Should Pet Owners Be Concerned About Pest Infestations

As of this week, it is officially Summer and with summer comes a multitude of outdoor activities to enjoy, for both you and your pets! Our four legged friends are coming out with us to enjoy warmer weather in parks, campgrounds, forests or even our own backyard. It’s all fun and games but we need to keep in the mind the possible pest infestations and well-being of our hairy best friends (not you, tom).

Dogs and cats are both susceptible to catching all sorts of terrible diseases that can seriously harm them if not taken care of seriously and being outdoor increases these chances. Encounters with pests and wild animals like raccoons and skunks who care capable of transmitting diseases puts your pets at risk.

Here are some of the things to be aware of:

Diseases Your Pets Can Catch from Pests

Aside from physical altercations between wild and domestic animals, there are a number of diseases that your cat or dog can catch from them too. When the doors are open, or when the dog or cat is out, be weary of these.


Roundworms can be deadly and are sometimes difficult to spot which is why it is very dangerous. Pets are infected when they lick their coat after having rolled around in the soil. When wildlife becomes infected with roundworm, the roundworm lays eggs in the stomach of the wild animal who later excretes it in the soil. When this same soil is ingested, that new animal becomes the host of roundworm. In some cases, roundworm can appear minimal and tame, but in worst case scenarios, the cyst formed from roundworm can be present in the eyes/brain which could cause serious damage.


Rabies isn’t something new to worry about, as the concern has always been around, but it’s definitely something to worry about. Through animals and humans, transmittal occurs when bitten by an infected animal. It is not spread by urine, blood or defecation but through the saliva of the infected animal. When bit, the virus affects the nervous system and eventually spinal cord which could infect the brain which leads to death. Rabies are commonly spread through wildlife like skunks and raccoons, animals who both populate many regions on Ontario, such as Toronto, Markham, Mississauga.


Distemper is a common disease which unfortunately takes the life of many dogs. Symptoms of distemper include diarrhea, vomiting and the infected dog will become tired and lethargic. With distemper, the spinal cord as well as the brain can become infected which greatly increases the chance of fatality. It is contagious and is acquired when vaccines aren’t given or they are ineffective.


Tapeworm is transmitted through the ingestion of defecation from an infected animal or through meat that is infected. It occurs when the egg tapeworm is swallowed and ends up in the digestive track and can form cysts in organs throughout the body.

There are many other diseases that can affect your pet, so it is important to stay aware and informed to keep them safe and sound.

How to Protect your pets from the effects of pest

The best way to protect your pets from the effects of pests is number 1, to ensure that they are vaccinated for everything they need to be vaccinated for and that they are all up-to-date.

Always monitor your pet’s behavior for any unusual activity that seem alarming. Get tests done and check with your vet especially if you have recently been outside with your dog and they are behaving this way. Doing this can help identify any existing health concerns that should be taken care of, sooner than later. If done later it may be more complicated or even impossible to treat which is why it is better to take precautions beforehand.

Keep your pets away from areas populated with wildlife animals especially raccoons and skunks. These animals are more likely than others capable of transmitting an infectious disease to your pet that could seriously compromise their health. When you take your pets outdoors, avoid tall grassy areas especially with nearby water sources where there could easily be pests and wildlife nearby.

By wildlife proofing your property, you can help decrease raccoon/skunk encounters. Doing this minimizes the risk of your pet getting too close and getting harmed by infected wildlife on your property.

How SOS Wildlife Can make your home pest free

Ensuring that your property is wildlife free, call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated Incorporated. Our technicians are experienced, knowledgeable, professional and humane. An SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated Incorporated technician can help you by proofing your home helping eliminate the possibility of wildlife intrusion.

For wildlife prevention, call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated Incorporated We conduct safe and humane solutions for your wildlife and pest control problems. Help keep your furry four-legged friend safe by reducing the risk of wildlife intrusions on your property and call an expert wildlife technician. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait, call us, and we’ll schedule you in for an appointment for a thorough inspection to help identify wildlife access points and personalized wildlife prevention solutions.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated Incorporated 1-800-981-0330 for Wildlife Prevention!

Wildlife Control VS Pest Control

Last Updated: June 2016

Wildlife control and pest control- Two terms that have been interchanged for as long as people have been experiencing invasion by squirrel, bed bugs, raccoons, ants and more. While what they do have in common is eviction, these two services are actually worlds apart, actually, species. While one is in no way better than the other, wildlife control and pest control are services that each specialize in different aspects of commercial or home invasion (by animal) and it is important to recognize and understand the distinction as to call the right one when experiencing such problems. The repercussions in calling the wrong people to get the job done can result in fines, animal abuse, property damage and more. It may not even get the job done, and instead escalate the problem costing you more in the end.

