Get ready for Baby Season!

Last Updated: June 2016

Baby Season

This time of year is popularly known as baby season. The colder weather has passed, brighter colors are starting to make an appearance, plants are getting ready to bloom and raccoon babies are being born on y our property. During these months, mother raccoons, squirrels and many other mammals are either getting ready to have their babies or already have. Once they have had their babies, the next several weeks are spent childrearing, ensuring that their young is equipped with the right skills and training necessary to fend for themselves in the wild. Baby mammals are always a charming sight to see when admiring in the wild from afar – unfortunately in some cases what ends up happening is, the mother uses attics, garages etc. instead! While their fascinating appearances may awe and fool you, having wild mammals indoors can be quite disruptive and destructive. This problem however, can be avoided either by taking several precautions.

Be Proactive!

Being proactive can save you time, money, and hassle. A single raccoon on your property is one thing, but a family of raccoons or a bunch of squirrels running around your attic is definitely an increase of problems. In order to keep a family of wildlife from selecting your property as their new home, something that you can do on your own is to make your home as unappealing to them as possible. Because these mammals are looking for a habitable spaces that are dark, a reduced risk of encounters with humans or other predators and a possible food source, making these thing unavailable will discourage them from selecting your property.
Here are a couple things you can do to keep animals selecting your property as their new home

  • Ensure that food is properly sealed to avoid attracting wildlife to your property
  • Take notice of any holes, cracks or weak spots in the building structure that wildlife can use as an entry point
  • Some wildlife species avoid bright lights and loud noise. If possible, you can use these as a method to deter wildlife from approaching your property
  • Make sure that trash and waste is disposed of properly

Another very effective way to keep wildlife babies from being born and raised on your property is a wildlife prevention services conducted by a professional wildlife removal company. Wildlife prevention services include a thorough inspection of your property where technicians locate weak areas and potential entrances for wildlife. Once they have all been located and accounted for, technicians proceed by screening these areas to keep wildlife from getting through. These methods will ensure that wildlife will not be able to get into your property to make a home for themselves and to raise their babies.  Wildlife prevention conducted by SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated keeps it so that your home remains intact, free of wildlife damage and free of nuisance.

Take Action!

If you’re in a situation where wildlife families have already found their way onto your property, and you are the (not so) proud host of a 4-5 baby raccoons in your attic, it’s not too late. In order for wildlife babies to have the best chance of survival, they need their mother – which is why whatever method you take to remove wildlife from your property, you must ensure that they remain together. This can be tricky without the required training, equipment and experience. Therefore, calling a professional is always recommended. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians are professionals in wildlife removal and wildlife baby removal. They are familiar with and follow the regulations in place to ensure that in the process of wildlife removal and wildlife baby removal, the animals are given their best chance for survival, and they are not harmed. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated is humane, efficient and effective when dealing with all sorts of wildlife problems.

If you require assistance with wildlife baby raccoon removal or would like to schedule an appointment for wildlife prevention services, call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 1.800.981.0330 today!

At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide wildlife baby raccoon removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problem. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for your wildlife baby removal needs.



Last Updated: June 2016

Spiders are critters from the order of Araneae. They have eight legs, and fangs that inject venom. Spider removal is highly recommended if these tiny little guys come in your home as can become an irritating and frustrating situation. Contact a local pest control technician near you to do a spider removal to avoid dealing with them yourself. Spiders like many other types of bugs lay thousands of eggs, therefore, it’s better getting it done sooner than later.

What’s commonly known and feared about spiders are their bites. Several spider bites can cause an allergic reaction, however spiders don’t generally bite unless they’re threatened. Two dangerous spiders that are commonly found in North American countries are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse.

Black Widow Bites

Sometimes people don’t notice they got bitten by a black widow spider, they just notice the bite because of the mark the fangs has left, however most of the time when you get bitten by a black widow spider you will experience immediate pain, swelling, redness, and itchiness. Some people will rub the bite too much and or scratch which will then can cause minor skin problems.

