by SOS Wildlife Control | Jan 13, 2016 | Squirrel Control
Last Updated: May 2016
One of the most common urbanized wildlife in Toronto and the GTA is squirrels. Quick footed and fast grabbers, squirrel problems have recently become an urban homeowner’s nightmare. Their small and flexible bodies allow them to go in and out of spaces, hide inside tree barks, and enter structures through cracks and small holes. They are superior climbers and can also utilize chimneys, shingles, and unscreened vents to enter buildings. Much like some of the other wildlife, fall is the season squirrels start looking for a winter home that provides them with safety and warmth. Squirrels are notorious for chewing on various materials like plastic pipes, vents, all kinds of woods, electrical wires, and even siding. Damage from their chewing can cause anything from costly repairs to floods and even fires. While severe damage and potential fires/floods are the more serious squirrel problems, there is also a lot of noise and disturbance caused by these little invaders.
How to identify squirrels on your property?
Usually home or business owners are alerted by the noise squirrels make. They are not nocturnal and can function on next to no sleep, which allow them to be on the go almost all the time. They make quick scampering, light thumping, and scratching sounds. They habituate mostly in the attics and between walls so that’s where the sounds usually come from. Aside from the sounds, they leave droppings, however this may be difficult to identify as homeowners don’t often inspect their attics regularly, or have access to survey between the walls. Though droppings and urine may not be visible, they do have an unpleasant and strong smell that can be an indicator of their presence.
Aside from causing damage to the inside and outside structure of a building; squirrel problems can also include inflicted damage to lawns. Squirrels dig holes to hide their food from their predators. They can chew up landscaped trees and bushes, plants, fruits and vegetables for consumption. What attracts them to residential yards are; bird-feeders, pet foods, and nut and fruit trees.
How to resolve squirrel problems?
While there are many options available for a homeowner to rid of squirrels on their own, there are lots of ambiguities one should be careful of. Results of online research suggest poison, deathly traps, etc. However these options are illegal in Canada and are considered as animal cruelty. There are criminal charges and penalties associated to such activities. One’s safest choice is to contact a professional wildlife removal company. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we can help identify their entry and exit points, and often times provide on-site removal services via live trapping methods. Live trapping is the most humane method to remove squirrels.
What are the Preventive Measures for Squirrel Problems?
There are measures homeowners can take to avoid squirrel problems. One of the most important things is to be aware of any holes or cracks on the foundation of their property. These cracks and holes need to be fixed, soffits need to be secured and sealed shut, and all doors and windows should shut properly. In addition, ensuring no pet food is left outside, bird-feeders and its surrounding are kept clean and free of spread food, and fruits from trees are picked regularly, and the fallen fruits are cleaned up before squirrels get to them, are helpful practices.
Although squirrel problems can be a major nuisance to property owners, their ability to cause damage doesn’t exactly define their characteristics. They are full of personality and fun facts. For an informative read and pictures, you can check out National Geographic‘s write-up on squirrels. For a more summarized fun read, here are some interesting facts about the feathery tailed members of the wildlife:
- Squirrels are natural gardeners. They have superior skills in digging holes for “planting” acorns. They do this gesture for the sole purpose of hiding their food. They bury thousands of acorns per season, and not all of them get found. This gives trees dispersal as it’s good for nuts to be buried in the soil for trees.
- As they are natural gardeners, they can distinguish their foods apart and can store them accordingly. Simple example is the difference between red oak and white oak acorns. White oak acorns germinate faster than the reds, so squirrels tend to eat the white oak acorns first and store the red oak ones for winter. A study in 1996 called Animal Behavior has revealed that squirrels bite off the embryo of white oak acorns, paralyzing the seed’s ability to sprout, which keeps longer without germinating. This gives them variety for winter time snacking.
- Squirrels are brilliant and they prepare for extreme weather conditions by collecting and storing food in hidden spots. In their natural habitats, they eat mushrooms. Many squirrels leave mushrooms between tree branches to dry as they keep better over winter.
- Squirrels can run 20 miles/hour, and their sweat glands are located on their feet.
- There are over 300 different types of squirrels but one of the most common ones we see are called “gray squirrels”. They are also referred to as “living fossils” because they haven’t changed in 37 million years.
