
How to Recognize and Deal with Mice in Homes

by | Jan 7, 2016 | Helpful Tips, Mice Control

Last Updated: May 2016

Throughout our lives, either you or somebody you know has been faced with a problem that occurs more frequently than mentioned. Mice in homes. Rodents in the household, workplace or in sight in public are not as pleasant as Ratatouille makes it out to be. Unfortunately, these mice can result in a number of different problems- unwelcome visits to your house or an interference with your business can be a drag. In order to solve a problem like this, you need to know how to recognize it. Here are a couple things you should know about dealing with mice in homes.

Mouse Teeth

Mice have their upper front teeth protruding a little further out than their bottom teeth causing it to overlap. This feature is a surefire way to know that mice are going to be gnawing at something. Their incisors are also always growing. Domesticated rodents have their teeth trimmed but if they aren’t pets, their long teeth can become problematic. The sound of tiny claws or gnawing teeth going at your walls, or furniture is something to listen for.


Regardless of where you’re coming from in Ontario, it’s almost a fact that the weather is unpredictable. Something that is a little more predictable, though, is mice behavior in chillier weather. Winter is here and with the weather getting colder, mice are more likely to relocate themselves into a warm comfortable space to nest. Be sure to keep a closer look out in the winter so you can avoid having to deal with mice in homes and need to call for mice removal.


Although it’s not guaranteed that the mice or mouse in your presence is a carrier for a terrible disease, like often believed, you wouldn’t really want to be the one to find out if it is. It’s not a secret that mice are known to carry various sorts of viruses. One of the more severe types is called Hantavirus. Hantavirus is a virus that is contracted from mice droppings. Contracting Hantavirus occurs when a mouse leaves its droppings on the ground, which then dries up into a form of dust. Humans contract it from inhaling  or ingesting it, so be careful when cleaning up dust piles and wear a mask.

Food & Hygiene

This fact isn’t only restricted to mice, but to many other pest control causing critters as well. When dealing with mice in homes it’s always important to be reminded to clean up after yourself, especially when there is food involved. Mice are constantly scavenging for food for their nest, therefore, when they see a source they will go after it. Unguarded food, crumbs and messes left around the place become a food buffet to all sorts of critters. They are attracted to it and will rely on locations where food is heavily present. Be sure to keep the place clean and secure your food.

These are just a couple things to be aware of when dealing with mice problems. When dealing with mice in homes, you should know that their habitat might not be restricted to a single part of the house. Mice have a habit of scavenging their food from around multiple sources. Chances are, when mice are present in once location, they’ve likely made a habitat out of another within the same house.

These creatures are often regarded as nuisances and problematic when there is no intention of owning a rodent, and that’s understandable. Just be sure to take precautions when you’re dealing with them. Outside, mice are creatures like any other who inhabit different parts of the world, all over the world. Here are a couple interesting facts about mice

  • Mice can live in forests, fields, grasslands and your basement. They can make a habitat out of almost any area as long as they’re out of harms way from predators, the climate is suitable, and there’s a reliable source of food. It should also be noted that once they’ve claimed a place, they’ve claimed it, as mice can be territorial and make their mark with their droppings.
  • Different mice and different types of mice each come with a number of different characteristics, but generally, mice are fast moving, sneaky rodents that range from 6-7 inches.
  • Mice sleep in the day and make their move in the night. Being nocturnal makes them less seen by humans and allows them to become more active.
  • Mice come from all over the world, and there are more than 25 different kinds of mice identified. Some of these include the following; Spiny Mice, Zebra Mice, Wood Mice and House Mice. These different types have a wide range of features, colors, size and behaviors.
  • Mice are intelligent creatures who communicate with each other in manners not often seen in other species. Unlike these species, mice  communication methods include facial expressions, making different noises and omitting various odors.

These are just a couple things about mice you should know when dealing with mice in homes. The more you know about them, the more you learn and are better able to avoid needing to get rid of mice in the first place. If you are already experiencing problems and require mice removal, feel free to give us a call. We’re glad to help. Our service is fast, humane and efficient and we’ll ensure that the mice will remain in their natural habitat while you, yours.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 for Mice Control!




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