Brown Recluse Bites

Once you’re bitten by a Brown Recluse you will feel a mild stinging, extreme pain, redness, swelling, and itchiness. This usually occurs for eight hours but can go for even longer. The bite of the Brown Recluse will look bruised sometimes purple, sometimes red, and there would be several rings around it making it look like a bulls eye. The Brown Recluse spider bite will also give you fluid filled blisters on where the bite is located. This could all be very annoying, dangerous, and painful so once you locate a spider in your house have them removed immediately.

 *This post is informational. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated does not provide Spider Control Services 


Are You Having Cockroach Problems at Your Home?”

Once the insects have invaded and entrenched themselves in a house,banishing them can be a challenge. It can be difficult to take control of a cockroach seized home without special equipment, techniques, and products.

As an individual, you may be able to use some caulks and keep the cockroaches away for a while. But the ones already in the house may have left their traces which could be sufficient to transmit health problems. Here, professional pest control management can help by removing the cockroaches and cleaning the debris, leaving behind no traces of these infectious insects.

The best way to make sure your house is safe and free from cockroaches is to call SOS Pest Control and get a cockroach inspection process done. We understand the reproductive department of cockroaches found in Toronto. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated:

  • Uses eco-friendly,safe chemicals to kill cockroaches
  • Minimizes The chances of further infestations
  • Ensures a secure and healthy environment
  • has special technicians who are best trained to eliminate these species and their offspring
  • Uses special roach extermination methods
  • Advices preventive measures to restrain future cockroach infestations
  • Provides highly competitive pricing structure, making it easy for you to keep the roaches out of you house

SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated provides wildlife removal and pest control services to residential, industrial, and commercial clients in Toronto and the surrounding GTA. Our certified wildlife removal and pest control technicians make sure all wildlife and pest control problems are taken care of humanly, effectively, and efficiently. We have years of experience in wildlife control, wildlife removal, pest control, and nuisance wildlife prevention. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated can help solve your wildlife and pest control problems in Toronto and the surrounding GTA.

Hence, for a tranquil environment in and around the house, call now – SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated.

Cockroaches are closely associated with humans and their surroundings. They are the oldest and the most resilient insects on earth.Today’s pervasive and robust cockroaches look very similar to the early ones. The indoor existence of these insects usually forges an unhygienic situation and can constitute numerous health concerns to humans.They contaminate food and spread germs.

There are more than 4500 types of cockroaches, but the ones that humans need to worry about are of five types: American Cockroaches, Brown-banded Cockroaches, German Cockroaches, Oriental Cockroaches, and Wood Cockroaches. Most of these species in Canada have wings but are not competent for continuous strong flights.Their oval-shaped, flat body helps them to hide in cramped areas.

American cockroaches are the largest ones found in the house. Their wings develop ones they turn into adults. Females can incubate about 150 offspring per year.These cockroaches eat everything, including plants and insects. Their life span is about 2 years.

Brown-banded Cockroaches have two pale bands across their dark-brownish bodies. This is where they get their name from.They avoid light and water if they can. Females have smaller wings than the males.Their life span is about 5-6 months.

German cockroaches are the most common ones and are found all around the world. Their life span is about 100-200 days. Kitchen and bathrooms are their favorite places which provide easy access to food and water. A female German Cockroach can hatch between 20-40 eggs, and unlike other roaches she carries them with her until they are ready to hatch.This makes them immensely relentless and intractable to get rid of.

Oriental cockroaches are large and dark compared to other cockroaches. They are considered as the dirtiest of all cockroaches and are mostly found in pipes and drains.

Wood Cockroaches are similar to the American Cockroaches, slightly smaller in size. Their attraction toward light makes them different from other species.They are considered as ‘outside roaches’. They favorite hideouts are wood piles, decaying logs, and loose bark.Life span of a wood cockroach is of about 2 years.

