Brown Bat. They have brown fur and grow to about 4-5 cm long with a wingspan of about 22-27 cm. They are the only species of mammals that fly and can weigh from 4-11 grams and have poor eyesight. Little Brown Bats are nocturnal and are often found in dark spaces like caves and abandoned buildings. In the city, bats can also be commonly found in places like the attic, soffits. Bats hibernate during the winter season, from about October to March depending on the weather conditions. Little Brown Bats feed on insects, mosquitoes and moths.
Here are some quick interesting facts about Bats
- There are about 8 species of bats in Toronto
- Baby bats are able to find food for themselves and fly at just only 3 weeks, almost fully independent at 4 weeks
- Due to their poor eyesight, bats use echolocation, an action where they omit a high-frequency sound that bounces of objects that helps them create a mental image to find their way
- Their ability to use echolocation is so accurate that they are able to track small insects, moths and their quick pace
- Little Brown Bats give bird to 1 pup (baby bat) at a time
- Little Brown Bats are most active around 3 hours after sunset
- Can squeeze into spaces as small as mm
- Female bats can control their pregnancy by storing sperm from the fall and getting pregnant in more favorable conditions in the spring
Decline of Little Brown Bats
There has been a decline in the population of bats. Bats are an endangered species and have been added to the Species at Risk Ontario list on January 24th, 2013. The reason for their decline can be contributed by the threat of White Nose Syndrome. White Nose Syndrome is a disease that is presumed to be brought to North American from Europe. The fungus that affects the bats grow in places that are moist, cold humid, such as caves where they most commonly hibernate. According to Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on the official Ontario website, White Nose Syndrome affects the wing membrane of the bat, which controls their water balance. When this occurs, bats can wake up due to thirst during their hibernation in the wintertime and when this happens they use up their body fat supply.
Toronto Bat Removal
When dealing with a bat in the house or in the workplace, its best to call for a professional Toronto Bat Removal service. With Little Brown Bats being endangered, for their safety and for yours, calling a trained technician with expertise and experience can help remove the bat from your property safely and humanely. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, Toronto Bat Removal occurs from soffits and attics. The technicians analyze the situation by determining the point of entrance, to see if there is only 1 or multiple. A one-way door is installed and the Ministry of Health is contacted. At that point, either SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technician drops the bat off, or someone is sent to pick the bat up to undergo testing. Although the fear of bats and rabies is present, the actual rate of bats who carry the rabies virus is small. Testing is done as a precaution. More common than rabies is a disease called Histoplasmosis. This is contracted through bat guano (bat droppings) and can cause flu-like symptoms, such as a feeling light headed, loss of appetite, headaches or more. For these reasons and more, it is a better solution to call for a professional to handle Toronto Bat Removal rather than trying to take care of it yourself and risk being exposed to Histoplasmosis or other common wildlife germs that can be contracted. Trying to handle Toronto Bat Removal yourself can result in getting hurt, or in harming the bat. Neither of these should have to happen.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior bat removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Toronto Bat Removal!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 19, 2016 | Remove Dead Animal Carcass
Last Updated: June 2016
Finding the corpse of a dead animal and needing dead animal removal can take you on an emotional roller-coaster. From confused, when you’re questioning what type of animal it is or whether it is alive or not, to sad, when you mourn the death of the lifeless animal laying before you, to uncomfortable, when you realize that the body needs to be removed and quickly. Overall, you know that the process of dealing with dead animal removal is not a pleasant one, and essentially, you want it to be completed as quickly and easily as possible. Due to the urgency, some people do take these matters into their own hands and try to remove and dispose of the animal themselves. This should not be done for a number of reasons. Dead animal removal should only be performed by a technician with all of the professional qualifications. This way you can ensure that you won’t be faced with any safety risks, health hazards or even law violations. Dead animal removal done correctly requires specific precautions to be taken to avoid dealing with these safety risks, health hazards and law violations which is why a professional service is always the safest and better route.
