
Recognizing, Preventing and Getting Rid of Skunks

by | Jan 11, 2016 | Helpful Tips, Skunk Control

Last Updated: May 2016

Being well informed is a great way to keep you and your family away from having to deal with getting rid of skunks throughout the year. Now, with the colder weather upon us, wildlife is more likely to make a habitat out of your property, either under your porches, beneath the sheds, around a wood pile etc. Unfortunately, getting rid of skunks can be tricky. Although not poisonous, their foul defensive spray is something that most people would like to avoid being hit by. This spray leaves victims feeling uncomfortable with a terrible stench that is difficult to remove and may cause burning sensation if sprayed into your eye.

Getting rid of skunks effectively means having to know a little bit about them and their behavior here in Ontario. Here are a couple things you should know about skunks:

Skunk Facts

  • A skunk’s main habitat are grassy areas, but they are known to be extremely adaptable and are found in urban areas, making a home out of places like under buildings, porches etc.
  • Skunks, more specifically the striped skunk, are found in North America and can be seen all over Ontario
  • Skunks produce and excrete a foul smelling spray when threatened. Warnings are given out first to deter from using their spray, as it takes time to “refill”
  • A skunk will give out a warning by raising their tail. They may also stomp in circles or omit a hissing noise before they spray
  • These mammals breed around February/March and have a gestation period of about 8 weeks. Skunks produce a litter of 4-7 baby skunks at a time
  • Skunks are omnivorous, they eat both plant and meat. Their diet often consists of smaller rodents, larvae, earthworms, berries, nuts and more
  • Skunks are nocturnal. They become more active at night which makes getting rid of skunks easier in the day

To avoid hosting and having a potential skunk problems there are a couple things that you can do, such as keeping your yard clean and free from garbage or pet foods. When skunks recognize this as a food source, they are likely to return make a habitat out of a space nearby.  Grub and larvae come out of grassy areas or lawns in or after heavy rain or watering. Skunks also see this as food source, so avoid over-watering or keep an eye out during wet weather conditions.

Skunks do not mean any harm for no reason. When they attack, they are simply being defensive for either their own protection, the protection of their young or their territory. This is why getting rid of skunks is more difficult than preventing them from coming on to your property in the first place. Therefore, it’s best to take measures earlier than later. But in the event of a skunk already living on your property, this is what you can do.

Getting Rid of Skunks on Your Property

Please do not face a skunk head on. We do not recommend taking DIY approaches to facing a skunk, always seek out a professional technician to do this. These measures below are only to be conducted when the skunk is clearly out of site.

  1. Look for the entrance to their den. It is often a dark cornered area. Keep a look out for spaces beneath the porch or holes around the shed.
  2. Once found, fill the entrance with a temporary barrier (balled up paper) that can be broken out of.
    • If the barrier remains intact for 4-5 days and there are no longer any sign of a skunk living there, the entrance can be sealed permanently
    • If the barrier is disturbed, a skunk or other wildlife may be living there. Do not seal the entrance permanently.
  3. If the skunk is still living in that space, encourage it to leave by keeping on bright lights, making noises or install a one-way door to keep it from coming in (keep a look out for young skunks, as a one-way door should not be installed if a skunk is caring for her young in that space. In the event where you are faced with baby skunks, call a professional wildlife removal company to assist you).
  4. Once gone, permanently seal the entrance and look for other spaces where a skunk could relocate.

If you are having trouble getting rid of skunks, hopefully these steps can help you be skunk-free. In any event, if you are still experiencing difficulty with them, give us a call and we’ll assist you in safe, humane skunk removal. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Wildlife Control!



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