What can you do about squirrels and raccoons in your yard?

Squirrels and raccoons in your yard

Squirrels and raccoons, like any of us, want a place to call home, to come back to after a long day and to raise their family in.  Unfortunately these furry tenants can cause problems for you, your home and your family. Squirrels and raccoons can become extremely protective especially if they have kids to protect, making it likely that they attack you or anyone that, unintentionally, comes close to them and do serious damage to your property. There are a few techniques to get them out from under your deck or shed or your yard, but we need to be sure that we use humane techniques to give the squirrels or raccoons a chance to live in the wild. If you’re strapped for time or don’t want to deal with them yourself, it’s always best to have animal removal problems dealt with by an animal removal specialist who can humanely take care of your problem.

How can you humanely keep wildlife from homes under your deck and your yard

Animals like squirrels and raccoons just want a place to call home ,just live most of us, having animals under your deck  or your yard can become quite a nuisance, especially if they start to bred! So what can you do to make sure squirrels and racoons don’t take up residence under you deck on in your yard? Think about buying a home. You wouldn’t live somewhere they you found to be inhospitable. It’s the same basic idea here. Create an environment that no animal would like.

Here are some ways to make the space under your deck inhospitable:

  1. Noise: Place a battery powered, water-proof radio tuned to a talk radio show under your deck to have the constant chatter keep squirrels and raccoons away. If you live somewhere where there is a fair breeze at all times, a wind chime can work too! This may take some experimentation.
  2. Light: You can also have a flashlight, trouble light or sensor light under the deck or in your yard to keep squirrels and raccoons away. Something reflective can help during the day too, such as cds, tin foil, pie plates or glass.
  3. Odors: Sprinkle some ammonia ,which you can pick up at a grocery store, on some rags. Tie up the rags into tennis ball size balls or place them into a container with holes in the lid. Place the balls or container close to where the squirrels and raccoons are taking residence. Do not use moth balls as they are not humane and can do serious damage.
    To insure that the animals have already left you place a newspaper or board at the entry point, and when you see that it has been moved you can get to work. To seal the entry point completely you use rocks, a board or you can call us and we can seal up that entry point for you, as well as alert you of any other possible entry points.

Why live trapping is not humane

Squirrels ,raccoons and skunks live to take up residence in places like chimneys, underneath sheds and decks because they want a safe, quiet and dark space to look after their children. As urban life takes over more and more green space, it’s understandable why they choose these areas.  As mentioned above they can also be a potentially dangerous nuisance when the mothers are protecting their young. Live trapping, followed by release somewhere far away, is the usual animal removal solution most people jump to, but there are some deadly consequences to this solution for the invading squirrel / raccoon /skunk and its offspring.

When you trap a mother and release her into the wild somewhere far away, you may accidentally be orphaning her children who have no one to look after them and eventually die of starvation.  This can be a whole other issue for a home owner as its never pleasant having to get rid of the bodies of dead animals.

Being relocated isn’t beneficial for the mother either, as most of them do not settle into their new surroundings well. A 2004 study of grey squirrels that were live-trapped and released into suburban areas showed that 97 percent of the squirrels soon died or disappeared. To put this in perspective let’s look at this from the animal’s point of view when released into a new area:

  • The mother is in a new strange place with no knowledge on where to get food, water or shelter.
  • She may be in another animals’ territory and becomes prone to attack or being chased out into yet another unfamiliar area.
  • She is unaware of where to go to be safe from predators
  • And are most likely desperately searching for her babies that she was separated from

Meanwhile her children starve and, if they are lucky they are discovered, taken to a rehabilitator to be reared. It’s not an optimal solution for either party and can be easily avoided.

Why calling for a professional wildlife removal service is a good idea

We’ve covered the dangers of live trapping and the dangers of letting squirrels ,raccoons or skunks take up residence under your shed, deck or inside your chimney, so now what can you do to keep your home safe and ensure that the animals have the best chances for survival in the wild? Professional animal removal service technicians are well versed in animal removal and know all that dangers animals face when being relocated. We know that you want to keep your home in good shape without hurting animals or endangering your immediate environment.

