by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 12, 2016 | Squirrel Control
If you’re living on the south side of York Region, something you’re bound to hear about one time or another is Richmond Hill squirrel control. Fast little four-legged climbers, squirrels are quite the creatures. If you’ve lived in Ontario for a while, you’ll know that these guys aren’t ridiculously shy and will more often than not, make an appearance by scurrying past you on the sidewalk or climb up a tree, maybe with some friends around, possibly while carrying some food to chow down on later. One fact for sure, is that squirrels are not strangers to the city. All over the GTA from Pickering to Newmarket and all around, squirrels are likely to be there. While squirrels are an interesting and impressive species of sciuridae, if you’re like most people, no matter how interesting they are, you probably don’t want a squirrel up in your attic, running around with his other squirrel friends or babies.
Richmond Hill
Richmond Hill is a town part of the GTA that has been around for many years. There are numerous amounts of services and community events available for Richmond Hill residences and visitors, such as their Arts and Culture Program which include the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, and the Richmond Hill Heritage Centre. They cater to people of all ages with their multiple activities and facilities for kids as well as older adults for example their parks, pools and community center events. With all of these great features, it is easy to see that Richmond Hill is a great place to be raising a family and integrating with the community. What you probably don’t want to get in the way is Richmond Hill Squirrel Control, and if you’re one of Richmond Hill’s 185,540+ people living in this part of the region, chances are you’ve heard of Richmond Hill squirrel control needs from your friends and neighbors at least once before.
Richmond Hill Squirrel Control
While it is easy to see that Richmond Hill is altogether a great place to be, Richmond Hill squirrel control is something to be aware of. The town is filled with different parks, trails and natural areas which make for a great place for people, but also for squirrels. While Squirrels may seem small and usually kept to themselves, sometime they make their way into people’s homes, sheds, attics, which can result in a significant amount of damage. This often occurs when people are not properly taking preventative measures to keep squirrels from their home. Older parts of the town may also be experiencing property damage over time which can be an attractive prospect for squirrels looking for a place to stay. Some behavior that can result in the need for Richmond Hill squirrel control include not properly disposing of your compost/trash on a regular basis, keeping windows/doors open when not necessary and encouraging squirrels and other wildlife to your property by feeding them. There are practices that can be taken to avoid attracting squirrels to your home which are the following
How to discourage squirrels from going on your property
- Properly dispose of waste, food and any sort of trash in a bin with a lid to keep squirrels from digging through
- Teach children to not feed squirrels or try to attract them to keep them from coming close to the house
- Check the house for any damages that may have been caused by a squirrel or can potentially attract a squirrel to move in to.
- If pet food is left in an open space, ensure that it is inaccessible to squirrels to avoid having the need for Richmond hill squirrel control
There are several DIY methods to get rid of squirrels available if you are already housing a squirrel, and while these may be cost efficient at first, it can costs you much more in the end if done incorrectly. Squirrels are smart, fast and territorial, and you definitely don’t want to get caught between a mother squirrel and her baby squirrels. In the event where you find yourself needing Richmond Hill raccoon control, call for a professional to help you out. A trained wildlife operator/wildlife removal service will know how to properly assess the entire situation before taking any action ensuring that all measure and methods are safe for your home, your family, the technicians and the squirrels. DIY methods done wrong can seriously harm the animal and yourself. This is why professional service should be and are more recommended to be contacted.
If you’re looking for a solution to your Richmond Hill squirrel control problems, feel free to give us a shout. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated our technicians conduct best practices in squirrel control, raccoon control and many more wildlife control services. An analysis of the current situation will be done and explained to keep you in the loop before we proceed. The process will be talked through, and any questions or concerns you have will be addressed. After the job is done, you can request the full preventative measures service to be conducted so that the squirrels do not return. If you want preventative measures taken to avoid having to deal with squirrel control in the first place, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated can do that for you too. This way, animals are kept from entering the house to begin with, and you can avoid dealing with any squirrel damages.
