by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Last Updated: June 2016
Having to deal with a Mississauga raccoon problem isn’t something new that is only occurring lately. For years now, wildlife have become increasingly more comfortable living side-by-side with humans in a populated city due to deforestation. Mississauga homes and businesses all over the city have been a host to many raccoons looking for a place to stay – but with all of their community events, parks and activities, who wouldn’t want to stick around? These furry four-legged mammals feel right at home as they’re the cause for a Mississauga raccoon problem while they find shelter and raise their young in your garage or shed! While the gap is getting smaller between animals and humans co-existing in the same neighborhood, it isn’t so much a pleasant experience when you’re dealing with the raccoons in your shed or on your roof. In fact, unfortunately it’s more of a nuisance and can be dangerous which is why it is important to deal with a Mississauga raccoon problem properly and with a professional as to not cause any damage or injury to yourself, your family or the raccoon.
Mississauga is one of Ontario’s largest cities, home to approximately 713,443 people with the population constantly growing. With a number of about 117,217 listed residences in the directories, you’re bound to hear about some sort of Mississauga raccoon problem. If it’s accessible to a raccoon, and it meets their criteria for a comfortable safe residence, it’s likely they’ll be interested.
Parks & Forestry
The city of Mississauga is not only one of Ontario’s largest cities, but it also has a number of trails, parks and forestry in the area. Erindale Park is the largest Mississauga’s park that is known for its relaxing space and fun trails. Erindale Park is also known for making visitors feel like their closer to nature, which isn’t surprising with the features it has, which include:
- Playground
- Hills
- Trails for Runners, Cyclists etc.
- Bird watching
- Forestry
These features are not exclusive to Erindale Park, there are other parks in the city that have similar activities available to the public and attraction for wildlife especially if there’s a trash bin available to scavenge through. Garnetwood Park is another park in Mississauga that has a scenic setting with many trees and even a fenced off-leash section of the park for you and your dog to run around. These parks and more are part of what make this a great area to live in but also can be a factor of raccoons in Mississauga.
Mississauga Raccoon Problem
Mississauga has a number of amazing features that make this large city great, from their parks, community, the forestry and much more. Unfortunately, what many cities are being faced with is the growing number of wildlife who sometimes are attracted to these city features. Because some animals are being driven from their natural habitat, they seek out new living arrangement. Finding places in the city is sometime beneficial to them because they have many places to hide. Also, with the amount of people around, there is also often more food sources for them to find too especially when compost and trash aren’t properly being disposed of regularly or after a barbecue or picnic in the park. A number of residences from around the city have faced a Mississauga raccoon problem, which can make for a complicated living arrangement. This is why it is a good idea to take precautions and prevention strategies to help keep your home from becoming a raccoons den. If you want to keep your home from hosting a raccoon or even a family of raccoons, here are a couple tips you might find helpful
- Regularly check in and around your house for any damages, holes, cracks that could be new. If it wasn’t there before, there’s a chance wildlife have gotten to it and you may need raccoon or squirrel control
- Make sure that both in the house and around the house stays clutter/garbage free. Raccoons are more likely to pick your house if they see that there is an available food source for scavenging when trash isn’t properly put away
- Keep your pet foods sealed. Wildlife like raccoons or squirrels will not only go looking through human food, but will also go through pet food if its easily accessible
- Shut doors, garage or any entrance ways when not in use. This will minimize the chance that wildlife gets into your house
If you already know that your home has a raccoon problem, more urgent steps should be taken to avoid damages or injuries. Although there are several Do It Yourself methods available online on how to get rid of raccoons, they aren’t always reliable. Conducting DIY methods to remove raccoons without any proper equipment, training or safety measure can result in someone getting hurt, a pet getting into a fight, or your property getting even further damaged. DIY done incorrectly may also harm the animal. As much as possible, it is best to avoid conducting any wildlife removal yourself unless you are a trained technician. Calling a professional will not only save your house faster, it will provide you with results and efficiency when you’re faced with a Mississauga raccoon problem. DIY methods can be a money saver if done correctly, but when done wrong can cost you more than you would have to spend hiring someone to do it.