We go through a thorough inspection process when assessing any removal job taking into consideration your needs, the needs of your property and then needs of any wildlife as well.

After an inspection is conducted, SOS Wildlife Control Inc. technicians will be able to provide you with a thorough description of what the problem is. Based on the inspection, our technicians will explain to you what the main entry points are, other entry points and potential entry points. Multiple options will be given to you tailor-made to your specific situation and structure of the property. The main method for animal removal is a one-way door. Once a one-way door is installed, when the animal leaves as part of their regular routine, they will not be able to re-enter. If babies are involved, a one-way door is not used and the technician will physically remove them from the property and place them in an insulated box. They will remain here until their mother picks them and relocates one-by-one. If a situation requires trapping the animal(s), they must then be relocated a maximum of 1 kilometer away in accordance with Ontario Law.

To ensure that the animals will not enter through any other weak-points or potential entry-points, a prevention method can be conducted. This ensures that the weak-points, entry-points, potential entry-points and main entry-points are protected by galvanized steel mesh, a material strong enough to prevent animals from chewing through. If you have any questions about squirrel removal, baby squirrel removal or squirrel prevention, or raccoon and baby raccoon removal you can call SOS Wildlife Control at 647-559-3720

Call SOS Wildlife control at 647-559-3720 removal for squirrel and racoon removal!

Baby Squirrels on Your Property and the Possible Damages that can take place.

During one time or another, what can be found in your attic, walls, garage or wherever it might be are baby squirrels. This time of year, the appearances of baby squirrels are on the rise due to it being baby season. Mother squirrels look for a place most suitable according to their standards but when they select a homeowner’s property, or a place of business like a restaurant or office, this can often be a problem.

Squirrels are born into a litter of about 2-8. They are cared for by their mother for the first 2-3 months of their lives until they are able to fend for themselves in the wild independently. Dealing with a single squirrel on your property can be an issue, but if you find yourself hosting a place to stay for a family of squirrels, that’s another issue.

There are a couple reasons why it is important to recognize if you have squirrels on your property,
especially around this time of year. If you don’t prevent it in time, you may be host to a litter of them
which could end up being a bigger nuisance with more damages. Recognizing and preventing these
issues means avoiding having to deal with squirrels on your property as they grow up and their mother
takes care of them.

Here are a couple signs to look out for if you think you might be having a squirrel problem on your
property and some of the damage you might have to look after

  • You might notice holes or rips from the outside structure of the property
  •  Hearing noises in the attic is not uncommon for people facing a squirrel problem
  •  Seeing squirrels on your property more frequently can be an indicator that they live very
  • close by
  •  Chewing wires and ripping insulation in the attic are behavior that squirrels often
  • conduct
  •  Droppings and urine left behind by squirrels leaving a unpleasant sight and odor
  •  Holes torn in soffits or anywhere to gain entry to attic can also attract other wildlife animals like raccoons or birds
  •  Possible negative interaction with pets
  •  Squirrels bringing in disease

If you notice any of these signs, it’s possible that you may be hosting a family of squirrels on your
property. Fortunately, there are solutions to these issues. If you have noticed these, but you’d like to
take measures to avoid experiencing any of it, there are things you can do for this as well.
In the event where you are already hosting a family of wildlife, we recommend calling for a professional
wildlife removal company to solve the issue for you. There are specific methods that are created to
minimize risking the well-being of the squirrel, yourself and your loved ones as well as the property.
Squirrel removal, or other types of wildlife management conducted by reputable wildlife control
companies understand the importance of minimizing as much human-wildlife interaction as possible,
unless it is absolutely necessary. The companies who understand this, practice solutions that will not
interrupt a wildlife animal’s natural behaviour.