The Hazards of Do it Yourself Dead Animal Removal
There are some people out there who believe that dead animal removal only requires the need to be brave, that as long as you have the stomach for it, then you’re good to go and do it yourself. This is not the case. There are a number of reasons why you should never try and handle dead animal removal yourself, and these reasons include the safety and health of your family and yourself. Dead animals, just as much as living wildlife, are prone to carry all sorts of different types of germs and disease, some even transferable to humans. There are multiple occurrences of people conducting DIY dead animal removal themselves with their own methods. Do it yourself dead animal/dead wildlife removal often consists of putting on gloves and placing the corpse in a bag for disposal along with their trash. In conducting this process, you are at risk of being exposed germs and disease and this is also not the proper way to be conducting dead wildlife disposal processes. Dead wildlife/animals not only carry the possibilities of possessing these virus/disease themselves, but so do the pests that are attracted to them. When an animal dies, especially when it hasn’t been removed for a while, or if it has an open wound, they are susceptible to attracting all sorts of pests to feed on the corpse. These pests include, some rodents, maggots, flies, and a large population of them. Now, not only are you at risk of contracting something from the dead animal itself, but now, you are also at risk to the bugs, critters and pests attracted to and feed on dead wildlife. Another thing to consider is what to do when an animal dies in a small, or hard to reach space, like under a deck or in the attic. Struggling to remove it yourself when the animal is inaccessible, can be dangerous especially if it is a high area. This is another reason why it is best not to do it yourself and to trust this process to someone with experience, knowledge and professionalism and avoid the trouble altogether.

SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated Dead Animal Removal
Because the city will not conduct dead animal removal from private properties, including attics or walls, to do this you will need to hire a private company. Here are some of the city services regarding dead wildlife. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated has years of experience in conducting dead animal removal services. Upon arrival, our technicians will thoroughly analyze the situation, determining the kind, size of animal and where it is located. After they have removed the animal, the area is properly sanitized with an anti-septic and the animal is disposed of in the correct manner according to the municipality regulations. Throughout the entire process, our technicians are thoroughly protected, wearing masks and proper coveralls as to not contract anything from the dead animal. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated will remove smaller animals, but does not provide services in removing roadkill or large animals like deer. The city can be contacted for those services. If you have any questions about the types of dead animal removal services SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated provides, give us a call at 647.994.9453.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 18, 2016 | Bird Control
Last Updated: June 2016
You don’t need to grow up or live in the GTA for too long to know that the city needs Toronto bird removal services. These free-flying, wing-flapping animals have populated Toronto for a long time now, and it appears to only be increasing. If you’re walking down the sidewalk, it is not unlikely to find a group of birds perched up on a powerline, a child running and scaring a flock of birds at a park to watch them fly away, or birds together scavenging for food at Dundas Square. While birds can be entertaining to watch from a far (so much that the activity is a hobby), their bravery and population has called for the need of Toronto bird removal services.
Bird problems have been causes for health concerns, safety problems and damaged property. To deal with Toronto bird problems requires the right kind of knowledge and professional expertise and experience. There are several things to take into consideration when dealing with Toronto bird removal, for example the laws and regulation protecting certain species of birds. Before any action in performed, it should be verified whether it is legal or not to conduct bird removal of the species you’ve encountered. Otherwise you might be faced with a penalty. There are 3 birds that are not protected under Migratory Bird Treaty; these birds are the Sparrow, the Starlings and the Pigeons.
The Sparrows, the Starlings and the Pigeons
Sparrows, starling and pigeons are the 3 species of birds that are not protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty. This means, if you encounter or are experiencing a problem with either one of these types of birds, having them removed is legal. The following are some of the characteristics of the pigeon, the sparrow and the starlings.
Pigeons (also known as Rock Dove)
- Approximately 35 cm long and 65 cm wingspan
- Can fly around 50 miles per hour
- Dark blue/grey in color with specs of white on the wings and green around the neck
- Pigeons breed all year with summer and spring being peak seasons
- They have a 15 year lifespan
- Can have permanent habitats and have ‘homing instincts’
- Pigeon droppings are toxic/acidic
- Can carry fleas and mites
- Approximately 16 cm long and 20 cm wingspan
- Can fly around 45 miles per hour
- Small brownish, grey and white bird with rounded wings
- Breeding season occurs march to early august
- In the wild, sparrows usually have a life expectancy of about 4-5 years
- Sparrows are sociable
- Salmonella is common in House Sparrows
Starlings (also known as European Starlings)
- Approximately 20 cm long and 40 cm wingspan
- Can fly around 45 miles per hour
- Appear black, but up close reveals a purple/green color and are brown in the winter
- Breeding season occurs September to December
- There is a record of a European Starling living up to 15 years and 3 months
- European Starlings are cavity nesters, which means they like to find small open spaces/holes to nest
- European Starling droppings can carry infectious disease
- More facts about European Starlings
Toronto Bird Problem
Birds are wonderful and beautiful wildlife. Unfortunately in some cases they have become nuisances. The reason for the rise in need for Toronto bird removal is because of the problems that occur due to them. People are being faced with issues such messy nests on their property, inconveniencing them with the nest placement/ the droppings they leave, the noise caused and are altogether not happy with the situation. In addition to birds being a nuisance, bird nests are also the cause for some safety hazards. Nests placed in areas like vents are potential fire hazards and must be taken care of as soon as possible. Toronto bird removal not handled properly or in a timely manner can result in damage of air conditioning equipment, industrial machines, insulation, soffits and roofs causing structural problems. Birds are also often carriers of fleas and mites that cause redness and itchiness when it gets on skin. When not properly taken care of, in the event where a bird/birds nest is in your home’s ventilation, it can spread. Pigeon droppings are also something to be aware of, they are toxic and acidic and if not addressed, can cause damage.