Don’t let squirrel problems become an irritant in your life. It is very important to ensure you take action immediately after discovering squirrel invasion in your property. Their habit of chewing almost everything is an expensive repair work, but it can be even more destructive as electrical cables can cause fires, and chewed up water pipes could cause floods.
At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior squirrel removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your squirrel problems.
We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
by SOS Wildlife Control | Jan 11, 2016 | Helpful Tips, Skunk Control
Last Updated: May 2016
Being well informed is a great way to keep you and your family away from having to deal with getting rid of skunks throughout the year. Now, with the colder weather upon us, wildlife is more likely to make a habitat out of your property, either under your porches, beneath the sheds, around a wood pile etc. Unfortunately, getting rid of skunks can be tricky. Although not poisonous, their foul defensive spray is something that most people would like to avoid being hit by. This spray leaves victims feeling uncomfortable with a terrible stench that is difficult to remove and may cause burning sensation if sprayed into your eye.
Getting rid of skunks effectively means having to know a little bit about them and their behavior here in Ontario. Here are a couple things you should know about skunks:
Skunk Facts
- A skunk’s main habitat are grassy areas, but they are known to be extremely adaptable and are found in urban areas, making a home out of places like under buildings, porches etc.
- Skunks, more specifically the striped skunk, are found in North America and can be seen all over Ontario
- Skunks produce and excrete a foul smelling spray when threatened. Warnings are given out first to deter from using their spray, as it takes time to “refill”
- A skunk will give out a warning by raising their tail. They may also stomp in circles or omit a hissing noise before they spray
- These mammals breed around February/March and have a gestation period of about 8 weeks. Skunks produce a litter of 4-7 baby skunks at a time
- Skunks are omnivorous, they eat both plant and meat. Their diet often consists of smaller rodents, larvae, earthworms, berries, nuts and more
- Skunks are nocturnal. They become more active at night which makes getting rid of skunks easier in the day
To avoid hosting and having a potential skunk problems there are a couple things that you can do, such as keeping your yard clean and free from garbage or pet foods. When skunks recognize this as a food source, they are likely to return make a habitat out of a space nearby. Grub and larvae come out of grassy areas or lawns in or after heavy rain or watering. Skunks also see this as food source, so avoid over-watering or keep an eye out during wet weather conditions.
Skunks do not mean any harm for no reason. When they attack, they are simply being defensive for either their own protection, the protection of their young or their territory. This is why getting rid of skunks is more difficult than preventing them from coming on to your property in the first place. Therefore, it’s best to take measures earlier than later. But in the event of a skunk already living on your property, this is what you can do.
Getting Rid of Skunks on Your Property
Please do not face a skunk head on. We do not recommend taking DIY approaches to facing a skunk, always seek out a professional technician to do this. These measures below are only to be conducted when the skunk is clearly out of site.
- Look for the entrance to their den. It is often a dark cornered area. Keep a look out for spaces beneath the porch or holes around the shed.
- Once found, fill the entrance with a temporary barrier (balled up paper) that can be broken out of.
- If the barrier remains intact for 4-5 days and there are no longer any sign of a skunk living there, the entrance can be sealed permanently
- If the barrier is disturbed, a skunk or other wildlife may be living there. Do not seal the entrance permanently.
- If the skunk is still living in that space, encourage it to leave by keeping on bright lights, making noises or install a one-way door to keep it from coming in (keep a look out for young skunks, as a one-way door should not be installed if a skunk is caring for her young in that space. In the event where you are faced with baby skunks, call a professional wildlife removal company to assist you).
- Once gone, permanently seal the entrance and look for other spaces where a skunk could relocate.
If you are having trouble getting rid of skunks, hopefully these steps can help you be skunk-free. In any event, if you are still experiencing difficulty with them, give us a call and we’ll assist you in safe, humane skunk removal. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Wildlife Control!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Jan 7, 2016 | Helpful Tips, Mice Control
Last Updated: May 2016
Throughout our lives, either you or somebody you know has been faced with a problem that occurs more frequently than mentioned. Mice in homes. Rodents in the household, workplace or in sight in public are not as pleasant as Ratatouille makes it out to be. Unfortunately, these mice can result in a number of different problems- unwelcome visits to your house or an interference with your business can be a drag. In order to solve a problem like this, you need to know how to recognize it. Here are a couple things you should know about dealing with mice in homes.