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated is a professional wildlife control service who can take care of raccoon problems for you. Upon arrival, they will conduct a thorough inspection before taking any action. This way, they can look out for multiple entry points and baby raccoons if necessary. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated trained operators will then carry out the approved procedure to get the raccoons out of your home while taking into consideration the well-being of the animal, damages to your home and safety of your family.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior Mississauga raccoon removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Mississauga Raccoon Problems!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 8, 2016 | Skunk Control
Last Updated: June 2016
We always see those videos floating around online of baby animals being rescued from a natural disaster or some other tragic event – but have you ever wondered what you would do, or what you’re supposed to do if you had been the one to find it? Every once in a while, we will receive call about baby skunk removal, what to do when they are found, how to handle them, if they should handle them and help on what to do as next steps. In most situations, the best answer is to call for a professional. Babies of any species are fragile and dependent, which is why it is always important that special precautions are taken in the event where you encounter one. Things become even more complicated when the baby is orphaned or injured which could sometimes be difficult to recognize for people who don’t often find themselves in these types of situations (if injured animal found, contact Toronto Animal Services). Another factor to consider when finding a baby animal is the species because although babies are babies, different animals behave differently when it comes to their young. For these reasons and more, for the sake of the young animal and their mother, it’s best to request the aid of someone you can trust to take care of this professionally.
Baby skunk removal
NO mother in sight
The process of baby skunk removal needs to be handled carefully as there are many things that could go unexpectedly and many factors to consider. In the case where you happen to see a baby skunk(s), with their mother missing, there are a couple things you should do. Skunks are nocturnal, so most of their activity occurs during the night time. If you see baby skunks alone in the day, there may be some reason to be concerned. Mother skunks don’t often stray too far from their young unless it is to gather food to bring back to feed, so if the babies are alone, monitor them first for a little while to see if the mother shows up. If there are no signs for a significant amount of time, you can assume that the babies might be orphaned which could be due to getting hit by a car, a predator, or trapped and removed without her young. When you do see the need for baby skunk removal for baby skunks who are orphaned, call a wildlife removal service company to assist you in the process.
If you are desperate and you must move the animals yourself, start by wearing thick gloves and covering any exposed skin as a precaution. Scared wildlife will try to defend themselves and skunks may do so by either spraying or biting if they can. Very carefully draw the skunks out from where they are, pick them up and place them in a warm comfortable box. Do not feed the skunks or try to domesticate/raise them. Call for a wildlife rehabilitator like Toronto Wildlife Centre to give you directions. While waiting for action or response, keep an eye out on the skunks to see if their mother returns and look out for predators nearby who can harm them. Record any unusual or noteworthy behavior just in case to tell the rehabilitator or wildlife removal service.
WITH mother nearby
One of the main reasons why it is very important to seek out a professional when removing wildlife from your property is to avoid separating babies from their mother. In some situations when ‘Do It Yourself’ Skunk Removal methods are taken, they are unknowingly trapping baby skunk away from their mother leaving them orphaned and in danger of starvation. Professional wildlife removal companies such as SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated will know where to look, at what time of year to look and how to properly assess the entire situation before taking any sort of action. When baby skunk removal is required, the process begins by temporarily keeping the mother away from her young as to safely move the baby skunk from their spot. This keeps the technicians from being bitten or sprayed by the mother. Once the mother has fled, it’s safe to move the baby skunks into a heated cozy box easily visible for the mother to find. The hole where the skunk originally entered through gets patched and preventative measures are taken to keep the skunks from re-entering your home. While the baby skunks are in their box, an eye is kept out on them as they await to be reunited with their mother. The mother returns to find the box, picks up and moves them one by one to a new location away from your home.