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated Toronto Bird Removal
Toronto bird removal done by SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated results in a job well done. The entire situation is clearly mapped out and a personalized plan based on the structure of your home, the service required and the type of bird is developed. Depending on the situation, different removal methods are conducted. Spikes, nets, metal meshing and one way doors are some of the processes conducted. Spiked are placed a-top a flat surface and simply deter the bird from landing. Birds like sparrows can be effectively evicted with our small one-way doors due to their size where they travel out of the funnel but are unable to return. The type/size of net or mesh is determined by the type and size of the bird, so when our wildlife operators are examining the condition, they are determining the best option for your situation.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior Toronto bird removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 for Toronto Bird Removal!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 15, 2016 | Mice Control
Last Updated: June 2016
The reactions elicited from seeing mice are always shrill and recognizable. Wide-eyed, shrieks and pointing in the general direction you saw the little rodent come from, while trying to be off of the ground by jumping onto a chair or table. Rodents are not generally welcomed visitors in people’s homes. They carry a stigma of having a handful of germs and diseases that transfer to humans or pets. While it is not always the case that these tiny critters carry disease, there are a handful that do, and you don’t want to be the one to find out. Their small size and fast movement allows them to travel from in and out of many places which makes them accessible to picking up germs you don’t want to get in contact with – disease or not. So, it’s not very surprising that homeowners are horrified when they come into contact with mice. However, what they do to take care the situation isn’t always the best solution and in some circumstances, can even worsen it. When you’re faced with needing Toronto mice control, it is recommended to call a professional service for removal help for many safety and hazard related reasons. Calling a licensed wildlife removal service to help you get rid of mice will help you out and can save you time and money in the long-run. Do some research and keep reading below for some more information on how to take care of a Toronto mice control problem.
Toronto Mice Control

Toronto is a great place to be from the tourist attractions like the CN Tower, to the local eateries around the corner. It is filled with a
never ending list of variety when it comes to foods to eat, places to be, things to do, people to meet. There’s no doubt that the city holds a whole realm of adventure and excitement. Unfortunately in some cases, the city also calls for Toronto Mice Control. With the amount of activities available, sometime litter becomes an issue. Litter of trash and food and waste. These things are a factor of what attracts mice to surface onto the streets and buildings. The pathway alleys, tiny cracks in the walls, plus their size and their speed allows them to weave through at ease without being seen or caught. It’s not only the downtown city that requires Toronto mice control. The smaller quiet neighborhoods of the GTA also face these mice control issues as well. Older homes or homes with structures with tiny cracks in the floor or holes in the wall give these mice a place to enter through and use the spaces that they find as a shelter. When a mice appears in a place of work or your house, it can be a complete disaster to the homeowner or business owner. In all cases, if you’ve seen/suspected that a mouse has come to your home/work uninvited, you should immediately take control of the situation and call for a professional.
When being faced with a Toronto mice control problem, always seek out a professional. There are many ‘Do it yourself’ suggestions online that walk you through the mice control process. They give you instructions on what you need to buy from your local hardware store or what household items you can find at home and use without even walking out the front door. These options claim to be ‘easy’ when in reality, mice are small and fast, so following an ‘easy’ online tutorial isn’t the best idea. Attempting to do iton your own also comes with a series of risks involved which is why it isn’t often recommended. To get rid of mice requires expertise, and an understanding of the entire situation, because they do vary. A ‘DIY’ option will not be able to assess different cases and won’t be able to give you immediate assistance when you need it. Avoid trying to conduct a Toronto mice control solution yourself and call for a professional. A professional wildlife removal operator will be able to assess your situation, and structure a strategy specifically made out for your home.
