
Found Baby Raccoons on Your Property?

by | May 25, 2016 | Uncategorized

This time around in the year, baby raccoons are making an appearance left, right, up and down. These small, fragile mammals are being born in bunches of about 3-4 cubs in attics and garages all over the GTA in nests made especially by their mother. Although raccoon breeding varies on environmental conditions, generally, early march will be around the time baby raccoons are spotted all until late spring/early summer. Often, during these times of the year, many homeowners and property managers will notice sounds of footsteps above them or a crying noise from the baby raccoon and won’t know what to do. If you encounter a baby raccoon here are a couple tips on how to react to minimize risk, harm and damage.

  • One of the best things you can do if you spot a litter of baby raccoons, is to keep an eye out on them. Take note of their activity, and that of their mother. Try to identify whether the baby raccoons are orphans or not. Mother raccoons can leave for hours at a time, but will always return to her babies. If you notice that the mother has not returned for an extended period of time, you can assume they are orphans and will require assistance from a Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.
  • If the babies are orphaned, very gently check to see if they appear injured. If you see any signs of injury or if raccoon seems to be in pain, call a wildlife rehabilitation center. If the babies are orphaned, please do not feed them unless you have been instructed to by the wildlife rehabilitation experts. Young wildlife often have sensitive stomachs.

*Always protect yourself by wearing appropriate gear when approaching wildlife

  • If family of raccoon seems healthy and are residing in on your property be careful when near them as raccoons tend to be territorial and may become aggressive if they feel threatened. To avoid risks of injury and possible further damage to your property do not try to remove raccoons yourself. Call a wildlife removal company to assist you with raccoon and baby raccoon removal.
  • To prevent raccoons from selecting your property for shelter, make the area as unappealing to them as possible. Raccoons prefer darker and quiet spaces with a nearby food source. To keep them from coming in, you can install outdoor lights, play music and ensure that your trash is sealed or inaccessible for them to dig through.
  • For more extensive, secure prevention methods, call a wildlife removal company like SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated conduct wildlife prevention on your property. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians will conduct a thorough inspection on your property, identifying possible raccoon entry points and weak spots and will proceed with the method best applicable to that area.

Raccoons are extremely interesting mammals with a variety of different skill-sets that allow them to survive the way they do both in the wild, and among humans. Their means for survival, food and shelter, can sometimes be a nuisance for home and building owners which is why humane practices in conducting raccoon and baby raccoon removal should always be conducted. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide raccoon baby removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problem. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for your raccoon baby removal needs.

Procyon Wildlife is dedicated to working with our communities in an effort to help wild animals in need of care. Their goals are to rescue, rehabilitate and safely release these animals, and to promote public appreciation for wildlife preservation.

SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated delivers wildlife in need to the caring hands of Procyon Wildlife volunteers. Procyon Wildlife is a non-profit organization who’s efforts all go towards the well-being of animals. You can help support Procyon Wildlife by volunteering, monetary donations or by donating supplies in need. Visit the Procyon Wildlife Website for more details on how to help.



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