Wildlife Control

If you have a raccoon problem, squirrel problem, bird problem or something similar, then what you need is a wildlife control technician to help you solve it. When facing mammals, birds or some reptiles, wildlife removal or wildlife control experts will gladly help you get rid of animal from property. Wildlife control technicians are trained professionals with skills of various humane methods to remove wildlife from your property. They have the experience required to successfully identify a wildlife problem, locate it, remove animal and prevent animal from re-entering. Wildlife Control experts are familiar with the rules, regulations and best practices when it comes to dealing with wildlife where as a pest control technician would not.

Pest Control

Pest control technicians would be the service to call for when experiencing problems with ants, cockroaches, bed bugs etc. Smaller critters that require something similar to an exterminator service require pest control to take care of it. Pest control experts are familiar with the best practices in bugs, insects, and should not be called in for wildlife removal. This can result in a negative outcome.

Pest control technicians, while they are experts in their field of pest removal, are not experts and not the people to call for wildlife removal. Because they have not undergone the same training as a wildlife removal technician, if they do take a wildlife removal job (which they shouldn’t) the outcome can cause more harm than good.

Problems with Hiring Pest Control for Wildlife Problems

  • Pest control companies don’t have the experience and training wildlife removal companies have
  • Thorough inspections won’t be conducted (rooftops, chimneys)
  • Improper/inhumane handling of wildlife (which can result in fines or even worse injuring or killing animal)
  • Providing inaccurate information about wildlife removal process
  • Does not have the same liability insurance
  • Incorrect disposal or removal processes
  • Damage to property
  • Complicate issue further, costing you much more in the end while not even properly solving initial problem

A great way to determine the difference between the two if you’re not sure is to see how they identify themselves. If their image represents that of a company that has to do mainly with insects, bugs etc., then don’t call them for wildlife removal.  If you’re unsure about whether you are hiring the right type of company for your problem, here are a couple questions you can ask.

  • What type of animals does your service specialize in?
  • What kind of training and licensing do your technicians have?
  • What are your animal removal methods and is it humane?
  • How many years of experience in wildlife removal do you have?
  • Does your company have liability insurance?

You can also ask the company in question to provide you with a source of reviews for you to see. In the same way the pest control shouldn’t be called for wildlife removal problems, wildlife removal companies shouldn’t be called for pest control issues. It is all about knowing what kind of problem you’re experiencing and finding a trustworthy company, specializing in this issue to help you.

If you’re experiencing wildlife control problems in your home or commercial area, call a professional wildlife control company like SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated.  Our technicians having years of experience, conduct humane methods, are honest, reputable and professional. Our services ensure that your problem will be solved, and that your property remains wildlife-free.  Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1-800-981-0330 today for all your wildlife control concerns.


Last Updated: June 2016

Spiders are critters from the order of Araneae. They have eight legs, and fangs that inject venom. Spider removal is highly recommended if these tiny little guys come in your home as can become an irritating and frustrating situation. Contact a local pest control technician near you to do a spider removal to avoid dealing with them yourself. Spiders like many other types of bugs lay thousands of eggs, therefore, it’s better getting it done sooner than later.

What’s commonly known and feared about spiders are their bites. Several spider bites can cause an allergic reaction, however spiders don’t generally bite unless they’re threatened. Two dangerous spiders that are commonly found in North American countries are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse.

Black Widow Bites

Sometimes people don’t notice they got bitten by a black widow spider, they just notice the bite because of the mark the fangs has left, however most of the time when you get bitten by a black widow spider you will experience immediate pain, swelling, redness, and itchiness. Some people will rub the bite too much and or scratch which will then can cause minor skin problems.

Brown Recluse Bites

Once you’re bitten by a Brown Recluse you will feel a mild stinging, extreme pain, redness, swelling, and itchiness. This usually occurs for eight hours but can go for even longer. The bite of the Brown Recluse will look bruised sometimes purple, sometimes red, and there would be several rings around it making it look like a bulls eye. The Brown Recluse spider bite will also give you fluid filled blisters on where the bite is located. This could all be very annoying, dangerous, and painful so once you locate a spider in your house have them removed immediately.

 *This post is informational. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated does not provide Spider Control Services 


Last Updated: June 2016

Beetle’s are pests that can cause great damage to your home. If you have a beetle infestation we advise you to hire a pest removal company immediately for beetle removal. Beetles are normally black in appearance but come in various other colors such as bright green, brown, yellowish brown, and a lighter black. Beetles have two pairs of wings; one pair of their wing is continued on its back and abdomens. The wings harden like a shell to protect their body. A female beetle can lay dozens to several eggs, which can be problematic if they lay their eggs inside your home. Pheromone is a substance released by beetles and some other insects; this is the way these insects communicate with each other and invites more beetles into your home. The two common types of beetles you will find in your home are the carpet beetle and the black beetle.