Mouse Teeth
Mice have their upper front teeth protruding a little further out than their bottom teeth causing it to overlap. This feature is a surefire way to know that mice are going to be gnawing at something. Their incisors are also always growing. Domesticated rodents have their teeth trimmed but if they aren’t pets, their long teeth can become problematic. The sound of tiny claws or gnawing teeth going at your walls, or furniture is something to listen for.
Regardless of where you’re coming from in Ontario, it’s almost a fact that the weather is unpredictable. Something that is a little more predictable, though, is mice behavior in chillier weather. Winter is here and with the weather getting colder, mice are more likely to relocate themselves into a warm comfortable space to nest. Be sure to keep a closer look out in the winter so you can avoid having to deal with mice in homes and need to call for mice removal.
Although it’s not guaranteed that the mice or mouse in your presence is a carrier for a terrible disease, like often believed, you wouldn’t really want to be the one to find out if it is. It’s not a secret that mice are known to carry various sorts of viruses. One of the more severe types is called Hantavirus. Hantavirus is a virus that is contracted from mice droppings. Contracting Hantavirus occurs when a mouse leaves its droppings on the ground, which then dries up into a form of dust. Humans contract it from inhaling or ingesting it, so be careful when cleaning up dust piles and wear a mask.
Food & Hygiene
This fact isn’t only restricted to mice, but to many other pest control causing critters as well. When dealing with mice in homes it’s always important to be reminded to clean up after yourself, especially when there is food involved. Mice are constantly scavenging for food for their nest, therefore, when they see a source they will go after it. Unguarded food, crumbs and messes left around the place become a food buffet to all sorts of critters. They are attracted to it and will rely on locations where food is heavily present. Be sure to keep the place clean and secure your food.
These are just a couple things to be aware of when dealing with mice problems. When dealing with mice in homes, you should know that their habitat might not be restricted to a single part of the house. Mice have a habit of scavenging their food from around multiple sources. Chances are, when mice are present in once location, they’ve likely made a habitat out of another within the same house.
These creatures are often regarded as nuisances and problematic when there is no intention of owning a rodent, and that’s understandable. Just be sure to take precautions when you’re dealing with them. Outside, mice are creatures like any other who inhabit different parts of the world, all over the world. Here are a couple interesting facts about mice
- Mice can live in forests, fields, grasslands and your basement. They can make a habitat out of almost any area as long as they’re out of harms way from predators, the climate is suitable, and there’s a reliable source of food. It should also be noted that once they’ve claimed a place, they’ve claimed it, as mice can be territorial and make their mark with their droppings.
- Different mice and different types of mice each come with a number of different characteristics, but generally, mice are fast moving, sneaky rodents that range from 6-7 inches.
- Mice sleep in the day and make their move in the night. Being nocturnal makes them less seen by humans and allows them to become more active.
- Mice come from all over the world, and there are more than 25 different kinds of mice identified. Some of these include the following; Spiny Mice, Zebra Mice, Wood Mice and House Mice. These different types have a wide range of features, colors, size and behaviors.
- Mice are intelligent creatures who communicate with each other in manners not often seen in other species. Unlike these species, mice communication methods include facial expressions, making different noises and omitting various odors.
These are just a couple things about mice you should know when dealing with mice in homes. The more you know about them, the more you learn and are better able to avoid needing to get rid of mice in the first place. If you are already experiencing problems and require mice removal, feel free to give us a call. We’re glad to help. Our service is fast, humane and efficient and we’ll ensure that the mice will remain in their natural habitat while you, yours.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 for Mice Control!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Jan 6, 2016 | Animal Control, Helpful Tips, Uncategorized
Last Updated: May 2016
It’s certainly not a surprise that animals can cause quite the headache to many property owners. Animal damage repair costs can be cumbersome and the time that takes to complete such repairs can be lengthy. Let’s not forget having to deal with contractors, the living conditions during the repairs, and the cleanup after construction. Unexpected costs aside, the timeliness of such damages can’t be predicted, leaving many property owners desperate and stressed.