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior Richmond Hill squirrel control services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Richmond Hill Squirrel Control!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Feb 5, 2016 | Animal Control, Helpful Tips, Squirrel Control
Last Updated: June 2016
It’s no secret that there are a ton of selections for wildlife control companies in Ontario who can help you solve your wildlife problem which is why it is difficult selecting the right wildlife control company. From east of the GTA to the west, north and south, the number of options are countless. This, I’m sure can get pretty overwhelming especially when all you need is a quick fix. Whether it’s an absolutely urgent problem that you need solved today, or something that you can spend an extra couple minutes researching, there are a couple things you should look out for in any of the options that you are choosing from. These factors can mean the difference in terms of the safety of you and your family, the technicians solving your wildlife problem and when looking out for the best interest of the animals and the environment. So, if selecting the right kind of wildlife control company is important to you, whether it’s a squirrel in your attic, raccoon in your garage or bird in the house etc. here are a couple things you should be looking out for.
Proper Licensing and Coverage
Although sometimes it means hiring for a lesser cost, having a wildlife control company/operator do work for you without being properly licensed or a company who isn’t covered/protected is way too big a risk. By choosing a company or a technician who doesn’t hold the proper qualifications to be conducting the processes required to properly conduct wildlife control processes can cost someone’s safety, damage of property, inhumane treatment of animals or more. In the end, you saving those extra couple dollars at the beginning will not be worth the problems that you can avoid facing by choosing a licensed, well trained, insured wildlife control company and operator/technician.
Things you should ask for from a wildlife control company
- Do they have Fall Arrest/Working at Heights certification?
- Have all of their technicians undergone proper training courses?
- Does the company have a Trapping License from the Ministry of Natural Resources?
- Are they available 24/7?
- Will they conduct processes humanely?
- Is it a pest control company, or a wildlife control company?
- Does the company have at least $3,000,000 liability coverage?
Respect for the Animals & Environment
In this line of business, it is easy to encounter people and companies who may not hold the same feeling towards wildlife as others. It is, after all, the business of removing wildlife from your property, wildlife often considered nuisances and problems. The truth is, the nuisance is in the part where unwelcome wildlife start using your home as their habitat possibly causing damage and bringing outside germs and disease in the house. The nuisance is not the animal itself – animals who are likely being driven out of their natural habitat in search of a place to raise their young or find themselves shelter. This is something that should be clear when you are selecting the right wildlife control company. You need to ensure that the technician/operator that you want to hire to do the job understands the difference and will not treat the animals inhumanely and know how to treat them so that there is no question. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated understands that when moving animals away from the property, to move it 1km away. They understand the proper procedure when catching an animal is to never trap by the neck. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated also understands how to properly remove wildlife from your property during baby season, which is by ensuring that the mother is easily able to locate the babies while the babies are in a safe, heated box. There are specific laws in place that specify proper treatment of wildlife. To encourage the proper treatment of animals, both inside and outside the home, select a wildlife control operator/technician who know these processes and have these values.
The right wildlife control company will be friendly, open and honest
When doing any kind of business, having someone work with/for you who is friendly and with whom you get along with can always make the process a little bit more pleasant. Rather than hiring someone who can get the job done while you struggle tolerating the entire process, you should hire someone who can get the job done well, who is friendly, can offer great service and is honest. Business is business, some people say, but business means people. This means interactions, relationships and good service. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated we continuously deliver exceptional customer service, even after the job is done. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always call back to have them addressed. When looking for the right wildlife control company, look for someone who can be open and honest right from the start, whether it be about the fees or the process. This also makes the process of having them work on your property easier. Nobody likes getting unpleasant surprise at the end of the job, so when choosing a company, find someone who will be honest with you.