As for prevention methods, trying to keep wildlife away before they cause any sizeable damage is the
recommended approach that can result in saving you time and money in the long run. There are many
options available in books or online that suggest several types of squirrel prevention, however, for long-
lasting effective solutions calling a professional is the best option. Our technicians conduct thorough
inspections which allow them to identify weak area points in the structure and potential points of entry
for squirrels as well as devising a personalized plan of action custom to the structure of your property
and nature of the situation.

While the best results come from hiring a professional, there are several things you can do to keep an
eye out

  • Maintain a neat and tidy property
  • Dispose of all trash (especially compost) in the appropriate manner. Ensure bins are secured to
    not attract any wildlife
  • Consider taking the trash out in the morning rather than the night before to avoid giving wildlife
    the evening to an uninterrupted dumpster dive
  • Regularly inspect and monitor the property for any damages like ripped soffit, scratch mark etc.
    that might indicate wildlife habitat nearby
  • Look out for noises or droppings left behind if you suspect squirrels or any other wildlife on your

In some cases during these seasons either on or off your property, you might encounter baby wildlife
alone. While it’s almost automatic to assume that the baby wildlife animal is helpless, inspect the
situation a little further before you intervene, and for the sake of the animal, call a professional for

If you happen to find a baby squirrel or a litter of baby squirrels on your property check to see if
their mother is around. Baby squirrels are highly dependent on their mother for food, protection
and guidance. If the mother has not made an appearance for a significant amount of time, call a
wildlife rehabilitation center. Wildlife rehabilitation professionals will be able to assist the
orphaned or injured squirrel back to health before they are released back into the wild.
Do not attempt to feed the wildlife animal. Like human babies are sensitive to certain types of
food or drink, so are baby wildlife animals. Consult a professional wildlife rehabilitator before
taking action.

In the event where there is a family of squirrels living on your property, call a wildlife removal service company like SOS Wildlife Control Inc. SOS Wildlife Control ensures that the squirrels are
removed from your property in an efficient and humane way.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Inc., we provide
squirrel control services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective
results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it's too
late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year for
emergency services, and can easily be reached at 1-800- 981-0330. Don’t wait, call us to schedule an
appointment for a thorough inspection, removal and prevention to help evacuate all your unwanted
wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife Control at 1.800.981.0330 for Squirrel Control!

What you can do about Squirrels or Raccoons on your property

Squirrels and raccoons have always been culprits when it comes to hanging out in our backyards, lawns and attics. They take advantage of the space, the food sources and shelters available nearby which make it a convenient place to stay but for the residents who own the property, it can be a problem.

Although raccoons and squirrels have doe-eyed faces which make it easy to like them, they actually have the ability to cause more damage than you think and these problems only get worse the longer they go unresolved. Some of the problems you might face with raccoons and squirrels living on your property include the following:

  • They’re going through your trash bins and making a mess looking for something to eat
  • They rip and chew away at vents or chimney caps
  • They leave droppings
  • They aggravate your pets
  • They have the possibility of carrying different virus’ or disease
  • Aggressive wildlife animal may act defensively and cause injury or damage

Best humane ways of keeping wildlife from making homes on your property

There are several ways to keep wildlife from making homes on your property in an effective, safe and humane manner that included taking wildlife prevention precautions beforehand. Ensuring that wildlife don’t get into your property first and fore-more will drastically decrease the likelihood of any wildlife intrusions. Calling a professional wildlife control who uses a material like galvanized steel mesh to prevent wildlife from getting onto your property will save you money, time and effort in the long run.

If you don’t decide to conduct wildlife prevention, there are also other methods that can help in preventing wildlife on your property. Ensure that your trash bins are shut tight, or put away somewhere completely inaccessible from wildlife, especially raccoons. Raccoons have a lot of dexterity in their hands that make it easier for them to open trash bins or get into small spaces.

Be sure to conduct inspections every so often to look out for any spaces or areas that wildlife animals could possible use as an entry point.  Ensure that there are no wildlife animals living here when before you seal any entry points.

