
Mississauga raccoon problem? Here’s a solution

by | Feb 10, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Last Updated: June 2016

Having to deal with a Mississauga raccoon problem isn’t something new that is only occurring lately. For years now, wildlife have become increasingly more comfortable living side-by-side with humans in a populated city due to deforestation. Mississauga homes and businesses all over the city have been a host to many raccoons looking for a place to stay – but with all of their community events, parks and activities, who wouldn’t want to stick around? These furry four-legged mammals feel right at home as they’re the cause for a Mississauga raccoon problem while they find shelter and raise their young in your garage or shed! While the gap is getting smaller between animals and humans co-existing in the same neighborhood, it isn’t so much a pleasant experience when you’re dealing with the raccoons in your shed or on your roof. In fact, unfortunately it’s more of a nuisance and can be dangerous which is why it is important to deal with a Mississauga raccoon problem properly and with a professional as to not cause any damage or injury to yourself, your family or the raccoon.


Mississauga is one of Ontario’s largest cities, home to approximately 713,443 people with the population constantly growing. With a number of about 117,217 listed residences in the directories, you’re bound to hear about some sort of Mississauga raccoon problem. If it’s accessible to a raccoon, and it meets their criteria for a comfortable safe residence, it’s likely they’ll be interested.

Parks & Forestry

The city of Mississauga is not only one of Ontario’s largest cities, but it also has a number of trails, parks and forestry in the area. Erindale Park is the largest Mississauga’s park that is known for its relaxing space and fun trails. Erindale Park is also known for making visitors feel like their closer to nature, which isn’t surprising with the features it has, which include:

  • Playground
  • Hills
  • Trails for Runners, Cyclists etc.
  • Bird watching
  • Forestry

These features are not exclusive to Erindale Park, there are other parks in the city that have similar activities available to the public and attraction for wildlife especially if there’s a trash bin available to scavenge through.  Garnetwood Park is another park in Mississauga that has a scenic setting with many trees and even a fenced off-leash section of the park for you and your dog to run around. These parks and more are part of what make this a great area to live in but also can be a factor of raccoons in Mississauga.

Mississauga Raccoon Problem

Mississauga has a number of amazing features that make this large city great, from their parks, community, the forestry and much more. Unfortunately, what many cities are being faced with is the growing number of wildlife who sometimes are attracted to these city features. Because some animals are being driven from their natural habitat, they seek out new living arrangement. Finding places in the city is sometime beneficial to them because they have many places to hide. Also, with the amount of people around, there is also often more food sources for them to find too especially when compost and trash aren’t properly being disposed of regularly or after a barbecue or picnic in the park.  A number of residences from around the city have faced a Mississauga raccoon problem, which can make for a complicated living arrangement. This is why it is a good idea to take precautions and prevention strategies to help keep your home from becoming a raccoons den. If you want to keep your home from hosting a raccoon or even a family of raccoons, here are a couple tips you might find helpful

  • Regularly check in and around your house for any damages, holes, cracks that could be new. If it wasn’t there before, there’s a chance wildlife have gotten to it and you may need raccoon or squirrel control
  • Make sure that both in the house and around the house stays clutter/garbage free. Raccoons are more likely to pick your house if they see that there is an available food source for scavenging when trash isn’t properly put away
  • Keep your pet foods sealed. Wildlife like raccoons or squirrels will not only go looking through human food, but will also go through pet food if its easily accessible
  • Shut doors, garage or any entrance ways when not in use. This will minimize the chance that wildlife gets into your house

If you already know that your home has a raccoon problem, more urgent steps should be taken to avoid damages or injuries. Although there are several Do It Yourself methods available online on how to get rid of raccoons, they aren’t always reliable. Conducting DIY methods to remove raccoons without any proper equipment, training or safety measure can result in someone getting hurt, a pet getting into a fight, or your property getting even further damaged. DIY done incorrectly may also harm the animal. As much as possible, it is best to avoid conducting any wildlife removal yourself unless you are a trained technician. Calling a professional will not only save your house faster, it will provide you with results and efficiency when you’re faced with a Mississauga raccoon problem. DIY methods can be a money saver if done correctly, but when done wrong can cost you more than you would have to spend hiring someone to do it.

SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated is a professional wildlife control service who can take care of raccoon problems for you. Upon arrival, they will conduct a thorough inspection before taking any action. This way, they can look out for multiple entry points and baby raccoons if necessary. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated trained operators will then carry out the approved procedure to get the raccoons out of your home while taking into consideration the well-being of the animal, damages to your home and safety of your family.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior Mississauga raccoon removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Mississauga Raccoon Problems!


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