About Baby Skunks
- Skunks are born in a litter of about 4-6 babies
- Baby skunk are born in the spring time
- Very young baby skunks are unable to use their defensive spray for a couple of weeks
- Skunks are nocturnal mammals
- Baby skunks are born blind and have no teeth heavily relying on their mother for survival
- Do not feed baby skunks as they can have bad reactions to the wrong type of food or drink
- Skunks do not hibernate but will avoid harsh cold weather when necessary
To keep our wildlife safe, it is always best to call for an expert. Baby skunk removal done poorly can result in injuring or orphaning the baby. Poorly done skunk removal can also lead to you getting hurt or sprayed which is something that is best avoided. Prevention methods are also recommended to avoid facing a skunk/baby skunk removal issue in the first place. Call a wildlife removal service company to help skunk-proof your home before any damage is done.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior baby skunk removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 for Baby Skunk Removal!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 5, 2016 | Animal Control, Helpful Tips, Squirrel Control
Last Updated: June 2016
It’s no secret that there are a ton of selections for wildlife control companies in Ontario who can help you solve your wildlife problem which is why it is difficult selecting the right wildlife control company. From east of the GTA to the west, north and south, the number of options are countless. This, I’m sure can get pretty overwhelming especially when all you need is a quick fix. Whether it’s an absolutely urgent problem that you need solved today, or something that you can spend an extra couple minutes researching, there are a couple things you should look out for in any of the options that you are choosing from. These factors can mean the difference in terms of the safety of you and your family, the technicians solving your wildlife problem and when looking out for the best interest of the animals and the environment. So, if selecting the right kind of wildlife control company is important to you, whether it’s a squirrel in your attic, raccoon in your garage or bird in the house etc. here are a couple things you should be looking out for.
Proper Licensing and Coverage
Although sometimes it means hiring for a lesser cost, having a wildlife control company/operator do work for you without being properly licensed or a company who isn’t covered/protected is way too big a risk. By choosing a company or a technician who doesn’t hold the proper qualifications to be conducting the processes required to properly conduct wildlife control processes can cost someone’s safety, damage of property, inhumane treatment of animals or more. In the end, you saving those extra couple dollars at the beginning will not be worth the problems that you can avoid facing by choosing a licensed, well trained, insured wildlife control company and operator/technician.
Things you should ask for from a wildlife control company
- Do they have Fall Arrest/Working at Heights certification?
- Have all of their technicians undergone proper training courses?
- Does the company have a Trapping License from the Ministry of Natural Resources?
- Are they available 24/7?
- Will they conduct processes humanely?
- Is it a pest control company, or a wildlife control company?
- Does the company have at least $3,000,000 liability coverage?
Respect for the Animals & Environment
In this line of business, it is easy to encounter people and companies who may not hold the same feeling towards wildlife as others. It is, after all, the business of removing wildlife from your property, wildlife often considered nuisances and problems. The truth is, the nuisance is in the part where unwelcome wildlife start using your home as their habitat possibly causing damage and bringing outside germs and disease in the house. The nuisance is not the animal itself – animals who are likely being driven out of their natural habitat in search of a place to raise their young or find themselves shelter. This is something that should be clear when you are selecting the right wildlife control company. You need to ensure that the technician/operator that you want to hire to do the job understands the difference and will not treat the animals inhumanely and know how to treat them so that there is no question. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated understands that when moving animals away from the property, to move it 1km away. They understand the proper procedure when catching an animal is to never trap by the neck. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated also understands how to properly remove wildlife from your property during baby season, which is by ensuring that the mother is easily able to locate the babies while the babies are in a safe, heated box. There are specific laws in place that specify proper treatment of wildlife. To encourage the proper treatment of animals, both inside and outside the home, select a wildlife control operator/technician who know these processes and have these values.
The right wildlife control company will be friendly, open and honest
When doing any kind of business, having someone work with/for you who is friendly and with whom you get along with can always make the process a little bit more pleasant. Rather than hiring someone who can get the job done while you struggle tolerating the entire process, you should hire someone who can get the job done well, who is friendly, can offer great service and is honest. Business is business, some people say, but business means people. This means interactions, relationships and good service. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated we continuously deliver exceptional customer service, even after the job is done. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always call back to have them addressed. When looking for the right wildlife control company, look for someone who can be open and honest right from the start, whether it be about the fees or the process. This also makes the process of having them work on your property easier. Nobody likes getting unpleasant surprise at the end of the job, so when choosing a company, find someone who will be honest with you.