Why live trapping shouldn’t be your first choice

There are numerous reasons as to why it would not be beneficial to conduct wildlife live trapping.  Live trapping (by cage) is the process of catching a wildlife animal usually from a private property requested by someone with a nuisance wildlife problem and relocating them to a more convenient location for the property owner.

Under certain circumstances, live trapping is a necessary process and definitely the better alternative if it comes down to putting down wildlife animals. In some cases, live trapping is simply the best option for the wildlife animal as well as the property owner.

Reasons why wildlife live trapping shouldn’t be your first choice is because of how it affects the animal.

In certain months of the year, many wildlife animals are either already ready or preparing for baby season. This is the time period where wildlife are giving birth, or taking care of their young, teaching them to survive and thrive in the wilderness – but sometimes it isn’t in the wilderness, and it is on your property and that is when live trapping gets tricky.

During the early life stages of wildlife animals, just like us humans, they are dependent on their caretakers. Live trapping during these seasons risks catching the mother wildlife animal and leaving the young behind, orphaned, defenseless and hungry which is why it is especially risky to conduct wildlife trapping during the months of March-August.  

Another key reason why live trapping should be left as a last resort is due to the chance of leaving a wildlife animal disoriented. When many wildlife species settle, they take the time to become familiar with their setting, the surroundings. They know where to find shelter from weather outcomes to predators, and how to find water and food sources within that area. When wildlife are trapped and relocated, they become ‘disoriented’ and don’t know how to find things as well as they did in their previous location. As reported by the Humane Society of the United States, about 97% of squirrels either died or disappeared from where they were released.

Wildlife Removal Legalities in Ontario 

In Ontario, certain regulations are put in place to ensure the safety of wildlife animals as well as Ontario residents, so it is important that these rules are abided by

When dealing with nuisance wildlife, keep these in mind and read the official Rules for Removing Animals as published on Ontario.ca

  • Deal humanely with wildlife
  • Restrict activity to your property
  • Release trapped wildlife within 24 hours
  • Wildlife should not be relocated further than 1km from where they were caught
  • With the property owner’s permission, release wildlife on private property

Why Calling for professional wildlife removal services is a good idea

Calling for a professional wildlife removal service is always a good choice especially if you’ve never dealt with wildlife nuisance problems in the past. Professional wildlife technicians are licensed and trained with dealing with wildlife and pest control problems and know the right method to ensure safety, humane treatment while getting the results you want.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife, we provide superior wildlife removal for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Types of Damages Pests can do to your Property

Garden pests seem like a small problem, but these issues can actually escalate very quickly. Many people dismiss garden pests, as a small situation but this blog will help educate you on some of the damage that garden pests can do to your property.


When you think of raccoons you just think about them passing through, grabbing a quite bite from your garbage and simply leaving to go about their business, but what actually happens can be more of a problem than you think.

Raccoons are capable of so much. With their nimble hands and their level of intelligence, raccoons have the ability to get into people’s properties and raise their young or make a mess!

Raccoons are also susceptible to carrying parasites and if raccoons travel around your property a lot, these parasites could make it into your home. Some raccoons carry roundworms which is passed through feces. If a raccoon leaves droppings on people’s property, either a dog or a small child playing in the garden can catch something or bring it in the home

The damage roundworms cause should be taken very seriously


Skunks are known for their defensive ability to spray unpleasant smells, but skunks are capable of so much more! Skunks often find shelter under sheds or decks which is a nuisance for property owners who simply want to go about their day without fear of wildlife nearby. They are capable of catching certain disease or virus’s and are prone to digging up lawns both which are problems and concerns for people.

