Mice Problem

by | Oct 23, 2015 | Mice Control, Uncategorized

Last Updated: May 2016

Droppings, chew marks on furniture, household items, food packages and more can be signs of an existing or growing mice problem. Aside from visibly seeing mice, you may also hear their rattling at night as mice are known to come out during the dark and quiet times. Mice enter homes and buildings in search for food and shelter. They have strong sense of smell, so they will generally go to places where they smell food which make places hidden in the kitchen, dining room, and pantry a hot spot. Mice damage property, contaminate food, and spread diseases. If you suspect you have mice problem, you should contact an expert for inspection immediately. With their high breeding rates, mice problems can escalate quickly.

The most common type of mice infesting GTA homes are called house mice.
They weigh approximately 20-40 grams and are approximately 6-8 centimeters long. Their tails are usually an additional length of 5-9 centimeters. House mice can crawl through tiny spaces and live between 1-3 years. An average female mouse can reproduce multiple times in their lives, each pregnancy term taking 19-21 days. They give birth to 10-12 baby mice. Number of mice in an infestation has the possibility to increase by 200% if proper measures aren’t taken.

Habitational and other Characteristics of Mice

As the colors and temperatures change, so do mice’s living behaviors.  Although house mice can survive outside, they prefer the warmer temperatures and seek for warmth in the fall and winter months. Since we are in the peak mice problem season, here are some pointers on their habitational characteristics:

  • Fall is the most popular mice problem season as they seek warmth and shelter in people’s homes
  • They mostly live between the walls, closely monitoring light and sound before they go on a food & shelter journey. They are also known to build their shelters in drawers, shoeboxes, storage boxes, and under cabinets as these places are lesser frequented.
  • They build shelters with paper, food, and plastic bits they chew off packaging of food and other supplies, foundation of the structure, and other paper/tissue goods available in their surroundings
  • Mice can be carriers of a neurological infection called LCM (Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis).
  • Salmonella, which may be contracted through food contaminated by mice droppings, is also a very common and serious disease. Symptoms of Salmonella include high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. For more information on Salmonella, you can visit the Public Health Agency of Canada website
  • They chew electrical wiring and cause hundreds of house fires every year.

Preventing Mice Problem

There are many ways to prevent mice problems becoming a serious infestation in your households, businesses, and in commercial spaces. Here are some tips:

  • Sanitation: Cleanliness is the most important preventative measure to take in order to avoid mice in your homes/offices. Keep most frequented spaces like kitchen, dining room, bathrooms clean, free of clutter, and free of open packaged consumable goods. Crumbs, spilled food, and other fragrant items will attract mice. Good sanitation will also help with an existing mice problem as traps and baits will become more effective by reducing food and shelter options for the existing rodents.
  • Traps: Setting up traps is an effective mice control method when there are only a few mice present. It is recommended to call a professional.
  • Structural Care: Identifying holes, cracks and other structural damages can help avoid dealing with mice entering into your property. Sealing/patching cracks and holes will eliminate mice problem permanently as mice will not find any openings to use to enter the foundation.
  • Pets: Although not one of the more effective solutions, cats and dogs spot mice. Their strong intuition, sense of hearing and sense of smell allow cats and dogs to identify mice’s whereabouts as well as their nests.
  • Recognition of Mice Problem: Droppings, musky odor, bite marks, and tracks are signs of existing mice activities. Mouse nests made from paper and other fibrous materials are also signs of mice habitation. Depending on the seriousness of these signs, professionals must be contacted immediately for a quick and ultimate treatment.

Although it’s best to have professionals deal with a mice infestation situation, if you do come in contact with dead or trapped mice, wear rubber gloves to remove them and while disinfecting any place where you think may have been contaminated by mice.

At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide seamless mice removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your mice problem. We are  can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for your mice removal needs.