Facts About Cockroach

  • Cockroaches can spread about 33 different kinds of bacteria
  • Cockroaches can live without water for about 2 weeks
  • Cockroaches can live without food for about a month
  • A cockroach can live for about a week without its head
  • A cockroach can run up to 3 miles in an hour
  • Some female cockroaches mate only once and stay pregnant for life
  • Cockroaches can hold their breath for about 40 minutes
  • Cockroaches multiply very fast
  • Cockroaches can survive in almost every setting
  • A one-day old baby cockroach is about the size of a mark of dust.
  • The world’s largest cockroach is about six-inches long
  • Average length of a cockroach can vary between half to 2 inches.
  • Cockroaches love beer. This is because of its sugar content
  • Cockroaches are cold-blooded animals.
  • Cockroaches cannot survive too cold surroundings. Hence, they look for warm hideouts.

Cockroach Problems

Cockroaches precisely seek out cozy homes which have easy access to food, water, and warmth. However, they may cause serious health issues to humans.Before coming in contact with the kitchen surface areas or food utensils, cockroaches crawl through garbage and dirt, therefore spread the bacteria.

According to pest control experts, health complications produced by the cockroaches commence with the allergens they fabricate. To be more specific – the saliva, droppings, and shed body parts of a cockroach contain proteins which may develop allergic reactions in many people.

Cockroaches can also trigger asthmatic conditions; cause food poisoning; and pneumonia. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), cockroaches can spread bacteria which cause diseases like:

  • Cholera
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Typhoid fever
  • Plague
  • Skin infections
  • Campylobacteriosis

These infectious insects prefer locations which are dark, moist, warm, and secure for them. Most common ones are:

  • Basements
  • Ductwork
  • Under kitchen sinks
  • Furnace rooms
  • Crawl spaces
  • Drains and pipes

However, major issues are related to the ones in the kitchen, as they are immediate source of unhealthy environment.It is challenging to keep the roaches out. But you can start with reducing their access to food and water. Maintain good hygienic conditions and apply caulks or boric acid powder near pipes, sinks, cabinets, and other small cracks. If there are signs of the roaches in the house, seek help from the experts.

1-800-981-0330 OR 647-994-9453

Our Service Area for Greater Toronto Area


4576 Yonge St, Suite 600 Toronto,
ON, M2N 6N4


Call today toll-free 1-800-981-0330 to schedule cockroach removal

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Last Updated: June 2016

Beetle’s are pests that can cause great damage to your home. If you have a beetle infestation we advise you to hire a pest removal company immediately for beetle removal. Beetles are normally black in appearance but come in various other colors such as bright green, brown, yellowish brown, and a lighter black. Beetles have two pairs of wings; one pair of their wing is continued on its back and abdomens. The wings harden like a shell to protect their body. A female beetle can lay dozens to several eggs, which can be problematic if they lay their eggs inside your home. Pheromone is a substance released by beetles and some other insects; this is the way these insects communicate with each other and invites more beetles into your home. The two common types of beetles you will find in your home are the carpet beetle and the black beetle.

Carpet Beetle

Carpet beetles are usually 3 mm long and they belong to the dermestidae family. Carpet beetles are often yellowish brown, with white and black spots and lines all over them. Carpet beetles usually like to come inside our homes as pests which is why beetle removal, preferably by a professional, is recommended. Carpet beetles can cause great damage to your home, and can damage thing such as  furniture clothing and etc. Carpet beetles also often feed on organic things such as skin, fur, wool, leather. These beetles usually like to stay and lay eggs in carpets, under baseboards and closets. Therefore you will have to do a beetle removal once you spot them in your house because they will be damaging to your home. A way these beetles come in your home is often through your garden and flowers since they also feed off of pollen sometimes.