Here are a list of skunk concerns

  • Skunks are susceptible to catching diseases and viruses. If contracted, the likelihood of it spreading to somebody on your property is increased.
  • Skunks use their spray as a defense when feeling threatened. You never know if what you’re doing could aggravate the skunk, causing them to spray, leaving you with a foul odor that can last a while
  • Some pets either get upset or excited when they see wildlife on the property. Either way, their reaction could startle wildlife which could cause them to respond unfavorably.
  • Skunks like to dig in people’s yards. The reason for this is to feed on the larvae. Although they may find their meal for the day, all you’ll find are messes in your yard and garden.


Squirrels are interesting, adorable, quick footed mammals, but their appearance does not take away from the damage they can cause you and how that can cost you.

Some common squirrel problems include the following

  • Squirrels chewing through roof vents
  • Creating entry points through the outside of the property
  • Biting through wires in the attic
  • Leaving droppings on your property
  • Making messes with the insulation

Squirrel, like other small mammals are also capable of contracting different diseases and viruses like rabies. Although not all squirrels have the virus, hosting skunks on your property only increases the likelihood of it spreading to somebody within the vicinity.


Birds although are an amazement when watching them from a far, can actually be a nuisance when the birds come down to being on your property. Some of the common bird problems that occur include

  • Noisy bird sounds bothering people throughout the day
  • Creating nests for their young and making messes in the process
  • Leaving droppings all over the area (which in some cases can be toxic)
  • Perching on your property could bother some

There are 3 specific birds that are considered as nuisance wildlife animals, and are the only ones that can be interfered with according to Ontario law. These birds include the Pigeon, the Sparrow and the Starlings.

There are several methods in conducting nuisance wildlife removal in your garden or on your property, and although they may work at first, the results are usually temporary and you may be faced with the same, or similar problem again (costing you more in the long run). With SOS Wildlife Control you can be sure that our methods are humane, professional and effective. Our technicians are trained, licensed and have years of experience when conducting wildlife removal processes. Whether you’re faced with a raccoon, squirrel or bird in your garden or anywhere else on your property, you can be sure that SOS Wildlife Control will give you the results you want.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife, we provide superior wildlife removal for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife Control at  1.800.981.0330 for Markham Raccoon Removal!

Wildlife in Mississauga, Brampton, North York

Last Updated: June 2016

Morning in Brampton

By 7:30 am SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians were on the road, ready to begin the day bright and early on the highway from North York to Brampton. A typical day for our technicians consists of driving out to all corners of the city to meet with customers and helping them solve their wildlife and pest control problems.

This specific case was for a customer who had been living in a single-detached house with raccoons above her head in the attic for about a week. She had been hearing noises of scratching, moving around and some chirping type sounds, which is a common occurrence for people who are or have experienced this. “I hear them around 5-6 am in the morning” she told SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated professionals. After a receiving some details on the whereabouts, habits, noises of the raccoon, another furry masked mammal was spotted across the street on a neighbors property. It was evident that the occurrences of people experiencing raccoon problems in the area was common.

Not too long after, our technician Sherwin was on his way up the ladder onto the customer’s roof for an inspection. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated documents by video-recording entry ways, possible entrances and damages for the customer to see. On this property it was apparent that raccoons were going through a makeshift entrance of a hole in the soffit. What was found was that not only raccoons were getting through this hole, but so were birds who had flown in and around during the visit. Along with the damage in the soffit were additional likely entrances for the raccoon to go through. After a thorough inspection, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technician made our recommendations to prevent wildlife entrances by proofing the different types of roof vents.

Wildlife In Mississauga

After a stop in Concord ON., later in the morning, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated professionals were making their way to handle a problem of wildlife in Mississauga where they had a customer in a commercial building experiencing squirrel problems. Ladders were propped up against the wall of the building and SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated professionals made their way up onto the roof. Building occupants complain that there had been squirrels running through the ceiling and on one instance had gotten into the hallway of the building where they had spent a Friday chasing it out. With no luck, they had called SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated to help take care of it. Upon inspection, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians found entrance points that required squirrel one-way doors – an installation that allowed squirrels to get out of the building, but not reenter. One-way doors used by SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated are made from galvanized steel mesh, a type of material strong enough to keep wildlife from damaging it.