Knowledgeable and Professional
It’s easy to claim knowing all there is about a trade, but it’s another thing to be able to do it. When selecting the right wildlife control company, be sure that they aren’t purely talk, but can also get the job done and know what they’re doing. A poorly trained technician can result in inefficient work, safety concerns, and health concerns and in the end, be the cause for a loss of time and money. When picking the company, make sure that they are well trained, know what they’re doing, why they are doing it, and conducts the process properly. This makes it so that you only have to get the job done once, the right way. The right wildlife control company who is knowledgeable and professional will be able to explain the situation to the customer, will tell the customer how the problem will be solved, solve it and then answers any additional questions the customer may have. You can easily spot a company who meets this qualification be seeing what others are saying about it. Look for reviews or testimonials for previous customers opinions on how the company operates.
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated is a company who meet and exceed these expectations and requirements. We are a company with over 10 years of experience who understand the right way to handle wildlife control. We know that proper licensing and coverage will help protect the customer, the company and the wildlife. We understand that in this business, some try to get away by treating animals inhumanely in their removal process. We are not one of these companies. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated will tell you all of the information you need to know up-front and will explain the process and answer any questions you have during or after the job is done. We are knowledgeable and professional and always put out our best when doing our work.
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated has:
- Fall Arrest/Working at Heights certification
- Technicians have undergone proper training courses
- Have a Trapping License from the Ministry of Natural Resources
- Available 24/7
- Is a professional Wildlife Control company
- Conduct wildlife control processes humanely
- $5,000,000 liability coverage
If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1-800-981-0330 today!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Jan 25, 2016 | Squirrel Control
Last Updated: June 2016
It’s almost that time of year again where we welcome new batches of baby squirrels into the world. Spring time is the season where mother squirrels give birth, so get ready and read up, because you probably don’t want to get yourself in a baby squirrel removal situation this year!
Ontario is home to many different types of wildlife, and as you’re probably aware, one of the types you are more likely to see are squirrels. It is not uncommon to be walking down the street to see a squirrel run by right past you across the street, or another climbing up the tree right by the park. Squirrels have long inhabited in both the rural and urban areas of Ontario multiplying year after year around the spring season. While the miracle of birth is always a wonderful thing, there are certain things to be aware of when it comes to wildlife, because although its nice sharing the space outside being neighbors with them, you probably won’t want them inside the house as your new roommates.
Dealing with baby squirrel removal can be a nuisance, so it’s doesn’t hurt to learn about them and what to do when you find yourself with one in or around your home!
Toronto is home to the Eastern Grey Squirrel – a quick footed, 14-20 inch mammal who likes to eat seeds, fruits and sometimes even eggs. Female squirrels can give birth up to two times a year with breeding season being around either January to February or around the month of June. In the mating process, the female omits a scent that attracts the male squirrels. Several male squirrels then compete for the female and the most dominant male will be selected. During pregnancy, these female squirrels will usually take shelter in a hollow tree where the gestation period lasts about 45 days resulting in a litter of about 5 baby squirrels. Squirrels are maternal and territorial creatures. Once the babies are born, the mother squirrel will care for them and start weaning them around the age of 8 weeks. They will then continue to nurse the babies for several more weeks. On about the 11th week, the baby squirrels will be taking strides further from their mother until they are completely matured.
Baby Squirrels
Once baby squirrels are born, they appear very pink and hairless. They weigh approximately 14-16 grams and are incapable of sight. As they age, at about 4-5 weeks the baby squirrels fur has already begun to grow and is beginning to thicken. Their eyes are also beginning to open and their incisors are developing allowing them to eat some solid foods. By the time baby squirrel are 7 weeks old, they’ve almost taken the appearance of a miniature version of a fully developed squirrel. The fur thickness and color is just about the same of an adult squirrel and their tails are getting furry. The eyes of a 6-7 week old squirrel are open with better vision allowing them to see and focus more clearly. Once the squirrel has reached the age of 8 weeks, they are almost fully grown and are showing more independent behavior as they have already begun weaning off their mother. Baby squirrels are still considered immature at 11-18 weeks but will have gotten used to venturing away and around the nest.