SOS Wildlife Toronto Mice Control
When SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians handle your Toronto mice control problem, they do so strategically and effectively. When arriving to your home, our technicians assess the situation by asking you a couple questions and looking for all of the evidence the mouse leaves when living in your home. When entry points and traces are established, our technician will devise a plan of action specifically made out to the layout of your home that will not interfere with your everyday life. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians will conduct your Toronto mice control in a safe manner with precautions in place. Safety is crucial when conducting mice control which is why it isn’t recommended to conduct these processes yourself. If an error occurs, somebody can get seriously injured which is why, to avoid it, it is best practice to call somebody with professional training and expertise to help remove the mice.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior Toronto mice control services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 for Toronto Mice Control!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 12, 2016 | Squirrel Control
If you’re living on the south side of York Region, something you’re bound to hear about one time or another is Richmond Hill squirrel control. Fast little four-legged climbers, squirrels are quite the creatures. If you’ve lived in Ontario for a while, you’ll know that these guys aren’t ridiculously shy and will more often than not, make an appearance by scurrying past you on the sidewalk or climb up a tree, maybe with some friends around, possibly while carrying some food to chow down on later. One fact for sure, is that squirrels are not strangers to the city. All over the GTA from Pickering to Newmarket and all around, squirrels are likely to be there. While squirrels are an interesting and impressive species of sciuridae, if you’re like most people, no matter how interesting they are, you probably don’t want a squirrel up in your attic, running around with his other squirrel friends or babies.
Richmond Hill
Richmond Hill is a town part of the GTA that has been around for many years. There are numerous amounts of services and community events available for Richmond Hill residences and visitors, such as their Arts and Culture Program which include the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, and the Richmond Hill Heritage Centre. They cater to people of all ages with their multiple activities and facilities for kids as well as older adults for example their parks, pools and community center events. With all of these great features, it is easy to see that Richmond Hill is a great place to be raising a family and integrating with the community. What you probably don’t want to get in the way is Richmond Hill Squirrel Control, and if you’re one of Richmond Hill’s 185,540+ people living in this part of the region, chances are you’ve heard of Richmond Hill squirrel control needs from your friends and neighbors at least once before.
Richmond Hill Squirrel Control
While it is easy to see that Richmond Hill is altogether a great place to be, Richmond Hill squirrel control is something to be aware of. The town is filled with different parks, trails and natural areas which make for a great place for people, but also for squirrels. While Squirrels may seem small and usually kept to themselves, sometime they make their way into people’s homes, sheds, attics, which can result in a significant amount of damage. This often occurs when people are not properly taking preventative measures to keep squirrels from their home. Older parts of the town may also be experiencing property damage over time which can be an attractive prospect for squirrels looking for a place to stay. Some behavior that can result in the need for Richmond Hill squirrel control include not properly disposing of your compost/trash on a regular basis, keeping windows/doors open when not necessary and encouraging squirrels and other wildlife to your property by feeding them. There are practices that can be taken to avoid attracting squirrels to your home which are the following
How to discourage squirrels from going on your property
- Properly dispose of waste, food and any sort of trash in a bin with a lid to keep squirrels from digging through
- Teach children to not feed squirrels or try to attract them to keep them from coming close to the house
- Check the house for any damages that may have been caused by a squirrel or can potentially attract a squirrel to move in to.
- If pet food is left in an open space, ensure that it is inaccessible to squirrels to avoid having the need for Richmond hill squirrel control
There are several DIY methods to get rid of squirrels available if you are already housing a squirrel, and while these may be cost efficient at first, it can costs you much more in the end if done incorrectly. Squirrels are smart, fast and territorial, and you definitely don’t want to get caught between a mother squirrel and her baby squirrels. In the event where you find yourself needing Richmond Hill raccoon control, call for a professional to help you out. A trained wildlife operator/wildlife removal service will know how to properly assess the entire situation before taking any action ensuring that all measure and methods are safe for your home, your family, the technicians and the squirrels. DIY methods done wrong can seriously harm the animal and yourself. This is why professional service should be and are more recommended to be contacted.
If you’re looking for a solution to your Richmond Hill squirrel control problems, feel free to give us a shout. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated our technicians conduct best practices in squirrel control, raccoon control and many more wildlife control services. An analysis of the current situation will be done and explained to keep you in the loop before we proceed. The process will be talked through, and any questions or concerns you have will be addressed. After the job is done, you can request the full preventative measures service to be conducted so that the squirrels do not return. If you want preventative measures taken to avoid having to deal with squirrel control in the first place, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated can do that for you too. This way, animals are kept from entering the house to begin with, and you can avoid dealing with any squirrel damages.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior Richmond Hill squirrel control services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Richmond Hill Squirrel Control!