North York by Noon

The next trip was back to North York where SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated had a customer who had previously experienced raccoons in the attic. A one-way door installation had been conducted near the edge of the roof top and SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians were there today removing the door after the raccoon had left, and replaced it with galvanized steel mesh, a prevention method used to keep wildlife from chewing through and re-entering. A minor roof repair was completed, and the job was done.

SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians work hard to provide our customers with the results the want by delivering professional, effective and efficient services. If you’re experiencing wildlife nuisances on your property, give us a call at 1.800.981.0330 to schedule an appointment. We are available 24/7 for emergency situations (wildlife in your immediate vicinity).

Congratulations to these little guys! It’s Squirrel Baby Season

Last Updated: June 2016

Brown little furry, bushy tailed mammal. Faced paced, and great climbers, squirrels have been a common resident to all over the GTA for many years and this season, is squirrel baby season! Congratulations to the expectant mothers out there who are about to be giving birth to a litter of adorable baby squirrels. From time to time, squirrels find their way into homes and business places and they use these spaces for a place to live, sleep and take care of their young. While the idea of baby squirrels seems sweet, having a family of squirrels living in your attic or garage isn’t as pleasant as it seems. Hearing both the mother and the babies crawling around upstairs, making messes, leaving droppings and potentially damaging the property will soon be a problem. This is why, during this baby squirrel season that you keep an ear out and an eyes peeled for evidence of squirrels in your home.

About Squirrels

Squirrels are part of the family of mammals called Sciuridae which also include chipmunks, prairie dogs, woodchucks and more! There are over 265 different species of squirrels worldwide. The species that reside the most in Ontario is called the Eastern Grey Squirrel. They have small bodies with a bushy tail and large eyes. They are great climbers with a unique ability to climb down trees head first.  Squirrels usually live in wood areas in trees with hollowed out spaces, but in some cases, they find shelter in a house attic or in the walls. Squirrels feed on nuts, seeds, fungi and more and sometimes exhibit behavior where they store or hide food in different locations for later use.

Interesting Facts about Squirrels

  • Sometimes squirrels pretend to bury their food to trick thieves from taking it
  • Squirrels can find their food even if its buried in the snow
  • Squirrel don’t hibernate
  • Squirrels will eat more during the winter to keep themselves warm

Now that it is quickly approaching squirrel baby season, as previously mentioned, it is important to be aware of the possibility of hosting a family of squirrels in your home! Female squirrel reach sexual maturity at around 1 year and 1-2 years in male squirrels. Squirrel baby season occurs 1-2 times a year, giving birth to a litter of kits after a gestation period of 33-46 weeks. Baby squirrels are born as small as 1 inch. They are born toothless, with no fur, blind and dependent on only their mother for the first two to three months of their life and weaned off. The times vary depending on environmental factors but squirrels generally give birth as early as March. The litter consists of about 2-8 offspring but with a low chance of survival the first year.  Once they reach adulthood, their life span ranges about 5-10 years.

Baby Squirrel Removal

In the event where you find yourself faced with a family of squirrels on your property (squirrel baby season or not), call for a professional to help you remove it. Trying to manage the situation yourself puts the babies, the mother and yourself at risk of injury. Baby squirrels, like all babies are very fragile and extremely dependent on their mother. In some cases, people only remove the adult squirrel, leaving the babies alone with no support. Professional wildlife removal companies evaluate the entire situation before taking any action. When a company like SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated conducts baby squirrel removal, the technicians take precautions that minimize the chance of injury. This is why calling for a professional is the best solution for baby squirrel removal. Avoid using ‘DIY’ methods and contact a licensed wildlife removal company like SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated who can take care of it humanely, effectively and professionally. If you do find an injured squirrel, call for a rehabilitation center like Procyon Wildlife or Toronto Wildlife Center for instructions on what to do.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior squirrel baby season services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 !