Knowledgeable and Professional
It’s easy to claim knowing all there is about a trade, but it’s another thing to be able to do it. When selecting the right wildlife control company, be sure that they aren’t purely talk, but can also get the job done and know what they’re doing. A poorly trained technician can result in inefficient work, safety concerns, and health concerns and in the end, be the cause for a loss of time and money. When picking the company, make sure that they are well trained, know what they’re doing, why they are doing it, and conducts the process properly. This makes it so that you only have to get the job done once, the right way. The right wildlife control company who is knowledgeable and professional will be able to explain the situation to the customer, will tell the customer how the problem will be solved, solve it and then answers any additional questions the customer may have. You can easily spot a company who meets this qualification be seeing what others are saying about it. Look for reviews or testimonials for previous customers opinions on how the company operates.
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated is a company who meet and exceed these expectations and requirements. We are a company with over 10 years of experience who understand the right way to handle wildlife control. We know that proper licensing and coverage will help protect the customer, the company and the wildlife. We understand that in this business, some try to get away by treating animals inhumanely in their removal process. We are not one of these companies. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated will tell you all of the information you need to know up-front and will explain the process and answer any questions you have during or after the job is done. We are knowledgeable and professional and always put out our best when doing our work.
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated has:
- Fall Arrest/Working at Heights certification
- Technicians have undergone proper training courses
- Have a Trapping License from the Ministry of Natural Resources
- Available 24/7
- Is a professional Wildlife Control company
- Conduct wildlife control processes humanely
- $5,000,000 liability coverage
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1-800-981-0330 today!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 3, 2016 | Remove Dead Animal Carcass
Last Updated: June 2016

Yes, it is the circle of life but it’s always unfortunate when someone has to deal with handling dead wildlife. Some cannot stomach the thought of having to do this, others are very sad, but one thing for sure is that when you encounter a problem like this, the animal needs to be moved. When someone spots dead wildlife in or around the house, it is important to take the right precautions to avoid any problems, for both your health and your safety. These conflicts include the following:
In some cases, animals do carry zoonotic diseases (transferable diseases from animal to humans) like rabies or other viruses you rather not contract. Although some may think that it is harmless to deal with an animal since it is dead need to reconsider and think about the germs that are being passed on. In instances where it is necessary to move the dead wildlife yourself, ensure that your skin is not exposed and that you are wearing thick gloves and mask to protect yourself.
Other Animals
The cause of dead wildlife is sometimes due to other animals who have killed it, and will now be the cause for other animals to be attracted to it. Either way, you probably don’t want to be between a dead animal and its prey. If you see a dead animal, call a service to help you remove it to protect yourself from oncoming and returning animals.
Insects and Bugs
Dead animals often always attract bugs and insects who feed off of it. It is known that bugs and insects are sometimes carriers of disease. To minimize the chance of encountering an insect or bug that could possibly be carrying a transferable illness, keep away from the deceased animal, and ensure that your children are also aware of the risks when near dead animals.
We do not recommend disposing of dead wildlife on your own. The reasons stated above are only a couple examples out of the many issues that can occur when trying to move them. In an instance where you are moving animals there are many things you need to take into consideration. This includes properly disposing of the animal in accordance to the law, the health and safety the people around you as mentioned previously, the health and safety of other animals and also taking into consideration the rest of the environment for example, contaminating water or food sources. These are all things that should not, but are possible to happen when dealing with dead wildlife incorrectly. The best way to avoid having this happen is by hiring a professional service to remove the dead wildlife from your property.
At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, our technicians are properly trained on how to correctly remove and dispose of dead wildlife. They know how to look out for it and identify it if you are unsure about odors or the damage that the animals could have caused. The technicians at SOS Wildlife are familiar with dealing with all sorts of different dead wildlife and have the proper equipment to safely move it and remove it so that it can be disposed of without putting you or your family in any further health risks at any time of the day or night. After the dead wildlife is removed, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated will clean up the affected area by deodorizing and removing residue using an antiseptic liquid and properly disposes of the dead animal. It is recommended to take preventative measures afterwards to avoid having to be in the same situation again.