How to Avoid Animal Damage Repair Needs:
Here are very basic but extremely effective tips to keep your home from becoming a den for wildlife:
- Be proactive in surveying your properties for visible structural damages such as holes, cracks, openings, etc.
- Be proactive in identifying animal trails, droppings, and signs of animal life in your property, including attic space, basement, and under porches.
- Be cautious and tedious with cleanliness. Keep all foods both human and pet food, contained and sealed.
- Keep property off clutter and leaves. Maintain front and backyard trimmed, grass cut, and all leaves raked.
- Keep pantry clean and free of opened food packaging.
If at any point you recognize a damage, or animal trail, there are several DIY methods available, but while the internet is full of inexpensive and sometimes free options and solutions, they don’t always provide effective results. Some of the most important things you can do is to identify there is an animal in your property. You should certainly clean the area and keep it hygienic for yourself and your family as many wildlife carry easily spreadable diseases. You can survey the area and find their “home” which is usually a designated area where they sleep, collect food, and keep their family. It is never recommended to try and remove any members of wildlife on your own. If they’re still on your property at the time of discovery, you should not try to catch them on your own. Aside from causing you physical harm, they could cause a lot of damage to your property, rip and chew through electrical cables, and dig their claw through walls, floors, insulation, etc. You should always seek professional services if the animals are present, and if there is a family with their babies. In Ontario, there are strict laws in place in protecting wildlife. These laws are in place to ensure wildlife are treated fairly and humanely. Anyone endangering the life of a member of the wildlife or inhumanely treating an animal can not only be fined up to $5000, but they can also be charged with animal cruelty under criminal law. The cost of animal damage repairs, legal fines, and potential physical harm all lead to one easy solution, which is to contact professional wildlife technicians.
While wildlife may be the more common invader, you could also have rodents and other pests like bedbugs and cockroaches infest your property. These smaller but equally destructive animals could cause permanent damages to your property that could easily drive the existing market value property down. The health risks they pose on humans, as well as their ability to multiply extremely quickly are the reasons why pests should also be taken very seriously. Small droppings, sour smells, tiny footprints could all be signs of an existing or growing mice problem. Cost of animal damage repairs aside, both wildlife and pests can be jeopardizing to healthy living/working environments.
Damages and Damage Repairs
Here are some examples of what animal damage repair costs could be in Ontario:
- Insulation: $1 a square foot
- Vapor Barriers: $0.70 a square foot
- Drywall/Plaster: $9 a square foot
- Hardwood Surface Scratch repair: up to $40 per tread
- Hardwood Floor Staining and Varnish: up to $50 per tread
- Shingle replacement/repair: $275-$750 per square foot (plus the cost of materials)
- Concrete crack/hole repair: $250+
- Professional Home Disinfection services: start at $500
- Electrical Cable replacement: start at $100
Aside from having to fund hefty repair bills, finding reputable contractors, having to spare required time for estimates, work, clean up, and having to relocate family (if required) due to hazardous situations are all stressful but absolutely controllable. Take early action, recognize the signs, and contact
the professionals. DIY options can provide permanent solutions for minor infestation cases, but may only provide short-term solutions for bigger, unidentified problems. Don’t put yourself your family at risk. Contact our technicians who are able to provide a broader assessment, and provide effective results.
Animal damage repair costs are no joke, and we take wildlife and pest control very seriously. We handle all infestation situations with professionalism and provide wildlife removal services the most humane way possible. Our technicians use the most effective methods in the most humane manners. Our technicians are professionally trained, friendly, and professional. They are able to understand animal behavior, as well as traits. They can help identify entry points and offer advice on repair techniques. Don’t let animal damage repair costs to become a headache and a nuisance to your family.
At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Jan 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
Last Updated: May 2021
With many federal and provincial laws protecting wildlife, there are even stringent ones protecting their offspring. One of the more common baby removals in Ontario is raccoon removal and it certainly requires professionally trained technicians to ensure removal is being conducted as per the guidelines and laws set by the government. If proper techniques aren’t followed, one can face hefty penalties, and even criminal charges for animal cruelty.