What sometimes happens during the baby squirrel development process is that the mother squirrel gets separated from her young. This can happen for a number of different reasons. It may be due to the nest failing due to weather conditions such as wind, snow or rain. A predator may have gotten between the squirrel and her babies or perhaps the squirrel has been removed. These instances may leave the baby squirrels orphaned. There are several options and steps you can take if you encounter a baby squirrel with no mother. Always be sure to check with your city or province regulations before handling any wild animal. In certain instances, hiring a professional may be required for baby squirrel removal to help handle the situation on your property.
How to help care for an orphaned baby squirrel
These steps are meant as a last option. Always consult with a professional wildlife rehabilitation center before taking any action.
- Attempt to reunite the baby squirrels with its mother. If there is a chance that you can help them get back together then do so. You can help this process by ensuring that the baby squirrels are warm and uninjured. If the baby is cold or injured, you can help warm the baby by using a hot water bottle. Handling a baby squirrel will not keep the mother squirrel from reuniting the baby, so picking the baby up will not be an issue. If there is no sight or trace of the mother squirrel, you can help care for the baby squirrels yourself.
- Once you’ve determined that the baby squirrel is indeed an orphan and you would like to take matters into your own hands, call a squirrel rehabilitation center first. After receiving instructions from them, check to see if there are any injuries. If there are, then see a veterinarian and do not try to deal with serious injuries on your own.
- Ensure that the baby squirrels are warm. You can do this by setting up a hot water bottle or heating pad to help keep them heated. Baby squirrels cannot produce their own heat.
- Try to attempt to reunite the baby squirrel with its mother again. You should not try to keep the squirrel as a pet. This process is to help rehabilitate the baby squirrel not to raise it domestically.
- If the mother is still absent, continue to help the baby squirrel. Once the baby squirrel has matured, release the squirrel back into the wild at a safe distance away from pets or another animals.
Although the steps stated can be an option (if approved by your city or province), handling wild animals on your own is not best way to take care of the situation. If you can, try to seek out a professional for these types of services including baby squirrel removal or squirrel control if they are on your property. When looking for baby squirrel removal or squirrel control, consider SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated. We provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. If you’re looking to prevent squirrels from coming in, and proof your home instead, we can do that to. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1.800.981.0330 for Baby Squirrel Removal!
by SOS Wildlife Control | Jan 13, 2016 | Squirrel Control
Last Updated: May 2016
One of the most common urbanized wildlife in Toronto and the GTA is squirrels. Quick footed and fast grabbers, squirrel problems have recently become an urban homeowner’s nightmare. Their small and flexible bodies allow them to go in and out of spaces, hide inside tree barks, and enter structures through cracks and small holes. They are superior climbers and can also utilize chimneys, shingles, and unscreened vents to enter buildings. Much like some of the other wildlife, fall is the season squirrels start looking for a winter home that provides them with safety and warmth. Squirrels are notorious for chewing on various materials like plastic pipes, vents, all kinds of woods, electrical wires, and even siding. Damage from their chewing can cause anything from costly repairs to floods and even fires. While severe damage and potential fires/floods are the more serious squirrel problems, there is also a lot of noise and disturbance caused by these little invaders.
How to identify squirrels on your property?
Usually home or business owners are alerted by the noise squirrels make. They are not nocturnal and can function on next to no sleep, which allow them to be on the go almost all the time. They make quick scampering, light thumping, and scratching sounds. They habituate mostly in the attics and between walls so that’s where the sounds usually come from. Aside from the sounds, they leave droppings, however this may be difficult to identify as homeowners don’t often inspect their attics regularly, or have access to survey between the walls. Though droppings and urine may not be visible, they do have an unpleasant and strong smell that can be an indicator of their presence.
Aside from causing damage to the inside and outside structure of a building; squirrel problems can also include inflicted damage to lawns. Squirrels dig holes to hide their food from their predators. They can chew up landscaped trees and bushes, plants, fruits and vegetables for consumption. What attracts them to residential yards are; bird-feeders, pet foods, and nut and fruit trees.
How to resolve squirrel problems?