When looking to remove dead wildlife from in or around the house, consider SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated. We provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. If you’re looking to get rid of dead wildlife, and proof your home instead to avoid getting into a troublesome situation, we can do that too. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 to Remove Dead Wildlife
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 1, 2016 | Mice Control
Last Updated: June 2016
If you are like most people, it’s likely you do not want any mice in your home this winter. They are small, sneaky animals who leave unpleasant messes in your house including droppings and bite marks that you really would prefer to not deal with. To get rid of mice is just a whole other nuisance when dealing with it. Some people use traps or chemicals incorrectly to get rid of mice. If not done right, this can be ineffective, while in the process, these traps are interfering with your daily life, damaging your home, and the chemicals risks the safety of you family including your pets which is why it’s not recommended to do it on your own. After multiple attempts, you wonder if there are any simpler ways to get rid of mice to which the answer is yes. The answer comes in two parts, the first is for people who don’t yet require any mice control. To avoid getting mice in the first place take some time to analyze your house – or for an even more thorough inspection call a professional to check it for you and take preventative measures to keep the mice out. The second part is for people who now need pest control to get rid of mice. Contact a professional wildlife removal service to take care of it, quickly, efficiently and safely to avoid getting into a mess.
For when you’re unsure whether or not you have a mice problem, there are a couple signs you can look out for. Knowing these will help you determine whether you need to take preventative measures or control measures.
One of the more common signs people notice first when they are experience mice problems are the noises. Mice will gnaw or scratch on furniture, walls or other possessions of yours while inhabiting the home. You might even catch marks on these items including food indicating that the mouse has been there as the products show some damage. Another indication that you need to get rid of mice are the odors, messes and droppings that they are leaving behind. If you have mice in your home, you’re likely to find any of these. Little piles of material under where they have scratched and gnawed, or mice droppings which appear as little dark pellets on the ground mean that you are under the roof with some unwanted guests. If you happen to see the droppings, be very careful near it. A disease called Hantavirus is contracted by mice dropping and are contracted by humans when inhaled. Here are a couple other facts you may want to know about mice:
- Mice will make shelter out of available material around them. This includes cardboard pieces, paper or pieces of tissue
- Mice incisors are continuously growing. Domesticated mice have their incisors trimmed regularly
- Mice grow up to be about 2 inches long
- Mice can have an average of 8 young in their litter and have several litters a year
- Mice are nocturnal which is why they are hardly spotted during the day
- Mice have a history of chewing electrical wiring
Because the weather is colder now, mice will look for a warm comfortable space for shelter which makes your home ideal. To keep from welcoming them into your house do an inspection around the house. Check for small holes, or cracks where mice are likely to fit through and fill them. Keep the house tidy and free of food crumbs or accessible pet foods. Ensuring that your trash bins are kept shut and tidy will also help with raccoon control, another issue you do not want to be face with. To ensure that the entire house has been thoroughly checked, have a wildlife removal service do an inspection. They are trained to know where to look and what to look for when identifying where mice can get through. They will also be able to set up effective preventative measures so that you don’t have to get rid of mice in the future.
When conducting mice control, doing it yourself versus having a professional do it for you can mean the difference. As mentioned earlier, when performing DIY tactics, people must be aware that it has to be done right, otherwise a lot of things can go wrong. Setting up traps and putting out poisons to get rid of mice is ineffective and dangerous if not done correctly. Children and pets are at risk of ingesting something that could seriously harm or in even worse cases can lead to a death. This is why it is always a preferred option to call for professional mice removal service. Technicians from SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated are trained well and will know how to appropriately set up traps not only so that the traps are effective but also so that the traps are set in up in a manner which keeps the household and the family safe. Before setting up the traps, the technician will ask questions to be as thorough as possible in assessing the situation. Both the inside and the outside of the house will be inspected to look for possible entrance/exit ways. Once the technician is aware of everything that they need to know, they will conduct the process to get rid of mice (also similar to the process of rat control).
When looking to get rid of mice, consider SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated. We provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. If you’re looking to prevent a mice problem, and proof your home instead to avoid getting into a troublesome situation, we can do that too. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 to Get Rid of Mice