Carpet Beetle

Carpet beetles are usually 3 mm long and they belong to the dermestidae family. Carpet beetles are often yellowish brown, with white and black spots and lines all over them. Carpet beetles usually like to come inside our homes as pests which is why beetle removal, preferably by a professional, is recommended. Carpet beetles can cause great damage to your home, and can damage thing such as  furniture clothing and etc. Carpet beetles also often feed on organic things such as skin, fur, wool, leather. These beetles usually like to stay and lay eggs in carpets, under baseboards and closets. Therefore you will have to do a beetle removal once you spot them in your house because they will be damaging to your home. A way these beetles come in your home is often through your garden and flowers since they also feed off of pollen sometimes.

Black Beetle

Black beetles are black and and are about half an inch in size. These small critters have size as an advantage as they can avoid being seen and caught. Beetles usually feed on plants eating pollen from flowers which often comes the main reason why the beetles are coming into your home.  Both the Black Beetle and the Carpet beetle will come inside your house and stay in enclosed spaces. They can be very damaging to your home, furniture, clothes, and plants which is why it is important to do a beetle removal if they come inside your home.

*This post is informational. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated does not provide Beetle Control Services


Last Updated: June 2016

Ants are social insects that is why they like to live in large colonies. Ants are insects that come from the same family along as bees and wasps. Ants have a narrow waist between the abdomen and the thorax and have very strong jaws that allow them to export and import foods easily. Ants are very smart and strong insects, they are capable of picking up things that is three times their own weight! Ants are usually lead by a “queen or queens”. The function of the queens are to reproduce and lay hundreds of eggs to keep their generation going. Since ants lay thousands of eggs you will have to do an ant removal before they take over your entire house. Other female ants are to follow the “queen” and find food. Whereas the male ant’s job is to only mate with the queens and after they have mated they die. The three most common ants you will find in your home are Carpenter Ants, Pavement Ants and Pharaoh Ants. Ants love to come in our home because of the warmth, food, water and, shelter. You will usually see them close to your kitchen or around your pet’s bowls. You will have to do an ant removal as soon as you spot them in your home.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are usually 0.76 to 2.54 cm and are a brown reddish colour, or a black colour. They usually have lot’s of worker in their colony, however they only have one queen. Carpenter ants are able to live in both outdoor and indoor environments as long as the environment, or wood is moist. However they make there way in our house for shelter, food, warmth, etc. Carpenter ants make hollow tunnels in the wood to easily access to their nests, Carpenter ants will be extremely damaging to your home because they can ruin your wood, therefore you will need to get and ant removal done by a professional pest control.

Pharaoh Ants

Pharaoh ants are small 2 mm insects, they are yellow or light brown. These ants are known to be a major indoor pest insect, they come in for food, shelter, and warmth. Therefore you will have to do an ant removal once you spot them in your home. It’s highly recommended that you do an ant removal done by pest control technician because it’s quite hard to remove, and you will want them gone forever! Unlike carpenter ants, pharaoh ants have several queens, Pharaoh ants don’t show any aggression towards each other and always work as a team. It’s harder to destroy these types of ants because they will always have each others back, you will need to seek help from a pest control technician to do an ant removal for you. Pharaoh ants are capable of biting, their bite is not poisonous but will cause pain and transmit diseases.

Pavement Ants

Pavement ants are dark brown to blackish insects, they are usually 2.4 to 4 mm in size. the pavement ants colony consists of drones, queens, and workers. Pavement ants only have one queen in their colony. Pavement ant queens, and drones have wings and are twice as large as the worker ants. Queens will lay thousands of eggs especially during spring time, because of this you will have to do an ant removal as soon as you spot one of these ants in your home before they take over your home. The ants will make holes in the sands and cracks of the pavements to make nests, if these insects come inside your wall they will make nests in parts of your home. Pavement ants nest inside wall voids, insulation and slabs of concrete.

Fire Ants

The only thing you may have to worry about are fire ants. Fire Ants are not common in Toronto GTA but unfortunately they got introduced recently. Fire ants bite and their bite stings and gets very itchy. This could cause secondary skin injuries from scratching. Also some may have an allergic reaction to the bite of the ants which could be irritating. However Fire ants usually stay outdoors and not in your home, but if they do enter as a property owner, it is your responsibility to control insects and pests on your property. Check out Toronto city page about Fire Ants for more information.

Damages from Ants

Some types of ants such as carpenter ants could cause great damage and expenses to your home.  There are lots of different types of ants, but the one that is well known for damaging your home is the carpenter ants. Carpenter ants nest in wood that is what’s so disastrous about them. Carpenter ants eat their way through the wood and damage your home.  Most houses in Canada are built up of mostly wood; now imagine if these tiny little creatures are damaging your home.

*This post is informational. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated does not provide Ant Control Services