While there are many options available for a homeowner to rid of squirrels on their own, there are lots of ambiguities one should be careful of. Results of online research suggest poison, deathly traps, etc. However these options are illegal in Canada and are considered as animal cruelty. There are criminal charges and penalties associated to such activities. One’s safest choice is to contact a professional wildlife removal company. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we can help identify their entry and exit points, and often times provide on-site removal services via live trapping methods. Live trapping is the most humane method to remove squirrels.
What are the Preventive Measures for Squirrel Problems?
There are measures homeowners can take to avoid squirrel problems. One of the most important things is to be aware of any holes or cracks on the foundation of their property. These cracks and holes need to be fixed, soffits need to be secured and sealed shut, and all doors and windows should shut properly. In addition, ensuring no pet food is left outside, bird-feeders and its surrounding are kept clean and free of spread food, and fruits from trees are picked regularly, and the fallen fruits are cleaned up before squirrels get to them, are helpful practices.
Although squirrel problems can be a major nuisance to property owners, their ability to cause damage doesn’t exactly define their characteristics. They are full of personality and fun facts. For an informative read and pictures, you can check out National Geographic‘s write-up on squirrels. For a more summarized fun read, here are some interesting facts about the feathery tailed members of the wildlife:
- Squirrels are natural gardeners. They have superior skills in digging holes for “planting” acorns. They do this gesture for the sole purpose of hiding their food. They bury thousands of acorns per season, and not all of them get found. This gives trees dispersal as it’s good for nuts to be buried in the soil for trees.
- As they are natural gardeners, they can distinguish their foods apart and can store them accordingly. Simple example is the difference between red oak and white oak acorns. White oak acorns germinate faster than the reds, so squirrels tend to eat the white oak acorns first and store the red oak ones for winter. A study in 1996 called Animal Behavior has revealed that squirrels bite off the embryo of white oak acorns, paralyzing the seed’s ability to sprout, which keeps longer without germinating. This gives them variety for winter time snacking.
- Squirrels are brilliant and they prepare for extreme weather conditions by collecting and storing food in hidden spots. In their natural habitats, they eat mushrooms. Many squirrels leave mushrooms between tree branches to dry as they keep better over winter.
- Squirrels can run 20 miles/hour, and their sweat glands are located on their feet.
- There are over 300 different types of squirrels but one of the most common ones we see are called “gray squirrels”. They are also referred to as “living fossils” because they haven’t changed in 37 million years.
Don’t let squirrel problems become an irritant in your life. It is very important to ensure you take action immediately after discovering squirrel invasion in your property. Their habit of chewing almost everything is an expensive repair work, but it can be even more destructive as electrical cables can cause fires, and chewed up water pipes could cause floods.
At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior squirrel removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your squirrel problems.
We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.
by SOS Wildlife Control | Nov 13, 2015 | Squirrel Control
Last Updated: May 2016

How much does squirrel removal cost? Squirrel Removal costs vary as not every squirrel removal job is the same. Calling a wildlife removal service to remove a squirrel in your yard is a lot different to removing squirrels in an attic where baby squirrel removal is also required. There are some very low priced removal services, some higher than average, but in all aspects of life you get what you pay for. Fortunately learning what you are paying for has got a lot easier with customer review sites. For wildlife removal in Toronto, Homestars is a great site to see previous customer experience with wildlife removal companies. You can check out our reviews on Homestars here. Squirrel removal is our business and it is very important to us to do the job right and make the customer happy. Please don’t forget if you use our service to leave us a review for our future customers.
Squirrel Removal Cost
For immediate squirrel removal solutions it will vary in cost from $275 to $500. With SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated this will include a full inspection of the roof, attic and other areas of premises to determine all entry routes. We will seal up holes the squirrel has made and install a one way door. The one way door will permit the animal to leave and not re-enter. Additional damages needing to be covered are not included in that price.
We offer additional services for additional charges. If you have a bigger problem you will need to have the problem inspected by a wildlife technician who can then provide you with a quote. Bigger problems include multiple animals living in your home or wildlife proofing your property to prevent future nuisance wildlife entering etc.