Black Beetle

Black beetles are black and and are about half an inch in size. These small critters have size as an advantage as they can avoid being seen and caught. Beetles usually feed on plants eating pollen from flowers which often comes the main reason why the beetles are coming into your home.  Both the Black Beetle and the Carpet beetle will come inside your house and stay in enclosed spaces. They can be very damaging to your home, furniture, clothes, and plants which is why it is important to do a beetle removal if they come inside your home.

*This post is informational. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated does not provide Beetle Control Services

Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open During Raccoon Baby Season!

Last Updated: June 2016

Spring time is the season for colorful and brighter flowers, leaves growing back onto branches, the sound of birds becoming more and more noticeable in the morning and of course, spring time is raccoon baby season. Spring is recognized by nature leaving its state of cold, winter hibernation state, and awakening into a more lively state which includes newborn raccoons. Baby raccoons are born without the ability to see and fully depending on its mother for food, shelter and protection. Like all babies, baby raccoons require special care due to his or her inability to care for themselves as a young animal. Their delicate features and lack of exposure to the wild makes them fully dependent for care. This is why specific precautions are taken when handling a situation that involves baby raccoons. If you happen to be in a problem faced with needing to remove baby raccoons from your property, call for a professional. To minimize the risk of harming the baby raccoon and being faced with a mother raccoon, a licensed and trained wildlife removal technician is the person most suitable to get the job done rather than trying to do it yourself.

Raccoon Baby Season occurs early spring to early summer. Female raccoons usually give birth to 1 litter a year consisting of about 3 to 7 kits (baby raccoons). Females begin mating once they have reached sexual maturity at 1 year, and male raccoons once they are about 2 years old. Factors such as climate and weather are conditions that affect the mating and season of baby raccoons which is due to the varying times. Usually, mating occurs in January and after a gestation period of about 65-65 days, baby raccoons can be born as early as March.

Baby Raccoon

Baby raccoons, also known as kits are born weighing almost 2 oz. at birth. They are adorable little mammals who are born with their eyes shut, and are not able to fully see until they are about 21 days. In raccoon baby season, after the kits are born, they have a very light fur but their trademark physical characteristics are still present. The dark mask across the eyes is faint but visible, along with the rings around the tail. If not, the features present themselves as early as a week after. At about 4 weeks after the baby raccoons are born, they are able to stand and once they are walking, it appears to be a crawl with their arm and legs outstretched. At about 6 weeks, baby raccoons are actively walking, running and climbing. Although they have the ability to become independent soon after, many young raccoons will stay their mother for about a year.

Raccoon Baby Season

Homeowners and property owners of any kind should be aware when it is raccoon baby season. During this time, as early as March, raccoons will be on the lookout for a suitable shelter for herself and her young. Once a comfortable setting has been established, the mother raccoon will give birth to about 3-7 kits. If you have baby raccoons in your home, you will probably hear the mother raccoon more actively, as she is tending to the needs of her babies. The baby raccoons will make noises that sound like chirping noises. If you happen to be faced with a litter of kits on your property during this raccoon baby season, call for a professional to help you remove them. Raccoons are not very aggressive mammals unless they are threatened, and a mother raccoon will definitely defend if necessary.  This is why a professional animal/wildlife removal company is the best solution to handle this. Special precautions are taken to not harm the wildlife and so there is minimal risk involved. During this process, the mother raccoon is first removed. Once she is away, and it is safe to do so, the babies are placed in a comfortable heated box to stay. The box is then moved to a place easily found and easily accessible for the mother raccoon to find where she will then take each kit one by one to another established shelter for her to raise them. When people try to attempt this with no training or education on the matter, they risk harming the mother raccoon, her young and themselves. It is a delicate process that should be handled by a professional. If a baby raccoon is found with no signs of a mother, the best option is to call a wildlife rehabilitator company like the Toronto Wildlife Centre. Although it may seem easy and safe because the raccoons are so small and easy to care for, please do not take them in to be domesticated. A raccoon’s mother is the best care a young raccoon can receive and a professional is the next best.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, we provide superior raccoon baby season services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated 1-800-981-0330 today!