In most circumstances, baby raccoons are found in the attic. Female raccoons pick the attic as it makes a secure, quiet, and warm den for her to give birth and to raise her babies. They tend to give birth shortly after they settle in the attic. Female raccoon usually nurses her babies for up to 10 weeks, during which time; she actively goes on forages for food, leaving the pups securely in the warmth and quietness of the attic. After the 10 week nursing period, the female raccoon starts taking her young ones on her nocturnal trips to teach them how and where to look for food. While they live securely in the attic, and go on about their daily lives, unfortunately, the experience isn’t exactly as comfortable for the residents.
As with any other wildlife settling in a residential or commercial property, raccoons cause damage to one’s property as well as causing serious health hazards. For many reasons, adult as well as baby raccoon removal is key in keeping one’s property clean, damage-free and free of any health hazards.
Things to Know About Baby Raccoon Removal Process
• Raccoon puppies should not be separated from their mother during the captivity process
• If the raccoons (both adult & babies) are trapped in a cage, food and water must be provided
• If during the baby raccoon removal process, they are separated from their mother, they should be fed and cared for, until they are 6 weeks old, before being let out into the nature
• Animal Services and Shelters can be contacted to take in motherless babies to rehabilitate them before they can learn to survive on their own in the wild
• Federal and provincial laws protect wildlife such as raccoons, from inhumane methods of captivity and can charge the individuals doing the inhumane act with criminal charges or fine them for up to $5000
If professional services are seeked for baby raccoon removal needs, trained technicians can remove the babies immediately given they meet the provincial guidelines set for the removal procedures. At SOS Wildlife Control, we conduct baby raccoon removal with care and kindness. We use boxes instead of cages as they provide warmth and security. Upon capturing the female raccoon, we ensure she is never separated from her babies. Although captured in different methods, we ensure the family end up together in a safe, quiet, and possibly enclosed area in the nature. Under many circumstances, we will also ensure food and water are provided for the raccoon family.
Baby Raccoon Facts
• Female raccoon usually gives birth to 8 babies, but only 2-4 usually survive
• For the first 10 weeks, female raccoon collects food and brings it to her babies
• After 10 weeks, female raccoon takes her babies with her to teach them how to find food, repeating the same route with each baby individually
• Female raccoons are very maternal and they will only leave their babies orphaned under the most severe conditions
• Baby raccoons are often called “kits”
• Raccoons don’t hibernate but they can sleep for 2-3 days in a row under extreme weather conditions
• Because they are nocturnal, their masks reduce glare and enhance night vision
• They usually locate food with their sense of smell and touch as opposed to their sense of sight
If you discover baby raccoons anywhere on your property, it is not a good idea to remove them on your own. As previously mentioned, aside from harming them and facing criminal charges and penalties, you may also have an angry female raccoon coming back to find her litter. Baby raccoon removal needs can be easily sufficed by professional wildlife removal technicians. They must be handled gently and with protective gear as raccoons are one of the most common rabies carriers. More information on rabies and how it’s transmitted from wildlife to humans can be found on the provincial information site here. While the adult raccoon removal methods differ from baby raccoon removal methods, we, at SOS Wildlife Control, ensure humane and caring relocation services are provided every single time. Because adult raccoons are a lot more active, bigger in size, and are able to cause physical injury to people, we use trap & release methods. And with baby raccoons, we ensure they are each handled carefully, inspected for harm or other health concerns, and kept together with the rest of the litter and near the female raccoon until they are all released to their natural habitat.
If at any point during the removal process our technicians identify an injury or a problem with the wildlife, we ensure they are taken to a wildlife care shelter where they can be treated and rehabilitated properly, under professional care. Wildlife are necessary in our eco-system and we play our part in protecting these animals and helping them get re-acclimated back to nature, where their real homes are. Although not for baby raccoon removal needs, but for all other removals of adult wildlife, we help our clients understand the removal processes as we often require for them to communicate with us. If we are unable to capture immediately, our clients inspect the areas where our technicians set up cage traps, and let us know upon capture, at which time our technicians provide speedy pick up services.
At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior baby raccoon removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your raccoon problems. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control at 1.800.981.0330 for baby raccoon control!