Squirrel in the Attic:
Noise in your attic is usually caused by unexpected guest, usually a squirrel. Squirrels are one of the most common wildlife pests. One common complaint is the hearing of “scratching”, which usually ends up being a squirrel in the attic.
Call us for squirrel removal at 647-994-9453.
Since squirrels are rodents, their front teeth continuously grow, causing the squirrel to chew, in order to keep their teeth sharp. This is why most of the damage caused by squirrels includes damages caused by chewing. When in nature, squirrels tend to chew on tree barks, twigs and other natural hard items. But when confined in your attic, they chew on electric wiring, roof braces, wood and electrical fixtures. If you hear chewing or scratching in your attic don’t hesitate to call us at SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated.
How are Squirrels removed?
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated will arrive at your home, inspect your attic or garage or wherever you hear the wild animal and provide you with a thorough outline of what the problem is, finding the main entry point, the options you have and give you an estimate.
The standard humane method for removing squirrels is with a one-way door covering the main entry hole. This ensures the squirrels leaves and cannot re-enter. This involves little to no contact with the squirrel which is the most humane option.
If it is during baby season the technician will be able to seek out the babies and remove them from the property. Once the technician have all the babies, they will put them in a safe heated box close to the one way door that is set up for the mother. Eventually the mother will come and relocate the babies to a new den. Read further on baby squirrel removal.
Other principals to consider with squirrel removal cost
As the prices will vary from company to company in Toronto GTA there are a few other principals you should consider along with the price.
- Wildlife control is a highly specialized work with unique liabilities dealing with wild animals.
- There is no one price fits all as every job is different.
- If you don’t take care of the problem immediately it will end up costing a lot more in the future.
- You pay for what you get! Hiring the cheapest company may mean bad workmanship. We have received plenty of phone calls from customers who have had bad experiences with other companies and are willing to pay whatever it takes to get the job done. Bad workmanship and still having wildlife in your home can be very frustrating and you will just want them out.
- Wildlife professionals are not government licensed so you need to ensure the company you hire know the law, what is legal and illegal. You can read up on the law yourself on the Ministry of Natural Resources website. Ensure the technicians removal techniques are humane and they know that animals have rights too. Incompetent advice, poor workmanship, health and safety issues and inhumane treatment of wildlife are characteristics you want to avoid. When hiring a company ask them about the animal, they should know the life cycle of the animal, be aware of birthing seasons and complete an inspection of your attic. Check customer Homestar reviews like ours, please check our Homestar Reviews and leave us one (upon hire). This is one of the best ways to get to know a company.
Our professionals at SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated can assist you with your squirrel control problem. We will come to your property and provide a consultation for your unique squirrel problem and remove it from the site in the required manner. Our services include:
- Squirrel removal
- Squirrel control
- Squirrel proofing
- Squirrel trapping
SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated has completed courses, knows the law and ensure all removals are humane. All our technicians have years of experience and have the animals safety as their top priority.
Please note that the city does not provide wildlife removal services, they do provide services for pets but they will not remove wildlife from your home. You need to contact a professional like SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated for that – You can read more in our blog “Animal Control vs Wildlife Control in Toronto“
It is illegal in Ontario to kill these animals. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry regulates rehabilitation of wildlife and squirrels must be humanely removed and relocated.
Call us today to schedule humane squirrel removal 1.800.981.0330
Quick Squirrel Facts:
- Color is usually Gray with a white belly but there are several color phases, i.e. brown, black, etc.
- Weight slightly varies between Males & Females weighing around 1-2 pounds
- Will gain access to your home by:
- Chimneys
- Roof vents
- Attic fans
- Stove, dryer and furnace vents
- Wood siding
- Damage they will cause once inside home:
- Contamination of insulation
- Chewing of electrical wires and cables
- Young may fall between walls and die, causing an odor
- Urine & feces contamination
by SOS Wildlife Control | Nov 12, 2015 | Squirrel Control
Last Updated: May 2016
Small and quick footed, these little creatures can cause quite the headache to many homeowners across the GTA. Squirrel Damage is one of the most common wildlife problems in Ontario. We see them everywhere, under all types of weather conditions; squirrels are a part of our culture, and of our natural environment. The trouble starts when the weather conditions become more and more extreme, and they start looking for shelter. As it starts snowing and weather gets colder, squirrels start looking for a new home. Often times they sneak in through garage doors, structural cracks, climb through left open doors and windows and climb down your chimneys. Their preference? Your attic! Squirrels in the attic is very common as it is quiet, well insulated, and away from the people. They like to build their dens, and bring their young ones over here. During their stay, they leave behind their feces and plenty of urine. This in return attracts other animals and the squirrel damage begins. Aside from spreading germs and possible diseases, squirrels also cause physical harm to your property. Their urine will weaken the floors, ceilings and lead to leaking. It will stain and spread very quickly.
It’s in their nature for squirrels to chew. They chew on variety of things including metal to keep their teeth short and sharp. Just like their nails, their teeth also grow, and this the only way they know how to keep it trimmed. Squirrel bite marks are the most common damage found where they have set up their dens. They are also notorious for chewing on electrical cables. This is not only a headache to replace; it’s also extremely dangerous as it been the cause of house fires across Canada and the U.S. Their sharp nails which help them climb and grip is also problematic when it comes to damages. They scratch hardwood and plastic surfaces, digging their nails in as deep as half an inch.
Squirrels main objective is to seek warmth and security from extreme weather conditions for themselves and their families. Unlike skunks and raccoons, one would rarely see these little creatures wandering around their home. They are often in hiding in places like the attic or under staircases. Because they don’t wander around the house looking for food, they source external resources and bring their food into their dens. In order for them to enter and exit in and out of your property, they tend to create an obvious opening if there isn’t already one existing. Using their teeth and fingers, they chew out and carve openings where they can bring in food they find outside for themselves and their families. They usually eat through shingles on the roof, or vent pipes to make their entrance ways. All of these damages can be extremely costly and have domino effect in determining repairs.
In not so extreme weather conditions, squirrels still go around, causing damage to properties. They can eat through lead sheathing, fiberglass, and polyethylene. These surfaces are inclusive of but not limited to roofs, water pipes, doors, sliding doors, etc. The squirrel damage caused on one’s property can depreciate the value of one’s home, cause injuries, and under worst case scenarios, even cause fire. Needless to say these little wildlife creatures and the damage they are capable of causing are nothing to be taken lightly.
How to Detect and Avoid Squirrel Damage on your Property
Although the most residents of Toronto and the GTA lead a very busy life, it’s very important to take the time to survey your property regularly to detect wildlife control needs. This includes looking out for scratches, stained or smelly surfaces, cracks and holes both inside and outside of the structure. Property owners should also check the attic, under staircases and under their porches regularly as these spots are prime real estate for not only squirrels but other wildlife as well.
Squirrel damage can be avoided by being proactive and ensuring all repair requiring work gets completed quickly and thoroughly. If the repair work can’t be conducted immediately, temporary solutions should be seeked. Aside from caring for the structure of your property, all steps should be taken as per our squirrel control guidelines.
If you suspect squirrel problems in your property, you should contact wildlife removal technicians immediately as the damage can be hefty and theyre may be health and home hygiene impacts. Our professional technicians here at SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated can help with all of your squirrel removal needs, as well as help identify damages on your property. As per all the damage and repair bills they are capable of causing, squirrels are not only a nuisance but they are dangerous. For the well being of your family and your property, you should seek professional services and ensure you are practicing preventative measures for wildlife entry to your property.
While squirrel damages can be looked at as a financial downer, it can be an emotional one as well. One’s first home, family home, place of employment all have sentimental values attached to memory. Don’t let squirrels ruin this attachment and contact professionals to help humanely get rid of squirrels.
At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior squirrel control services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your squirrel problems, before you have to start dealing with repair bills caused by squirrel damage. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests.
Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 for squirrel damage or squirrel control!